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Gabriel Staples ElectricRCAircraftGuy

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fabiante / Dockerfile
Last active July 13, 2023 15:11
Poppler Build Dockerfile
# Credits:
FROM ubuntu:22.10 as ubuntu-base
RUN apt update && apt upgrade -y
FROM ubuntu-base as build
RUN apt install -y \
wget \
MADscientist314 /
Created November 2, 2020 17:08
execute a parallel rsync with xargs for large data transfers
# Parallel rsync script originally designed for rsyncing
# large ata transfers from RAID to RAID for the Aagaard Lab.
# Author: Michael Jochum
# Location: Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA
# Contact :
# Date : 2 November 2020
#Step 0: fill this shit out
innat /
Created November 11, 2018 23:05
Center Images in GitHub

For left alignment

 <img align="left" width="600" height="200" src="">

For right alignment

<img align="right" width="600" height="200" src="">

And for center alignment

ummjackson /
Created May 4, 2018 08:05
killabot v1 (wip)
# Requirements: pip install tweepy fuzzywuzzy python-Levenshtein
import tweepy
import re
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
# Credentials go here (generate at:
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler('consumer_key', 'consumer_secret')
auth.set_access_token('access_token', 'access_token_secret')
# Connect to Twitter
winksaville /
Created March 20, 2018 18:25
Setup git send-email using git credentials

Setup git send-email: following these instructions I had some problems. But the following worked:

  • I’m using 2-factor auth on my gmail account so I had to get a “app-password”, see google documentation
  • Modify the global/local .gitconfig file with a sendemail section: [sendemail] smtpEncryption = tls smtpServer = smtpUser = smtpServerPort = 587
  • Also add a credential section with a entry:
ajdruff / fix-git-line-endings
Last active August 16, 2024 20:55
Forces all line endings to LF in your git repo.
# Use this with or without the .gitattributes snippet with this Gist
# create a file, paste this in and run it.
# Why do you want this ? Because Git will see diffs between files shared between Linux and Windows due to differences in line ending handling ( Windows uses CRLF and Unix LF)
# This Gist normalizes handling by forcing everything to use Unix style.
# Fix Line Endings - Force All Line Endings to LF and Not Windows Default CR or CRLF
smac89 / ubuntu wireless adapter
Last active May 22, 2023 06:52
BrosTrend wireless card adapter (Linux installation) #wireless
jpierson /
Last active December 26, 2022 21:48 — forked from jagregory/gist:710671
How to move to a fork after cloning

If you are like me you find yourself cloning a repo, making some proposed changes and then deciding to later contributing back using the GitHub Flow convention. Below is a set of instructions I've developed for myself on how to deal with this scenario and an explanation of why it matters based on jagregory's gist.

To follow GitHub flow you should really have created a fork initially as a public representation of the forked repository and the clone that instead. My understanding is that the typical setup would have your local repository pointing to your fork as origin and the original forked repository as upstream so that you can use these keywords in other git commands.

  1. Clone some repo (you've probably already done this step)

    git clone git@github...some-repo.git
juanca / github_load_all_diffs.js
Created March 2, 2017 18:42
Github PR bookmarklet: Load all file diffs
document.querySelectorAll('.load-diff-button').forEach(node =>
JamesOBenson / Generating a secure SSH Key and commands
Last active October 16, 2023 06:45
SSH Generation and commands.
-t ed25519 - for greatest security (bits are a fixed size and -b flag will be ignored)
-t rsa - for greatest portability (key needs to be greater than 4096 bits)
-t ecdsa - faster than RSA or DSA (bits can only be 256, 284, or 521)
-t dsa - DEEMED INSECURE - DSA limted to 1024 bit key as specified by FIPS 186-2, No longer allowed by default in OpenSSH 7.0+
-t rsa1 - DEEMED INSECURE - has weaknesses and shouldn't be used (used in protocol 1)
-b 4096 bit size
-a 500 rounds (should be no smaller than 64, result in slower passphrase verification and increased resistance to brute-force password cracking)
-C "" comment..