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Last active August 29, 2024 23:17
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Trying to use VSCode from a Flatpak using Podman-Remote to connect to Host to use DevContainers

Using VSCode Flatpak to launch Podman-Remote containers for DevContainers




Install Visual Studio Code

Install Visual Studio Code and a Podman tool

~ flatpak search com.visualstudio.code
Name                                       Description                                               Application ID                                 Version                        Branch              Remotes
Visual Studio Code                         Visual Studio Code. Code editing. Redefined.              com.visualstudio.code                          1.57.1-1623936438              stable              flathub-root,flathub
Visual Studio Code (Insiders)              Visual Studio Code. Code editing. Redefined.              com.visualstudio.code.insiders                 1.61.0-1630915382              beta                flathub-beta
Code - OSS                                 Visual Studio Code. Code editing. Redefined.              com.visualstudio.code-oss                      1.47.2                         beta                flathub-beta
Podman                                     A tool for managing OCI containers and pods               com.visualstudio.code.tool.podman              3.3.1                          20.08               flathub-root,flathub
fish                                       The user-friendly command line shell                            3.3.1                          20.08               flathub-root,flathub
Code - OSS                                 Visual Studio Code. Code editing. Redefined.              com.visualstudio.code-oss                      1.60.0                         stable              flathub-root,flathub
➜  ~ flatpak --user install flathub com.visualstudio.code com.visualstudio.code.tool.podman

Override Flatpak to allow Podman Socket

See the GitHub issue for vscode flatpak issue 55.

flatpak override --user --filesystem=xdg-run/podman com.visualstudio.code

Enable Podman Socket for the User

systemctl --user enable --now podman.socket

Setup Visual Studio Code to use Podman-Remote

Install the following plugins.

flatpak run --command=bash com.visualstudio.code
code --install-extension ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack

This installs the Remote Development VSCode Plugin pack to enable Container development. Now, press CTRL+SHIF+P and open Settings (UI). Search for docker and replace the docker executable word with podman-remote.

Test if podman-remote works

This was a little confusing at first, for some reason, I thought it would just use podman but it provides podman-remote.

  1. Open Visual Studio Code (Flatpak).
  2. Press CTRL+(backtick) to launch terminal.
  3. Type the following
podman-remote container ls

This should show the list of Container Images, if any.

Create the DevContainer enabled project


    "image": ""

Launch code in the project with devcontainer

Inside of VSCode, open a folder. Then when prompted, Reopen folder in DevContainer.

The errors listed below should be what appear. The subsequent times I tried opening this, I could not get the logs to show. Probably has soemthing to do with a cached image, or volume.

