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Every software architect is a developer but not every developer is an architect


Every software architect is a developer but not every developer is an architect
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Robyer / maven-publish-helper-usage.gradle
Last active July 31, 2024 13:18
Gradle script for publishing Android library with sources and javadoc to Maven repository using maven-publish plugin.
// You can use maven-publish-helper.gradle script without changes and even share it between multiple
// modules. Just place the maven-publish-helper.gradle file in the root directory of your project,
// then apply it at the bottom of your module's build.gradle file like this:
// ...content of module's build.gradle file...
apply from: '../maven-publish-helper.gradle'
publishing {
publications {
dogrocker / Wireless Penetration Testing Cheat
Created July 2, 2016 18:30
Wireless Penetration Testing Cheat Sheet

#Wireless Penetration Testing Cheat Sheet


  • Open the Monitor Mode
root@uceka:~# ifconfig wlan0mon down
root@uceka:~# iwconfig wlan0mon mode monitor
root@uceka:~# ifconfig wlan0mon up
tahmidsadik / purgeAndroid.txt
Created September 19, 2015 18:47
How to completely remove Android Studio from Mac OS X
How to Completely Remove Android Studio
Execute these commands from the terminal
rm -Rf /Applications/Android\
rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/AndroidStudio*
rm ~/Library/Preferences/
rm -Rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/AndroidStudio*
rm -Rf ~/Library/Logs/AndroidStudio*
hjortron / script
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::DOM;
use WWW::Mechanize;
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 0 );
open my $outfh, ">", "out.csv" or die $!;
open (csvFile,'F:/tmp/3dcart list.csv') || die "Failed to open CSV file: $!\n";
while (<csvFile>){
shrayasr / OLD_OLD_OLD_install_tmux_osx_no_brew.html
Last active July 17, 2023 14:45
[OBSOLETE] Install tmux on OSX WITHOUT brew
# Create a directory
mkdir ~/tmux-install
cd ~/tmux-install
# Get the files
curl -OL
curl -OL
# Extract them
tar xzf tmux-1.5.tar.gz
kevin-smets /
Last active September 17, 2024 13:07
iTerm2 + Oh My Zsh + Solarized color scheme + Source Code Pro Powerline + Font Awesome + [Powerlevel10k] - (macOS)





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
<application android:label="@string/app_name">
skyisle / build.gradle
Last active December 23, 2015 14:39
get versionCode from manifest
def getVersionCodeFromManifest() {
def manifestContent = file(android.sourceSets.main.manifest.srcFile).getText()
def matcher = (~"versionCode=\"(\\d+)\"").matcher(manifestContent)
return Integer.parseInt(
def getVersionCodeFromManifestLong() {
def manifestFile = android.sourceSets.main.manifest.srcFile
def xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath()