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Daniel S Poulin EpocSquadron

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airtonix / postactivate
Created August 21, 2013 06:39
RVM Gemset integration with VirtualEnvWrapper
# ~/.virtualenvs/postactivate
# This hook is run after this virtualenv is activated.
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
# use a specific version of Ruby
rvm use 1.9.3
dergachev /
Last active September 15, 2024 10:33
OS X Screencast to animated GIF

OS X Screencast to animated GIF

This gist shows how to create a GIF screencast using only free OS X tools: QuickTime, ffmpeg, and gifsicle.

Screencapture GIF


To capture the video (filesize: 19MB), using the free "QuickTime Player" application:

cbmd / default.conf
Created December 9, 2012 21:13
nginx config - dynamic virtual hosts
server {
index index.php;
set $basepath "/var/www";
set $domain $host;
# check one name domain for simple application
if ($domain ~ "^(.[^.]*)\.dev$") {
set $domain $1;
set $rootpath "${domain}";
alexjs / cors-nginx.conf
Created November 28, 2012 22:42 — forked from michiel/cors-nginx.conf
Slightly tighter CORS config for nginx
# Slightly tighter CORS config for nginx
# A modification of to include a white-list of URLs
# Despite the W3C guidance suggesting that a list of origins can be passed as part of
# Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers, several browsers (well, at least Firefox)
# don't seem to play nicely with this.
deoxxa / domdown.js
Created October 5, 2012 10:41
html dom to markdown lolololololol
function domdown(dom) {
if (dom.type === "tag") {
if ( === "br") {
return " \n";
if ( === "em") {
return "*" + ent.decode( + "*\n";
Created June 3, 2012 19:13 — forked from beddari/
Allow Vagrant sudo-access without password for NFS-setup (for OS X)
# Script for placing sudoers.d files with syntax-checking
# Making a temporary file to contain the sudoers-changes to be pre-checked
TMP=$(mktemp -t vagrant_sudoers)
cat /etc/sudoers > $TMP
cat >> $TMP <<EOF
# Allow passwordless startup of Vagrant when using NFS.
Cmnd_Alias VAGRANT_EXPORTS_ADD = /usr/bin/su root -c echo '*' >> /etc/exports
linssen /
Created May 22, 2012 08:47
ExpressionEngine cookies

ExpressionEngine 1.x cookies

This document outlines all of the cookies use by ExpressionEngine 1.x. With the EU cookie law coming into force on May 26th, it's important to know what cookies are set, which are 'essential' and why they are there. Hopefully this will help advise your decision process when altering your site to adhere.

I haven't yet gotten to any special addons etc. or even forums or comments. Please do fork and and send pull requests if you'd care to add anything.

Non essential

ziadoz /
Last active July 13, 2024 05:29
Awesome PHP — A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.
saetia / gist:1623487
Last active July 16, 2024 05:56
Clean Install – OS X 10.11 El Capitan

OS X Preferences

most of these require logout/restart to take effect

# Enable character repeat on keydown
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

# Set a shorter Delay until key repeat