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Created May 7, 2019 20:39
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ES6 Breakout
// Array Destructuring
// Destructuring the array the conventional way
const anArray = [1, 2, 3];
const a = anArray[0];
const b = anArray[1];
const c = anArray[2];
// With ES6 Destructuring
const [a, b, c] = [1, 2, 3];
// a = 1, b = 2, c = 3
// Default Values
const [a=10, b=20, c = 30] = [100, 200]
// With Rest Operator
const [e=1, f=2, g=3, ...h] = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
// Swaping Values
let a = 25, b = 50;
[a, b] = [b, a];
// From function declaration
function double(arg1) {
return arg1 * 2;
// Regular function expression
const double = function(arg1) {
return arg1 * 2;
// Make it an arrow function
// Take out the keyword function and insert => after the parameters
const double = arg1 => {
return arg1 * 2;
// With map function
// regular way
const numbers = [4, 5, 6, 7];
const doubles = {
return nb * 2;
// Arrow function
const doubles = => {
return nb * 2;
// Shorthand
const doubles = => nb * 2);
// filter
const temperatures = [-1, 25, 15, 10, 30];
const hot = temperatures.filter(temperature => temperature > 20);
// Default Values
// default value with ES5
const square = nb => {
nb = nb || 1;
return nb * nb;
// square(0); // 25
// problem with 0
function exist(nb) {
nb = nb || 0;
if (nb) {
console.log("nb exists");
} else {
console.log("nb does not exist");
// With ES6 default value
const square = (nb = 1) => {
return nb * nb;
// This keyword
// is bind to the function
const player = {
score: 10,
addScore: function(nb) {
this.score += nb;
// With Arrow function, the this keyword
// is not bind to the function
const player = {
score: 10,
addScore: nb => {
this.score += nb;
// var vs let/const
// var is function scope
// let and const are block scope
// Block anything inside {}
function say() {
if (true) {
var word = 'yeah!';
return word;
// What is the function returning?
function say() {
if (true) {
const word = 'yeah!';
return word;
// a block
function say() {
let word = 'Boo'
let word = 'Yeah!'
return word;
// Dead Zone
function say() {
let word = 'Boo'
let word = 'Yeah!'
return word;
var countries = {
Europe: ['Spain', 'Italy', 'France', 'UK']
function findContinent (country, countries) {
for (var continent in countries ) {
if (countries[continent].indexOf(country) >= 0) {
var continentFound = continent;
} else {
var continentFound = 'Not found';
return continentFound;
// let vs const
// When declaring const the value cannot be reassigned
// let can be reassigned
// Not to be confused with cannot change value
const temperature = 20;
temperature = 30 // This is not allowed
const temperatures = [20,30,15,-5,-15]
temperatures.push(22); // Is this allowed?
temperatures = []; // Is this allowed
const music = {
track: 'I Don't Wanna Go to Bed',
performer: 'Simple plan'
music.performer = 'Ed Sheeran'; // Is this allowed?
// Is this allowed?
music = {
track: 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams',
performer: 'Green Day'
// Object Destructuring
// Destructuring the object the conventional way
const anObj = {a:1, b:2, c: 3};
const a = anObj.a;
const b = anObj.b;
const c = anObj.c;
// With ES6 Destructuring
const {a: a, b: b, c: c} = anObj;
const {a, b, c} = anObj;
// Different key names
const {a: x, b: y, c: z} = anObj;
// With Default values
const {
a: x = 10,
b: y = 20,
c: z = 30,
d: w = 40} = anObj;
x=1 y=2 z=3 w=40
// String Literals
const character = {
firstName: "Jack",
lastName: "Sparrow",
movie: "Pirates of the Carribean",
actor: "Johnny Depp"
// ES5
const outputStr = character.firstName + ' ' + character.lastName +
' is the main character in the movie ' + + ' portrayed by ' + character. actor+ '.';
// ES6
let outpuStr = `${character.firstName} ${character.lastName} is the main character`
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