[139 ms] Remote-Containers 0.183.0 in VS Code 1.57.1 (507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48).
[138 ms] Start: Resolving Remote
[144 ms] Setting up container for folder or workspace: /var/home/dudleyp/Documents/Development/Golang/vscode_devcontainer_example
[155 ms] Start: Check Docker is running
[155 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote version --format {{.Server.APIVersion}}
[241 ms] Server API version: 3.1.0
[255 ms] Start: Run: git rev-parse --show-cdup
[266 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote ps -q -a --filter label=vsch.local.folder=/var/home/dudleyp/Documents/Development/Golang/vscode_devcontainer_example --filter label=vsch.quality=stable
[300 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type image
[351 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote -v
[383 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote events --format json --filter event=start
[390 ms] Start: Starting container
[390 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote run --sig-proxy=false -a STDOUT -a STDERR --mount type=bind,source=/var/home/dudleyp/Documents/Development/Golang/vscode_devcontainer_example,target=/workspaces/vscode_devcontainer_example --mount type=volume,src=vscode,dst=/vscode -l vsch.local.folder=/var/home/dudleyp/Documents/Development/Golang/vscode_devcontainer_example -l vsch.quality=stable -l vsch.remote.devPort=0 --entrypoint /bin/sh -c echo Container started ; trap "exit 0" 15; while sleep 1 & wait $!; do :; done
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:be91c38d26fffbfafc3f2df63d098e225eb62b951d509a002d1ab6b1f245ffb8
Copying blob sha256:2756ef5f69a5190f4308619e0f446d95f5515eef4a814dbad0bcebbbbc7b25a8
Copying blob sha256:27b0a22ee906271a6ce9ddd1754fdd7d3b59078e0b57b6cc054c7ed7ac301587
Copying blob sha256:8c9b225c5e05003a6c5b3d83a1ecb00b2ac55d2ef9d404065039a4f99a5da1c6
Copying blob sha256:955615a668ce169f8a1443fc6b6e6215f43fe0babfb4790712a2d3171f34d366
Copying blob sha256:4e94c8ba5874feacb79d2235c4b275408a5110a5c12fd4c45200199ad8847091
Copying blob sha256:911ea9f2bd51e53a455297e0631e18a72a86d7e2c8e1807176e80f991bde5d64
Copying config sha256:4f66698aec33de68b52df801d79cbf5d707b1f8d2c633734ea88860688bcafa4
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
Container started
[2246 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type container 9d80bd8250d1797e2cb2840ece2129d71a3decd9cb726e034cf7379c5d586c08
[2294 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote ps -q -a --filter label=vsch.local.folder=/var/home/dudleyp/Documents/Development/Golang/vscode_devcontainer_example --filter label=vsch.quality=stable
[2327 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type container 9d80bd8250d1
[2366 ms] Start: Inspecting container
[2366 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type container 9d80bd8250d1797e2cb2840ece2129d71a3decd9cb726e034cf7379c5d586c08
[2413 ms] Start: Run in container: /bin/sh
[2421 ms] Start: Run in container: uname -m
[2519 ms] x86_64
[2521 ms]
[2521 ms] Start: Run in container: (cat /etc/os-release || cat /usr/lib/os-release) 2>/dev/null
[2528 ms] PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"
[2531 ms]
[2531 ms] Start: Run in container: cat /etc/passwd
[2545 ms] Start: Updating configuration state
[2846 ms] Start: Setup shutdown monitor
[2848 ms] Forking shutdown monitor: /var/home/dudleyp/.var/app/com.visualstudio.code/data/vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers-0.183.0/dist/shutdown/shutdownMonitorProcess /run/user/1000/vscode-remote-containers-c6ae858b7fb5822a0913108047df95849a009728.sock singleContainer Debug /var/home/dudleyp/.var/app/com.visualstudio.code/config/Code/logs/20210906T161131/exthost1/ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers 1630962760546
[2854 ms] Start: Run in container: test -d /root/.vscode-server
[2857 ms]
[2857 ms]
[2857 ms] Exit code 1
[2858 ms] Start: Run in container: test -d /root/.vscode-remote
[2864 ms]
[2864 ms]
[2865 ms] Exit code 1
[2866 ms] Start: Run in container: test -f /var/vscode-server/.patchEtcEnvironmentMarker
[2869 ms]
[2869 ms]
[2869 ms] Exit code 1
