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Last active April 16, 2024 14:07
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  • Save EmmanuelDemey/093e924e7b53916516b5b55595bb2dd7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EmmanuelDemey/093e924e7b53916516b5b55595bb2dd7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Correction Elasticsearch
POST person-manu-v3/_search
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"calendar_interval": "1y"
DELETE person-manu
POST person-manu/_search
POST person-manu/_doc
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POST person-manu/_bulk
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POST person-manu/_search
POST _aliases
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"filter": {
"term": {
"gender": "female"
GET /person-manu
GET /person-manu/_search
GET /male-manu/_search
GET /female-manu/_search
POST /person-manu/_search?q=name:reyes&size=2&sort=age:desc
"_source": {
"includes": ["age", "name"]
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POST _reindex
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"dest": {
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"pipeline": "balance"
GET person-manu
Convert the location object into a geo_point object
POST _index_template/person-manu-template
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"balance": {
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"dest": {
"index": "person-manu-v3"
GET person-manu-v3
GET _cat/indices?v
GET person-manu/_search
POST person-manu/_analyze
"text": ["+1 (923) 457-3501"],
"field": "phone",
"explain": true
POST _security/role/manu_role
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"names": ["person-manu-v4"],
"privileges": ["read"],
"query": {
"term": {
"gender": {
"value": "female"
"field_security": {
"grant": ["*"],
"except": ["age"]
POST _security/user/decathlon-manu
"password": "decathlon",
"roles": ["manu_role"]
POST /person-manu-v4/_search
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