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Created May 13, 2014 17:47
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Example Behat Scenario Outline
Feature: Content Type Tests
As an Administrator
I should be able to create nodes of all Content Types
Given I am logged in as a user with the "administrator" role
@api @Env::Backend @Creator::EvanAgee
Scenario Outline: Make sure we can create nodes of type <node-type>
And I visit "node/add/<node-type>"
Then I enter "BDD TEST PAGE" for "<title-field>"
And I enter "BDD TEST BODY CONTENT" for "<body-field>"
And I attach the file "photo.jpg" to "<photo-field>"
And I check the box "<checkbox>"
And I select the radio button "<radio>"
And I enter "00" for "edit-field-session-time-und-0-value-minute"
And I enter "00" for "edit-field-session-time-und-0-value2-minute"
And I enter "published" for "workbench_moderation_state_new"
And I press "Preview"
Then I press "Save"
Then I should see "BDD TEST PAGE"
And I should see "Revision state: Published"
| node-type | title-field | body-field | photo-field | checkbox | radio |
| page | Title | | edit-field-images-und-0-upload | | |
| article | Title | Body | edit-field-image-und-0-upload | | |
| faq | Question | Answer | | | |
| ministry-partner | Title | Body | edit-field-ministry-partner-logo-und-0-upload | | |
| place | Title | Body | | edit-field-taxonomy-nid-und-31 | |
| registrations | Title | | | | |
| room | Title | Description | edit-field-room-photo-und-0-upload | | Gateway Southlake |
| session | Session Title | | | | |
| speaker | Name | | edit-field-speaker-image-und-0-upload | edit-field-speaker-type-und-featured | |
| track | Title | Body | | | |
| venue | Name | Body | edit-field-venue-building-und-0-upload | | |
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