[2870 ms] Start: Run in container: set -o noclobber ; mkdir -p '/var/vscode-server' && { > '/var/vscode-server/.patchEtcEnvironmentMarker' ; } 2> /dev/null
[2896 ms]
[2897 ms]
[2897 ms] Start: Run in container: cat >> /etc/environment <<'etcEnvrionmentEOF'
[2902 ms]
[2903 ms]
[2903 ms] Start: Run in container: test -f /var/vscode-server/.patchEtcProfileMarker
[2906 ms]
[2906 ms]
[2906 ms] Exit code 1
[2907 ms] Start: Run in container: set -o noclobber ; mkdir -p '/var/vscode-server' && { > '/var/vscode-server/.patchEtcProfileMarker' ; } 2> /dev/null
[2920 ms]
[2920 ms]
[2921 ms] Start: Run in container: sed -i -E 's/((^|\s)PATH=)([^\$]*)$/\1${PATH:-\3}/g' /etc/profile || true
[2935 ms]
[2936 ms]
[2937 ms] Start: Run in container: set -o noclobber ; mkdir -p '/root/.vscode-server/data/Machine' && { > '/root/.vscode-server/data/Machine/.writeMachineSettingsMarker' ; } 2> /dev/null
[2943 ms]
[2944 ms]
[2944 ms] Start: Run in container: cat /root/.vscode-server/data/Machine/settings.json
[2946 ms]
[2946 ms] cat: /root/.vscode-server/data/Machine/settings.json: No such file or directory
[2947 ms] Exit code 1
[2947 ms] Start: Run in container: test -d /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48
[2949 ms]
[2949 ms]
[2949 ms] Exit code 1
[2949 ms] Start: Run in container: test -d /vscode/vscode-server/bin/x64/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48
[2951 ms]
[2951 ms]
[2951 ms] Exit code 1
[2951 ms] Installing VS Code Server for commit 507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48
[2952 ms] Start: Downloading VS Code Server
[2952 ms] 507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48 x64 stable
[6544 ms] Start: Installing VS Code Server
[6544 ms] Start: Run in container: mkdir -p /vscode/vscode-server/bin/x64/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48_1630962767090
[6550 ms]
[6550 ms]
[6636 ms] Start: Run in container: (dd iflag=fullblock bs=8192 count=5569 2>/dev/null; dd iflag=fullblock bs=4277 count=1 2>/dev/null) | tar --no-same-owner -xz --strip-components 1 -C /vscode/vscode-server/bin/x64/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48_1630962767090
[8539 ms]
[8539 ms]
[8540 ms] Start: Run in container: mv -n /vscode/vscode-server/bin/x64/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48_1630962767090 /vscode/vscode-server/bin/x64/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48
[8545 ms]
[8545 ms]
[8546 ms] Start: Run in container: mkdir -p '/root/.vscode-server/bin' && ln -s '/vscode/vscode-server/bin/x64/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48' '/root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48'
[8552 ms]
[8554 ms]
[8555 ms] Start: Run in container: cd '/vscode/vscode-server/bin/x64' && ls -t | tail -n +10 | xargs rm -rf
[8555 ms] Start: Launching Remote-Containers helper.
[8557 ms] Start: Run: gpgconf --list-dir agent-extra-socket
[8572 ms]
[8573 ms]
[8580 ms] /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.extra
[8583 ms]
[8584 ms] Start: Run in container: gpgconf --list-dir agent-socket
[8595 ms] /root/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent
[8597 ms]
[8599 ms] Start: Run in container: gpgconf --list-dir homedir
[8605 ms] /root/.gnupg
[8606 ms]
[8606 ms] Start: Run in container: ls '/root/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d' 2>/dev/null
[8610 ms]
[8611 ms]
[8611 ms] Exit code 2
[8612 ms] Start: Run in container: mkdir -p -m 700 '/root/.gnupg'
[8615 ms] userEnvProbe: loginInteractiveShell (default)
[8616 ms] userEnvProbe shell: /bin/bash
[8619 ms]
[8620 ms]
[8620 ms] Start: Run in container: command -v git >/dev/null 2>&1 && git config --system credential.helper '!f() { /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node /tmp/vscode-remote-containers-50d5f6c32d3766449088221e957f79e5de354e37.js $*; }; f' || true
[8621 ms] Start: Run: gpgconf --list-dir homedir
[8633 ms] /var/home/dudleyp/.gnupg
[8634 ms]
[8637 ms]
[8637 ms]
[8638 ms] Start: Run in container: cat <<'EOF-/tmp/vscode-remote-containers-50d5f6c32d3766449088221e957f79e5de354e37.js' >/tmp/vscode-remote-containers-50d5f6c32d3766449088221e957f79e5de354e37.js
[8638 ms] Start: Preparing Extensions
[8641 ms]
