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Last active February 2, 2024 14:41
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  • Save EmmanuelDemey/00437521dc21c1900266b22e2b2966aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EmmanuelDemey/00437521dc21c1900266b22e2b2966aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import { Client } from "@elastic/elasticsearch"
import { readFileSync } from "fs"
(async function(){
const pipeLineName = "asn-demo-node-js";
const documents: any = [{
path: "./dummy.pdf",
name: "Manu"
const client = new Client({
node: 'xxx',
auth: {
username: 'xx',
password: 'xx'
index: 'asn-demo-nodejs-file',
settings: {
refresh_interval: '-1'
for(let d of documents){
const body = readFileSync(d.path).toString("base64")
const documentToIngestToElasticsearch = {
body: body,
path: d.path,
const { result } = await client.index({
index: 'asn-demo-nodejs-file',
pipeline: pipeLineName,
body: documentToIngestToElasticsearch
index: 'asn-demo-nodejs-file',
settings: {
refresh_interval: '1s'
index: 'asn-demo-nodejs-file'
const {hits } = await{
index: "asn-demo-nodejs-file",
_source: {
excludes: ["attachment.content"]
body: {
query: {
match: {
"attachment.content": "file"
highlight: {
fields: {
"attachment.content": {}
//const response = await;
PUT _slm/policy/asn-snapshots-ede
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"indices": "person-ede-v5"
GET /person-ede-v5/_search
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"description" : "...",
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"grok": {
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"type": "float"
"remove": {
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"balance": "$3,758.05"
PUT _ingest/pipeline/asn-ede-pipeline
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"grok": {
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"replacement": ""
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"field": "convertedBalance",
"type": "float"
"remove": {
"field": "balance"
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"address": "921 Emerson Place, Norfolk, Georgia, 6723",
"about": "Eiusmod nostrud eiusmod ut voluptate do do tempor voluptate. Aliqua voluptate veniam reprehenderit sunt est laborum occaecat laboris eiusmod elit cillum ut laboris. Aliqua quis voluptate consectetur tempor cupidatat elit qui sint ipsum. Nisi ipsum minim culpa dolor id sint Lorem aliquip pariatur voluptate reprehenderit consequat est ullamco. Pariatur deserunt consequat esse anim nostrud ut laboris enim elit.\r\n",
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"address": "921 Emerson Place, Norfolk, Georgia, 6723",
"about": "Eiusmod nostrud eiusmod ut voluptate do do tempor voluptate. Aliqua voluptate veniam reprehenderit sunt est laborum occaecat laboris eiusmod elit cillum ut laboris. Aliqua quis voluptate consectetur tempor cupidatat elit qui sint ipsum. Nisi ipsum minim culpa dolor id sint Lorem aliquip pariatur voluptate reprehenderit consequat est ullamco. Pariatur deserunt consequat esse anim nostrud ut laboris enim elit.\r\n",
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POST person-ede/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"gender": "female"
POST person-ede/_search
"query": {
"term": {
"gender": {
"value": "female"
POST person-ede/_search
"query": {
"range": {
"age": {
"gt": 20
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"gt": 20
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"size": 2
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"size": 10
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