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Mark and Recall


This is quick pair of functions inspired by the "Elderscrolls III: Morrowind" traveling spells.


Allow the user to mark and quickly return to an arbitrary location (i.e. file path) by typing a keyword.

Expected Outcomes

sickcodes / tasks.yml
Created May 26, 2021 09:50 — forked from lrvick/tasks.yml
Mac Ansible management example
- name: Check if Previously Run
path: /var/log/ansible.log
register: ansible_logfile
- name: Enable FileVault2
filevault: enabled=true
become_user: root
lrvick / tasks.yml
Created May 18, 2021 22:40
Mac Ansible management example
- name: Check if Previously Run
path: /var/log/ansible.log
register: ansible_logfile
- name: Enable FileVault2
filevault: enabled=true
become_user: root
noseka1 / JSONPath in kubectl
Last active July 19, 2024 13:07
JSONPath in kubectl CLI examples


$ kubectl get pods -o json
$ kubectl get pods -o jsonpath='{@}'
$ kubectl get pods -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'
$ kubectl get pods -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'
$ kubectl get pods -o jsonpath="{.items[*]['', 'status.capacity']}"
$ kubectl get pods -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\t"}{.status.startTime}{"\n"}{end}'
$ kubectl get pods -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.podIP}'
lucaguada /
Last active April 4, 2024 07:19
Steps to fully install Ubuntu Server and MiniKube on Raspberry Pi 4 (wip)

How to install Ubuntu Server and Minikube on Raspberry Pi 4 4GB+ (recommended)

Disclaimer: this step-by-step GIST has been created with no guarantees, I may have missed some steps because of distraction or chiptune improvised on-chair-dancing, so be patient and let me know if I must add or fix something.

This is the way for living long and prospering!

Download Raspberry Pi Imager

Download and install Raspberry Imager:

berkant / cloud-init.cfg
Last active April 26, 2024 17:58
Cloud-init config to set up my Ubuntu dev machine.
## template: jinja
{% if v1.distro_release == 'focal' %}
- name: berkant
shell: /usr/bin/bash
ssh_import_id: gh:berkant
nirbhabbarat /
Last active June 30, 2024 18:13
setup gitlab on minikube using helm3

Setup gitlab on minikube using helm3

Start minikube with virtualbox driver

minikube start \
  --driver=virtualbox \
  --cpus 4 \
  --memory 8192

Recomended: 8 CPU and 30 GB RAM (for demo we are going to use minimal setup)

trisberg /
Last active July 19, 2024 18:23
Using a Local Registry with Minikube

Using a Local Registry with Minikube

Install a local Registry

These instructions include running a local registry accessible from Kubernetes as well as from the host development machine at

  1. Use the docker CLI to run the registry:2 container from Docker, listening on port 5000, and persisting images in the ~/.registry/storage directory.
jamesrcounts / Dockerfile
Last active December 19, 2023 11:04
Snippets to illustrate container pipelines in Azure DevOps
FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.2-aspnetcore-runtime-alpine
RUN apk update && apk upgrade --no-cache
COPY ./dist .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "parrot.dll"]
nrocco /
Last active December 15, 2023 00:41
Alpine Playground with libvirt

First download alpine-make-vm-image from

wget \
    && echo '5fb3270e0d665e51b908e1755b40e9c9156917c0  alpine-make-vm-image' | sha1sum -c \
    || exit 1
mv alpine-make-vm-image /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/alpine-make-vm-image

Create a new alpine qcow2 image