[8641 ms]
[8646 ms] Start: Run in container: gpgconf --list-dir homedir
[8651 ms] /root/.gnupg
[8651 ms]
[8651 ms] Start: Run in container: set -o noclobber ; mkdir -p '/root/.vscode-server/data/Machine' && { > '/root/.vscode-server/data/Machine/.installExtensionsMarker' ; } 2> /dev/null
[8652 ms] Start: Run: gpg-connect-agent updatestartuptty /bye
[8664 ms]
[8664 ms]
[8666 ms] Start: Run in container: cat <<'EOF-/tmp/vscode-remote-containers-server-50d5f6c32d3766449088221e957f79e5de354e37.js' >/tmp/vscode-remote-containers-server-50d5f6c32d3766449088221e957f79e5de354e37.js
[8673 ms] Extensions cache, install extensions: None
[8675 ms]
[8675 ms]
[8676 ms] Start: Run in container: test -d /root/.vscode-server/extensionsCache && ls /root/.vscode-server/extensionsCache || true
[8677 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node /tmp/vscode-remote-containers-server-50d5f6c32d3766449088221e957f79e5de354e37.js
[8694 ms]
[8694 ms]
[8695 ms] Start: Run in container: test -d /vscode/vscode-server/extensionsCache && ls /vscode/vscode-server/extensionsCache || true
[8701 ms]
[8718 ms]
[8720 ms] Extensions cache, link in container: None
[8722 ms] Start: Run in container: for pid in `cd /proc && ls -d [0-9]*`; do { echo $pid ; readlink /proc/$pid/cwd ; readlink /proc/$pid/ns/mnt ; cat /proc/$pid/stat | tr "
[8803 ms] Start: Starting VS Code Server
[8804 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/ --log debug --force-disable-user-env --use-host-proxy --port 0 --extensions-download-dir /root/.vscode-server/extensionsCache --start-server
[9138 ms]
* Visual Studio Code Server
* Reminder: You may only use this software with Visual Studio family products,
* as described in the license
Extension host agent listening on 34359
[9138 ms] Start: Run in container: echo 34359 >/root/.vscode-server/data/Machine/.devport
[9140 ms]
[9140 ms]
[9141 ms] Port forwarding for container port 34359 starts listening on local port.
[9142 ms] Port forwarding local port 34359 to container port 34359
[9151 ms] userEnvProbe PATHs:
Probe: '/go/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin'
Container: '/go/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin'
[9189 ms] Start: Run in container: set -o noclobber ; mkdir -p '/root/.vscode-server/data/Machine' && { > '/root/.vscode-server/data/Machine/.onCreateCommandMarker' ; } 2> /dev/null
[9200 ms]
[9201 ms]
[9201 ms] Start: Run in container: set -o noclobber ; mkdir -p '/root/.vscode-server/data/Machine' && { > '/root/.vscode-server/data/Machine/.updateContentCommandMarker' ; } 2> /dev/null
[9206 ms]
[9206 ms]
[9207 ms] Start: Run in container: set -o noclobber ; mkdir -p '/root/.vscode-server/data/Machine' && { > '/root/.vscode-server/data/Machine/.postCreateCommandMarker' ; } 2> /dev/null
[9217 ms]
[9218 ms]
[9222 ms] Start: Run in container: command -v git >/dev/null 2>&1 && git config --global credential.helper '!f() { /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node /tmp/vscode-remote-containers-50d5f6c32d3766449088221e957f79e5de354e37.js $*; }; f' || true
[9242 ms]
[9243 ms]
[9244 ms] Start: Run in container: mkdir -p '/root/.vscode-server/data/Machine' && [ "$(cat '/root/.vscode-server/data/Machine/.postStartCommandMarker' 2>/dev/null)" != '2021-09-06T16:12:42.701489557-05:00' ] && echo '2021-09-06T16:12:42.701489557-05:00' > '/root/.vscode-server/data/Machine/.postStartCommandMarker'
[9251 ms]
[9252 ms]
[9309 ms] Port forwarding connection from 39794 > 34359 > 34359 in the container.
[9310 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node -e
[9444 ms] [21:12:49] Extension host agent started.
[9650 ms] Port forwarding connection from 39810 > 34359 > 34359 in the container.
[9651 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node -e
[10066 ms] [21:12:50] [::ffff:][75fb6547][ManagementConnection] New connection established.
[10077 ms] [21:12:50] [::ffff:][8335c2a4][ExtensionHostConnection] New connection established.
[10085 ms] [21:12:50] [::ffff:][8335c2a4][ExtensionHostConnection] <187> Launched Extension Host Process.
[10985 ms] Port forwarding 39794 > 34359 > 34359: Local close
