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ExcelRobot / Lag.lambda
Last active June 23, 2024 05:05
Lag By N Lambda Function
Name: Lag By N (Lag)
Description: Return the array shifted back by the specified number of positions.
array - original array
[lag_by] - number of positions to lag by (default: 1)
[pad_with] - value to fill empty position with (default: #N/A)
[scan_by_column] - TRUE - scans by columns, FALSE - scans by rows (default)
Source: Excel Robot (@ExcelRobot)
ExcelRobot / StreetSort.lambda
Last active June 9, 2024 22:32
Street Sort Lambda
Name: Sort Street Addresses (StreetSort)
Description: Sorts a list of street addresses so that the street names are together with the address number in the correct order. Also supports proper sorting of street names like 1st Street, 2nd Street, 10th Street into numerical order.
addresses - array of street addresses (ie: 123 Main Street)
Source: Excel Robot (@ExcelRobot)
StreetSort =LAMBDA(addresses, LET(
\\LambdaName, "StreetSort",
\\CommandName, "Sort Street Addresses",
ExcelRobot / RegExFromAI.lambda
Last active May 25, 2024 02:04
RegEx Expression From Generative AI LAMBDA
Name: RegEx Expression From Generative AI (RegExFromAI)
Description: Given a natural language input, uses Excel Labs' Generative AI function to return a RegEx expression. Optionally uses Excel's new REGEXEXTRACT function to check whether the RegEx generated works on a provided example and expected value.
input - natural language prompt like: extract email address
example - optionally provide some example data to help train the AI
expected - optionally provide the expected value to be returned given the example data
Source: Excel Robot (@ExcelRobot)
RegExFromAI =LAMBDA(input, [example], [expected], LET(
ExcelRobot / modWorkbook.bas
Last active May 30, 2024 11:36
Backup And Save Active Workbook VBA Macro
'--------------------------------------------< OA Robot >--------------------------------------------
' Command Name: Backup And Save Active Workbook
' Description: Saves the active workbook, but also makes a backup in the Archive folder
' Macro Expression: modWorkbook.BackupAndSaveActiveWorkbook()
' Author: Excel Robot (@ExcelRobot)
' Generated: 08/05/2022 02:32 PM
Sub BackupAndSaveActiveWorkbook()
Dim archivePath As String
Dim wbName As String
ExcelRobot / NoExamples.lambda
Last active April 29, 2024 06:13
MEWC No Examples Lambda
Name: No Examples (NoExamples)
Description: Given the used range of a MEWC (Microsoft Excel World Championship) Case sheet, returns just the game numbers, levels, and game data excluding any example data.
used_range - Reference to all used cells on Case sheet.
Source: Excel Robot (@ExcelRobot)
NoExamples =LAMBDA(used_range, LET(
\\LambdaName, "NoExamples",
\\CommandName, "No Examples",
ExcelRobot / RGBtoColorName.lambda
Created March 7, 2024 03:11
Convert RGB To Color Name Lambda
Name: Convert RGB to Color Name (RGBtoColorName)
Description: Converts RGB integers to nearest color name in a table of 139 colors.
r - Red RGB Integer
g - Green RGB Integer
b - Blue RGB Integer
Source: Written By Excel Robot (@ExcelRobot), converted from
RGBtoColorName =LAMBDA(r, g, b, LET(
ExcelRobot / TLOOKUP.lambda
Last active March 3, 2024 19:02
Two-Way Table Lookup LAMBDA Function
Name: Two Way Table Lookup (TLOOKUP)
Description: Looks up values in a table by values in first column and first row. Accepts arrays of column/row values or if omitted will return all columns/rows.
table - range or array that includes headers in first row and column
[row_values] - value or array of values to lookup in first column; returns all rows if omitted
[column_values] - value or array of values to lookup in first row; returns all columns if omitted
Source: Excel Robot (@ExcelRobot)
TLOOKUP =LAMBDA(table, [row_values], [column_values], LET(
ExcelRobot / FormatFormula.lambda
Last active September 21, 2024 11:12
Format Formula LAMBDA Function
Name: Format Formula (FormatFormula)
Description: Uses OA Robot formula formatting api to format a formula to make it easier to read.
CellOrFormula - Reference to cell containing a formula or a formula as text
Compact - True to remove all whitespace (default: False)
Source: @ExcelRobot,
FormatFormula = LAMBDA(CellOrFormula, [Compact], LET(
\\LambdaName, "FormatFormula",
ExcelRobot / HarveyBalls.lambda
Last active June 26, 2023 13:37
Harvey Balls Lambda
ExcelRobot / multi-level data validation.lambda
Last active July 22, 2024 21:04
Multi-Level Data Validation LAMBDAS
Name: Multi-Level Dropdown Validation (MultiLevelDropdownValidation)
Description: Returns the list of allowable values for a specific cell based on
the entries to the left.
tablename - name of the Excel table containing the data validation dropdowns.
header - table header cells from the first column with data validation to the column for which
to return list of values allowed.
keylisttable - reference to dynamic range containing the MultiLevelKeyLists lambda key lists table.
Source: Written by Excel Robot, inspired by Wyn Hopkins (