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Created July 10, 2018 19:57
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public int RemoveRedundant(ref Stored<Commit>[] array)
var cnt = array.Length;
var work = new Stored<Commit>[cnt];
var redundant = new bool[cnt];
var filledIndex = new int[cnt - 1];
int i, j, filled;
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
var minGeneration = array[i].Value.Generation;
if (redundant[i])
for (j = filled = 0; j < cnt; j++)
if (i == j || redundant[j])
filledIndex[filled] = j;
work[filled++] = array[j];
if (array[j].Value.Generation < minGeneration)
minGeneration = array[j].Value.Generation;
var (_, flags) = PaintDownToCommon(array[i], work, minGeneration);
if ((flags[array[i].Hash] & Parent2) != 0)
redundant[i] = true;
for (j = 0; j < filled; j++)
if ((flags[work[j].Hash] & Parent1) != 0)
redundant[filledIndex[j]] = true;
for (i = filled = 0; i < cnt; i++)
if (!redundant[i])
array[filled++] = work[i];
for (j = filled, i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
if (redundant[i])
array[j++] = work[i];
return filled;
public List<Stored<Commit>> GetMergeBasesMany0(Stored<Commit> one, List<Stored<Commit>> twos)
var result = MergeBasesMany(one, twos).ToList();
foreach (var two in twos)
if (one == two)
return result;
if (result.Count > 1)
return result;
var rslt = result.ToArray();
RemoveRedundant(ref rslt);
result = rslt.ToList();
return result;
public List<Stored<Commit>> GetMergeBases(Stored<Commit> one, Stored<Commit> two)
return GetMergeBasesMany0(one, new[] {two}.ToList());
* This algorithm is a rewrite of the get_octopus_merge_bases function in git.
public List<Stored<Commit>> GetOctopusMergeBases(List<Stored<Commit>> commits)
var resultList = new List<Stored<Commit>>();
if (!commits.Any()) return resultList;
foreach (var commit in commits)
List<Stored<Commit>> newCommits = null;
LinkedList<Stored<Commit>> end = null;
foreach (var result in resultList)
var bases = new List<Stored<Commit>>();
bases = GetMergeBases(commit, result);
if (newCommits == null)
newCommits = bases;
* This algorithm is a rewrite of the merge_bases_many function in git.
public IEnumerable<Stored<Commit>> MergeBasesMany(Stored<Commit> self, ICollection<Stored<Commit>> others)
if (others.Any(other => self == other))
return new[] {self};
var (commits, flags) = PaintDownToCommon(self, others, 0);
return commits.Where(commit => (flags[commit.Hash] & Stale) == 0).ToList();
* This algorithm is a rewrite of the paint_down_to_common function in git.
public PaintingResult PaintDownToCommon(Stored<Commit> one, ICollection<Stored<Commit>> twos, int minGeneration)
if (one == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(one));
var priorityQueue = new SortedSet<Stored<Commit>>(new GenTimeCommitComparer());
var result = new List<Stored<Commit>>();
var flagsOf = new Dictionary<string, CommitWalkFlags>();
var queueHasNonStale = fun(() => priorityQueue.Any(x => !flagsOf[x.Hash].HasFlag(Stale)));
var lastGen = int.MaxValue;
flagsOf[one.Hash] |= Parent1;
var storedCommitOne = _storage.Fetch<Commit>(one.Hash)
.IfNone(() => throw new Exception("Commit not found"));
if (!twos.Any())
return new PaintingResult(result, flagsOf);
foreach (var two in twos)
flagsOf[two.Hash] |= Parent2;
var storedCommitTwo = _storage.Fetch<Commit>(two.Hash)
.IfNone(() => throw new Exception("Commit not found"));
while (queueHasNonStale())
var (hash, commit) = priorityQueue.Head();
if (commit.Generation > lastGen)
throw new Exception($"Bad generation skip {commit.Generation} > {lastGen} at {hash}");
lastGen = commit.Generation;
if (commit.Generation < minGeneration)
var flags = flagsOf[hash] & (Parent1 | Parent2 | Stale);
if (flags == (Parent1 | Parent2))
if ((flagsOf[hash] & Result) == 0)
flagsOf[hash] |= Result;
result.Add((hash, commit));
flags |= Stale;
var parents = commit.Parents().ToSeq();
while (parents.Any())
var item = parents.Head;
parents = parents.Tail;
if ((flagsOf[item] & flags) == flags)
var parent = _storage.Fetch<Commit>(item)
.IfNone(() => throw new Exception("Commit not found"));
flagsOf[parent.Hash] |= flags;
return new PaintingResult(result, flagsOf);
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