[10990 ms] Port forwarding 39794 > 34359 > 34359 terminated by extension with code null and signal SIGKILL.
[10995 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type container 9d80bd8250d1797e2cb2840ece2129d71a3decd9cb726e034cf7379c5d586c08
[11110 ms] Port forwarding connection from 39818 > 34359 > 34359 in the container.
[11111 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node -e
[11494 ms] [21:12:52] [::ffff:][75fb6547][ManagementConnection] The client has reconnected.
[12651 ms] Port forwarding 39818 > 34359 > 34359: Local close
[12656 ms] Port forwarding 39818 > 34359 > 34359 terminated by extension with code null and signal SIGKILL.
[12663 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type container 9d80bd8250d1797e2cb2840ece2129d71a3decd9cb726e034cf7379c5d586c08
[12755 ms] Port forwarding connection from 39822 > 34359 > 34359 in the container.
[12756 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node -e
[13346 ms] [21:12:53] [::ffff:][75fb6547][ManagementConnection] The client has reconnected.
[14631 ms] Port forwarding 39822 > 34359 > 34359: Local close
[14634 ms] Port forwarding 39822 > 34359 > 34359 terminated by extension with code null and signal SIGKILL.
[14635 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type container 9d80bd8250d1797e2cb2840ece2129d71a3decd9cb726e034cf7379c5d586c08
[14748 ms] Port forwarding connection from 39828 > 34359 > 34359 in the container.
[14749 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node -e
[15280 ms] [21:12:55] [::ffff:][75fb6547][ManagementConnection] The client has reconnected.
[19631 ms] Port forwarding 39828 > 34359 > 34359: Local close
[19635 ms] Port forwarding 39828 > 34359 > 34359 terminated by extension with code null and signal SIGKILL.
[19636 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type container 9d80bd8250d1797e2cb2840ece2129d71a3decd9cb726e034cf7379c5d586c08
[19745 ms] Port forwarding connection from 39832 > 34359 > 34359 in the container.
[19746 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node -e
[20233 ms] [21:13:00] [::ffff:][75fb6547][ManagementConnection] The client has reconnected.
[24633 ms] Port forwarding 39832 > 34359 > 34359: Local close
[24636 ms] Port forwarding 39832 > 34359 > 34359 terminated by extension with code null and signal SIGKILL.
[24657 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type container 9d80bd8250d1797e2cb2840ece2129d71a3decd9cb726e034cf7379c5d586c08
[24752 ms] Port forwarding connection from 39846 > 34359 > 34359 in the container.
[24754 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node -e
[25193 ms] [21:13:05] [::ffff:][75fb6547][ManagementConnection] The client has reconnected.
[29633 ms] Port forwarding 39846 > 34359 > 34359: Local close
[29638 ms] Port forwarding 39846 > 34359 > 34359 terminated by extension with code null and signal SIGKILL.
[29643 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type container 9d80bd8250d1797e2cb2840ece2129d71a3decd9cb726e034cf7379c5d586c08
[29727 ms] Port forwarding connection from 39850 > 34359 > 34359 in the container.
[29727 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node -e
[30206 ms] [21:13:10] [::ffff:][75fb6547][ManagementConnection] The client has reconnected.
[34633 ms] Port forwarding 39850 > 34359 > 34359: Local close
[34637 ms] Port forwarding 39850 > 34359 > 34359 terminated by extension with code null and signal SIGKILL.
[34643 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type container 9d80bd8250d1797e2cb2840ece2129d71a3decd9cb726e034cf7379c5d586c08
[34722 ms] Port forwarding connection from 39854 > 34359 > 34359 in the container.
[34723 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node -e
[35233 ms] [21:13:15] [::ffff:][75fb6547][ManagementConnection] The client has reconnected.
[39634 ms] Port forwarding 39854 > 34359 > 34359: Local close
[39637 ms] Port forwarding 39854 > 34359 > 34359 terminated by extension with code null and signal SIGKILL.
[39644 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type container 9d80bd8250d1797e2cb2840ece2129d71a3decd9cb726e034cf7379c5d586c08
[39748 ms] Port forwarding connection from 39860 > 34359 > 34359 in the container.
