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Last active August 5, 2024 17:49
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GlazeWM v3.1.0 Hyprland config
# The goal for this GlazeWM v3.1.0 config is to match Hyprland's default config as best as possible
# Hyprland sets the $mainMod to SUPER by default, we can't use the SUPER key in windows very easily
# as it causes lots of issues. Instead we bind everything to F24 and then bind the windows key to F24
# using PowerToys' Keyboard Manager.
# Please note that many things are not supported, the bottom of the file contains everything which either
# I couldn't figure out or isn't possible in GlazeWM
# Commands to run when the WM has started (e.g. to run a script or launch
# another application). Here we are running a batch script to start Zebar.
startup_commands: ['shell-exec %userprofile%/.glzr/zebar/start.bat']
# Auto start browser
# Whether to automatically focus windows underneath the cursor.
focus_follows_cursor: true
# Whether to switch back and forth between the previously focused
# workspace when focusing the current workspace.
toggle_workspace_on_refocus: true
# Whether to automatically move the cursor on the specified trigger.
enabled: true
# Trigger for cursor jump:
# - 'monitor_focus': Jump when focus changes between monitors.
# - 'window_focus': Jump when focus changes between windows.
trigger: 'window_focus'
# Gap between adjacent windows.
inner_gap: '5px'
# Gap between windows and the screen edge.
top: '50px'
right: '20px'
bottom: '20px'
left: '20px'
# Visual effects to apply to the focused window.
# Highlight the window with a colored border.
# ** Exclusive to Windows 11 due to API limitations.
enabled: true
# TODO: Gradient of #33ccffee to #00ff99ee @ 45deg
color: '#1ae6ccee'
# Visual effects to apply to non-focused windows.
enabled: true
color: '#595959aa'
# New windows are created in this state whenever possible.
# Allowed values: 'tiling', 'floating'.
initial_state: 'tiling'
# Sets the default options for when a new window is created. This also
# changes the defaults for when the state change commands, like
# `set-floating`, are used without any flags.
# Whether to center floating windows by default.
centered: true
# Whether to show floating windows as always on top.
shown_on_top: true
# Maximize the window if possible. If the window doesn't have a
# maximize button, then it'll be fullscreen'ed normally instead.
maximized: false
# Whether to show fullscreen windows as always on top.
shown_on_top: false
- name: '1'
- name: '2'
- name: '3'
- name: '4'
- name: '5'
- name: '6'
- name: '7'
- name: '8'
- name: '9'
- name: '10'
- commands: ['ignore']
# Ignores any Zebar windows.
- window_process: { equals: 'zebar' }
# Ignores picture-in-picture windows for browsers.
- window_title: { regex: '[Pp][Pp]icture' }
window_class: { regex: 'Chrome_WidgetWin_1|MozillaDialogClass' }
# Ignore rules for various 3rd-party apps.
- window_process: { equals: 'PowerToys.PowerAccent' }
- window_process: { equals: 'Lively' }
window_class: { regex: 'HwndWrapper*' }
# Shift focus in a given direction.
- commands: ['focus --direction left']
bindings: ['f24+left']
- commands: ['focus --direction right']
bindings: ['f24+right']
- commands: ['focus --direction up']
bindings: ['f24+up']
- commands: ['focus --direction down']
bindings: ['f24+down']
# Move focused window in a given direction.
- commands: ['move --direction left']
bindings: ['f24+shift+left']
- commands: ['move --direction right']
bindings: ['f24+shift+right']
- commands: ['move --direction up']
bindings: ['f24+shift+up']
- commands: ['move --direction down']
bindings: ['f24+shift+down']
# Change the focused window to be floating.
- commands: ['toggle-floating']
bindings: ['f24+v']
# Close focused window.
- commands: ['close']
bindings: ['f24+c']
# Kill GlazeWM process safely.
- commands: ['wm-exit']
bindings: ['f24+m']
# Re-evaluate configuration file.
- commands: ['wm-reload-config']
bindings: ['f24+shift+r']
