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Last active August 12, 2022 19:06
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  • Save ElanHasson/30384431651534b215e754a554b5b6ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ElanHasson/30384431651534b215e754a554b5b6ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Adding Git Commit Hash to your .NET project assemblies.

This gets the commit hash from the current HEAD of the branch.

You can use it in your applcation via AssemblyInformation.Current.InformationalVersion.

using System.Reflection;
public record class AssemblyInformation(string Product, string Description, string Version, string InformationalVersion)
public static readonly AssemblyInformation Current = new(typeof(AssemblyInformation).Assembly);
public AssemblyInformation(Assembly assembly)
: this(
<When Condition="'$(CI)' == 'true'">
<!-- On non-official builds we don't burn in a git sha. In large part because it
hurts our determinism efforts as binaries which should be the same between
builds will not (due to developers building against different HEAD
values -->
<GitHeadSha>&lt;developer build&gt;</GitHeadSha>
<When Condition="'$(GITHUB_SHA)' != ''">
<When Condition="'$(GitHeadSha)' == ''">
<GitHeadSha>Not found</GitHeadSha>
<HeadFileContent Condition="Exists('$(DotGitDir)/HEAD')">$([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText('$(DotGitDir)/HEAD').Trim())</HeadFileContent>
<RefPath Condition="$(HeadFileContent.StartsWith('ref: '))">$(DotGitDir)/$(HeadFileContent.Substring(5))</RefPath>
<GitHeadSha Condition="'$(RefPath)' != '' AND Exists('$(RefPath)')">$([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText('$(RefPath)').Trim())</GitHeadSha>
<GitHeadSha Condition="'$(HeadFileContent)' != '' AND '$(RefPath)' == ''">$(HeadFileContent)</GitHeadSha>
<GitHeadSha>Not found</GitHeadSha>
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