[39748 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node -e
[40193 ms] [21:13:20] [::ffff:][75fb6547][ManagementConnection] The client has reconnected.
[44635 ms] Port forwarding 39860 > 34359 > 34359: Local close
[44638 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type container 9d80bd8250d1797e2cb2840ece2129d71a3decd9cb726e034cf7379c5d586c08
[44643 ms] Port forwarding 39860 > 34359 > 34359 terminated by extension with code null and signal SIGKILL.
[44722 ms] Port forwarding connection from 39864 > 34359 > 34359 in the container.
[44722 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node -e
[45170 ms] [21:13:25] [::ffff:][75fb6547][ManagementConnection] The client has reconnected.
[49634 ms] Port forwarding 39864 > 34359 > 34359: Local close
[49637 ms] Port forwarding 39864 > 34359 > 34359 terminated by extension with code null and signal SIGKILL.
[49639 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type container 9d80bd8250d1797e2cb2840ece2129d71a3decd9cb726e034cf7379c5d586c08
[49716 ms] Port forwarding connection from 39868 > 34359 > 34359 in the container.
[49717 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node -e
[50097 ms] [21:13:30] [::ffff:][75fb6547][ManagementConnection] The client has reconnected.
[54635 ms] Port forwarding 39868 > 34359 > 34359: Local close
[54638 ms] Port forwarding 39868 > 34359 > 34359 terminated by extension with code null and signal SIGKILL.
[54640 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type container 9d80bd8250d1797e2cb2840ece2129d71a3decd9cb726e034cf7379c5d586c08
[54714 ms] Port forwarding connection from 39872 > 34359 > 34359 in the container.
[54715 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node -e
[55196 ms] [21:13:35] [::ffff:][75fb6547][ManagementConnection] The client has reconnected.
[59636 ms] Port forwarding 39872 > 34359 > 34359: Local close
[59639 ms] Port forwarding 39872 > 34359 > 34359 terminated by extension with code null and signal SIGKILL.
[59641 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type container 9d80bd8250d1797e2cb2840ece2129d71a3decd9cb726e034cf7379c5d586c08
[59719 ms] Port forwarding connection from 39878 > 34359 > 34359 in the container.
[59720 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node -e
[60197 ms] [21:13:40] [::ffff:][75fb6547][ManagementConnection] The client has reconnected.
[64635 ms] Port forwarding 39878 > 34359 > 34359: Local close
[64638 ms] Port forwarding 39878 > 34359 > 34359 terminated by extension with code null and signal SIGKILL.
[64640 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type container 9d80bd8250d1797e2cb2840ece2129d71a3decd9cb726e034cf7379c5d586c08
[64712 ms] Port forwarding connection from 39882 > 34359 > 34359 in the container.
[64713 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node -e
[65158 ms] [21:13:45] [::ffff:][75fb6547][ManagementConnection] The client has reconnected.
[69637 ms] Port forwarding 39882 > 34359 > 34359: Local close
[69640 ms] Port forwarding 39882 > 34359 > 34359 terminated by extension with code null and signal SIGKILL.
[69644 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type container 9d80bd8250d1797e2cb2840ece2129d71a3decd9cb726e034cf7379c5d586c08
[69704 ms] Port forwarding connection from 39886 > 34359 > 34359 in the container.
[69704 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node -e
[70256 ms] [21:13:50] [::ffff:][75fb6547][ManagementConnection] The client has reconnected.
[74636 ms] Port forwarding 39886 > 34359 > 34359: Local close
[74639 ms] Port forwarding 39886 > 34359 > 34359 terminated by extension with code null and signal SIGKILL.
[74640 ms] Start: Run: podman-remote inspect --type container 9d80bd8250d1797e2cb2840ece2129d71a3decd9cb726e034cf7379c5d586c08
[74713 ms] Port forwarding connection from 39894 > 34359 > 34359 in the container.
[74715 ms] Start: Run in container: /root/.vscode-server/bin/507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48/node -e
[74950 ms] [21:13:55] [::ffff:][75fb6547][ManagementConnection] The client has reconnected.
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FilBot3 commented Sep 6, 2021

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