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Last active November 3, 2022 17:09
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f-string like behavior in Python 2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Python2 f-string like behavior"""
from __future__ import print_function
import inspect
import re
class F(object):
"""String formatter based on Python 3.6 'f' strings
`F` will automatically format anything between two
braces (ie: {{ ... }}) when printed. The original
representation of the string is kept as well and
printed with `print(repr(f_string))`.
There is also a stand alone method which takes a
`regex` and a `string` for input and returns the
string with all pattern matches replaced.
_string: the string to be formatted
text: the newly formatted string
_regex = re.compile("\{\{([^}]+)\}\}", re.S)
def __init__(self, s, regex=None):
"""Init `F` with string `s`"""
self.regex = regex or self._regex
self._string = s
self.f_locals = self.original_caller.f_locals
self.f_globals = self.original_caller.f_globals
self.text = self._find_and_replace(s)
def original_caller(self):
names = []
frames = []
frame = inspect.currentframe()
while True:
frame = frame.f_back
name = frame.f_code.co_name
return frames[-2]
def _find_and_replace(self, s):
"""Evaluates and returns all occurrences of `regex` in `s`"""
return re.sub(self._regex, self._clean_and_eval, s)
def _clean_and_eval(self, m):
"""Remove surrounding braces and whitespace from regex match `m`,
evaluate, and return the result as a string.
replaced =[2:][:-2].strip()
result = str(eval(replaced))
return result
except (TypeError, NameError, SyntaxError):
result = str(eval(replaced, self.f_locals, self.f_globals))
return result
except (TypeError, NameError, SyntaxError):
raise ValueError("Can't find replacement for {{ %s }}, sorry." % replaced)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.text)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self._string)
def demo(lines):
def print_slow(line):
text_on_screen = ">>> "
for c in line:
time.sleep(0.2 * random.random())
text_on_screen += str(c)
sys.stdout.write("\r{} ".format(text_on_screen))
for i in lines:
exec(i, globals(), locals())
time.sleep(0.8 * random.random())
if __name__ == '__main__':
"""Run this file as a script to see a demo!"""
import random
import collections
User = collections.namedtuple("User", "name")
guide = """
user = User(name="traBpUkciP")
print("User name:",
quality = ["lack of faith", "hairstyle", "table manners", "sweatpants"]
insult = ["disturbing", "a mess", "like a hamster", "rude"]
print(F("I find your {{ random.choice(quality) }} {{ random.choice(insult) }}.."))
which = ["original", "knockoff"]
thing = "copy"
f_string = F("You can always access the {{ which[0] }} {{ thing }} with repr.")
print("The which thing with the what??")
import sys
import time
lines = [i for i in guide.splitlines()]
lines = [i for i in lines if len(i) and not i.startswith("#")]
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how to use this file to enable fstring in py 2.7.

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Put this file somewhere in your project and import the F class. Then, use it like so:

from __future__ import print_function
from .fstring import F

SUBJECT = "World"

text = F("Hello {{ SUBJECT }}")


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Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/Win7/PycharmProjects/HARRYTUT/", line 2, in
from .fstring import F
ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package

i am getting this error while executing

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PhMota commented Oct 30, 2020

Great work!

I forked your project to include the possibility of adding an F-class to a string. Which is useful for backward compatibility.

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