# Redraw all windows.
- commands: ['wm-redraw']
bindings: ['f24+shift+w']
# Launch CMD terminal. Alternatively, use `shell-exec wt` or
# `shell-exec %ProgramFiles%/Git/git-bash.exe` to start Windows
# Terminal and Git Bash respectively.
- commands: ['shell-exec wt']
bindings: ['f24+q']
# Launch file explorer
- commands: ['exec explorer']
bindings: ['f24+e']
# Retain windows run dialog
- commands: ['shell-exec explorer.exe Shell:::{2559A1F3-21D7-11D4-BDAF-00C04F60B9F0}']
bindings: ['f24+r']
# Focus the next/previous workspace defined in `workspaces` config.
- commands: ['focus --next-workspace']
bindings: ['f24+shift+right']
- commands: ['focus --prev-workspace']
bindings: ['f24+shift+left']
# Change focus to a workspace defined in `workspaces` config.
- commands: ['focus --workspace 1']
bindings: ['f24+1']
- commands: ['focus --workspace 2']
bindings: ['f24+2']
- commands: ['focus --workspace 3']
bindings: ['f24+3']
- commands: ['focus --workspace 4']
bindings: ['f24+4']
- commands: ['focus --workspace 5']
bindings: ['f24+5']
- commands: ['focus --workspace 6']
bindings: ['f24+6']
- commands: ['focus --workspace 7']
bindings: ['f24+7']
- commands: ['focus --workspace 8']
bindings: ['f24+8']
- commands: ['focus --workspace 9']
bindings: ['f24+9']
- commands: ['focus --workspace 10']
bindings: ['f24+0']
# Move focused window to a workspace defined in `workspaces` config.
- commands: ['move --workspace 1', 'focus --workspace 1']
bindings: ['f24+shift+1']
- commands: ['move --workspace 2', 'focus --workspace 2']
bindings: ['f24+shift+2']
- commands: ['move --workspace 3', 'focus --workspace 3']
bindings: ['f24+shift+3']
- commands: ['move --workspace 4', 'focus --workspace 4']
bindings: ['f24+shift+4']
- commands: ['move --workspace 5', 'focus --workspace 5']
bindings: ['f24+shift+5']
- commands: ['move --workspace 6', 'focus --workspace 6']
bindings: ['f24+shift+6']
- commands: ['move --workspace 7', 'focus --workspace 7']
bindings: ['f24+shift+7']
- commands: ['move --workspace 8', 'focus --workspace 8']
bindings: ['f24+shift+8']
- commands: ['move --workspace 9', 'focus --workspace 9']
bindings: ['f24+shift+9']
- commands: ['move --workspace 10', 'focus --workspace 10']
bindings: ['f24+shift+0']
# general.border_size: Not supported according to glzr-io/glazewm#507
# general.resize_on_border: Enabled by default, unsure if it can be disabled
# general.layout: Custom layouts are not natively supported in GlazeWM, See "How can I create <insert layout>?" in
# decoration.rounding: Minimally supported as shown in
# decoration.active_opacity: Not currently supported as shown in packages/wm/src/common/commands/
# decoration.inactive_opacity: Not currently supported as shown in packages/wm/src/common/commands/
# decoration.*shadow*: I have no clue if this is existent at all.
# decoration.blur: Blur is managed by individual apps and does not have a "global" application. Acrylic effects *could* be automatically applied to all apps but large bugs would likely occur.
# animations.*: GlazeWM has no concept of animations.
# dwindle.*: GlazeWM has no concept of layouts.
# master.*: GlazeWM has no concept of layouts.
# misc.*: These are all specific to hyprland or implementation details of the WM
# input.*: GlazeWM does not manage input.
# gestures.*: GlazeWM does not manage input.
# device.*: GlazeWM does not manage input.
#TODO: glazewm has no concept of special workspaces
#TODO: Scroll up and down dont exist for f24+scrolling to change workspaces
#TODO: Moving and resizing windows with the mouse and windows key is not supported
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