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Last active July 21, 2023 10:51
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Tech to handle MediaStream playback in Videojs
import videojs from 'video.js';
const Html5 = videojs.getTech('Html5');
const supportsSrcObject = 'srcObject' in HTMLMediaElement.prototype;
export default class MediaStreamTech extends Html5 {
* A getter/setter for the `Html5` Tech's source object.
* > Note: Please use {@link Html5#setSource}
* @param {Tech~SourceObject} [src]
* The source object you want to set on the `HTML5` techs element.
* @return {Tech~SourceObject|undefined}
* - The current source object when a source is not passed in.
* - undefined when setting
* @deprecated Since version 5.
// eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return
src(src) {
if (src === undefined) {
return this.el_.srcObject;
// Setting src through `src` instead of `setSrc` will be deprecated
setSource(source) {
// mediastream is set on the stream property not src property
if (supportsSrcObject) {
this.el_.srcObject =;
} else {
this.el_.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(;
* Check if HTML5 media is supported by this browser/device.
* @return {boolean}
* - True if HTML5 media is supported.
* - False if HTML5 media is not supported.
static isSupported() {
return true;
* Check if the tech can support the given type
* @param {string} type
* The mimetype to check
* @return {string} 'probably', 'maybe', or '' (empty string)
static canPlayType(type) {
return type === 'application/webrtc-peer' ? 'probably' : '';
* Check if the tech can support the given source
* @return {string} 'probably', 'maybe', or '' (empty string)
static canPlaySource(srcObj) {
return MediaStreamTech.canPlayType(srcObj.type);
videojs.registerTech('MediaStreamTech', MediaStreamTech);
//just import it anywhere you want to use it
import './mediaStreamTech';
//set the source like this
type: 'application/webrtc-peer',
src: 'hack', // this can be anything , but cannot be empty
stream: SomeMediaStreamSoucre
//also don't fotget the techOrder
techOrder = ['MediaStreamTech'];
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