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Created March 31, 2017 09:17
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Hangman game in Python
# hangman
# in this application i have a list of predifined words. each time user has to guess a word considering its length and shown like password.
# user has to choose letter by letter. cant have duplicate letter. we counte the steps.
import random
from pip._vendor.html5lib._ihatexml import letter
def get_word():
words = ['choose','list','iran','behboudi','italia','instagram','facebook','war','likeit','motivation','crazy','dirty','love','hate','trump','who','mom','water','torta','kill','no','fardin']
return random.choice(words).upper()
word = get_word()
word_letter = list(word)
def check(word,guesses,guess):
status = ''
match = 0
for letter in word:
if letter in guesses:
status += letter
status += "*"
if letter == guess:
match += 1
if match > 1 :
print 'you have gussed ', match, 'letter truly "'+ guess +'"'+'\'s'
elif match == 1:
print 'you have gussed 1 letter truly', guess
print 'Entered input does not exist in the word '
return status
def main():
#print word_letter
num_of_guess = 0
guesses = []
guessed = False
test = '*' * len(word_letter)
print 'welcome!!! the word is \"', test , '\" and it has ', len(word_letter),' you should guess it now :)'
while not guessed:
guess = raw_input('please input your letter or word ')
guess = guess.upper()
if len(guess) == 1 or len(guess) == len(word_letter):
num_of_guess += 1
if guess in guesses:
print 'you already guessed ',guess
elif len(guess) == len(word):
if guess == word :
guessed = True
print 'sorry not currect'
elif len(guess) == 1:
result = check(word, guesses, guess)
if '*' not in result :
guessed = True
print result
print 'you should enter only 1 letter or a word with length? ', len(word_letter),' please enter again '
print 'you found the the word: ', word ,':) in ',num_of_guess,'steps'
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