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Created August 1, 2013 19:08
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gist form peepcode tutorial work
(function($) {
window.Album = Backbone.Model.extend({
isFirstTrack: function(index) {
return index == 0;
isLastTrack: function(index) {
return index >= this.get('tracks').length - 1;
trackUrlAtIndex: function(index) {
if (this.get('tracks').length >= index) {
return this.get('tracks')[index].url;
return null;
window.Albums = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Album,
url: "/albums"
window.Playlist = Albums.extend({
isFirstAlbum: function(index) {
return (index == 0)
isLastAlbum: function(index) {
return (index == (this.models.length -1))
window.Player = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
'currentAlbumIndex': 0,
'currentTrackIndex': 0,
'state': 'stop'
initialize: function() {
this.playlist = new Playlist();
play: function() {
this.set({'state': 'play'});
pause: function() {
this.set({'state': 'pause'});
isPlaying: function() {
return (this.get('state') == 'play');
isStopped: function() {
return (!this.isPlaying());
currentAlbum: function() {
currentTrackUrl: function() {
var album = this.currentAlbum();
return album.trackUrlAtIndex(this.get('currentTrackIndex'));
nextTrack: function() {},
prevTrack: function() {}
window.library = new Albums();
window.AlbumView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
className: 'album',
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
this.model.bind('change', this.render);
this.template = _.template($('#album-template').html());
render: function() {
var renderedContent = this.template(this.model.toJSON());
return this;
window.LibraryAlbumView = AlbumView.extend({
events: {
'click .queue.add' : 'select'
select: function() {
this.collection.trigger('select', this.model);
console.log("Triggered select", this.model);
window.LibraryView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'section',
className: 'library',
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
this.template = _.template($('#library-template').html());
this.collection.bind('reset', this.render);
render: function() {
var $albums,
collection = this.collection;
$albums = this.$('.albums');
collection.each(function(album) {
var view = new LibraryAlbumView({
model: album,
collection: collection
return this;
window.BackbonePlayer = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'' : 'home',
'blank' : 'blank'
initialize: function() {
this.libraryView = new LibraryView({
collection: window.library
home: function() {
blank: function() {
$('#container').text("blank blank blank");
$(function() {
window.App = new BackbonePlayer();
Backbone.history.start({pushState: true});
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