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Created October 25, 2008 12:59
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Blinker Stone [Level 9]
*This small piece of clear glass (of a particularly geometric shape, such as
a regular cube, column, octahedron, icosahedron and so on, even if such is not
a common or practical shape for a formed piece of glass) floods with a strong,
saturated tincture and glows dimly when it touches the flesh of a living,
sentient creature*
**Wondrous Item** 3,730 gp
Power (At-Will) <>: Minor Action. The wielder of
a Stone can will it to ignite into a small fire, similar to that of a torch.
This fire springs up on whatever part of the wielder the stone adorns — for
instance, if held in a hand, then the entire fist would alight like a torch;
if worn around the neck, the wielder's shoulders and neck would alight. This
fire will not burn the weilder, and is the same colour as that of the Stone
(chosen when the Stone is created). In all other respects, it is a normal fire,
an can be used to set other things on fire or damage creatures susceptible to
fire (roll as if the wielding a standard torch).
Power (Daily) <>: Move Action. When thrown to the
ground from a short distance, a Blinker Stone ignites into a magical fire
(five feet on a side) that will not harm any living thing. The fire provides
moderate warmth, enough to cook (already dead) food, and keep warm any living
things in a 10-foot square. This fire will not spread or light on fire other
flammable things. This fire matches the colour of the Stone.
Power (Encounter) <>: Move Action. When thrown
into the air, the Stone hovers and a Symbol is emblazoned into the sky around
it. The Symbol that appears is unique to the entity that threw it (every
wielder will have a different Symbol, even with the same Stone — and their
Symbol will be the same for any Stone they may acquire), but matches the
colour of the Stone thrown. Stone Symbols are likely to increase in complexity
with the purity of the family line, and the Symbols of relatives will often
have similarities (to the point of brothers possibly having nearly the same
Symbol that differs in one miniscule way). The size of the Symbol is
proportionate to the distance that the Stone is thrown, and the Stone will
help even the weakest of wielders cast it far into the night sky if they so
desire. A Stone's Symbol cast to it's absolute apex may be seen for miles and
miles around on a clear night.
The Symbol will remain for a short period (depending on how high it is
thrown — as short as a round if simply tossed above one's head, or as long as
five minutes if thrown to it's absolute apex), and may be sustained after this
period by concentration on the part of the wielder (a minor action per round).
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