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Last active September 20, 2024 20:24
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Migrate or Upgrade MacPorts etc after Mac OS Upgrade

Upgrade Mac OS and all related Development Tools

In short: reinsall everything which has been compiled in or linked against libraries the old system.

Upgrade Mac OS

  1. Upgrade OS
  2. Install or Upgrade XCode
  3. Start XCode to perform some final steps
  4. Clean CLI Tools: rm -rf /Library/Develper/CommandLineTools
  5. Reinstall CLI Tools: xcode-select --install

Upgrade Mac Ports

The process is described in detail here: This will probably take very long and you will likely reinstall many oudated and unused packackes.

An alternative ist to clean erverything and reinstall only required packes.

  1. port installed active > ports.txt; alternatively port installed requested and active > ports.txt gives a more concise list but requested and "in use" are not the same in my experience
  2. Uninstall all of MacPorts
  3. Install MacPorts for the new Mac OS version.
  4. Reinstall desired ports maually by picking the contents of ports.txt

Some packages like Postgresql e.g. require further manual setup steps.

Setup PATHS and Precedence

MacPorts modifies ~/.bash_profile to prepend its paths to the PATH variable. Before that ~/.bash_profile sources ~/.bashrc; so all PATH changes triggered from ~/.bashrc will have a lower precedence than the ones from MacPorts.

I decided to load MacPorts paths from ~/.basrc and to remove the modifications in ~/.bash_profile. Hoever, it seems that ervery (re)install of MacPorts does modify ~/.bash_profile and messes up the PATH again!

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