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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Fixing Duplicate $browser provider with multiple app bootstrap in Angular 1.3
var __browser = null;
(function (angular) {
var origMethod = angular.module;
angular.module = function (name, reqs, configFn) {
var module = origMethod(name, reqs, configFn);
///////////////////// override the browser service
module.config(['$provide', '$compileProvider', '$routeProvider', function ($provide, $compileProvider, $routeProvider) {
$provide.provider('$browser', function $BrowserProvider() {
this.$get = ['$window', '$log', '$sniffer', '$document',
function ($window, $log, $sniffer, $document) {
return __browser;
if (__browser == null) {
__browser = angular.injector(['ng']).get('$browser');
return module;
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