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Created April 29, 2019 20:54
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Save DominicTremblay/6012d0588bfa580a0df5cd6607e16045 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Breakout W1D1


Hey, I'm DOM

Confidence Level of a Programmer (Joke)

Confidence Level of a Programmer (joke)

1- I can’t fix this

2- Crisis of confidence

3- Questions career

4- Questions life

Michael Jordan's Quote

Curriculum Overview


What are Lectures and Breakouts


Everyday from 9am-11am

  • Be there

  • You need to attend

  • More code demonstration

  • Focused on the approach

    • Problem Solving
    • Step by step incremental development
    • Error driven development
  • I'd like to give the context, why?

  • Mix a theory and practice

  • Engaging and inspiring

  • You need to ask questions and participate

  • Take notes with markdown

  • Not for

    • Coding along session
    • Do your regular activities at the same time
  • Lecture notes and recording will be sent via Compass


Mondays and Tuesdays from 3pm-4pm

  • Breakout sessions on Mondays and Tuesdays at 3pm
  • Hands-on coding session on a specific topic, examples, exercises

What are you here to learn

  • Coding skills, technologies such as JavaScript NodeJS/Express, Ruby on Rails, but it's more than that

  • Do coding skills alone ensure that you are a good developer?

  • Motivation (passion)
  • Resilience, perseverance
  • Problem solving
  • Curiosity
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Adaptability (Learning new skills, adapting to changes)
  • Positive attitude
  • Willingness to grow and learn, having a growth mindset (talent can be developed), learn from others

You're more than coders. You're actually a communicator. You communicate your vision through code.


  • Comparing to ourselves vs others
  • Keep going and never give up
  • Don't do it later
  • Practice
  • Provide feedback, talk to staff, mentors
  • 15 minutes rule
  • Help one another
  • disclaimer: the first few weeks are going to feel very intense!


Terminal (command-line) / Vagrant


command description
vagrant up load vagrant
vagrant ssh connect to your vagrant machine
exit logout
vagrant halt stop vagrant


command description
cd change directory
ls list
mkdir make directory
touch filename create a file
mv move, use it to copy and rename
pwd display the current path

** use your tab key **

  • type clear or Control-L to clear the screen

Code Editor (VS Code, Sublime, Atom, etc)

  • Shortcuts

Learn to use shortcuts


  • Find answers to your question
    • Stack Overflow


-Markdown CheatSheet

  • Take notes using markdown

Folder Structure

  • w1d1

Organize Your Screen

  • Make sure you have enough screen real estate!

Version Control

  • What, Why git?

    • Repositories (one repo per projects)
    • Save milestones
    • Keeps an history of your code (commits)
    • Backup copy on github
    • Work better as teams, branches
  • Do use git

  • Don't make backend into other folder

  • You will have to use git in team projects

Git Commands

  • git workflow

    • add files to staging area
    • commit changes
    • update github
  • git status

  • git add .

  • git commit -m "message"

  • git remote -v (or add origin, rm origin)

  • git push

  • git pull

  • git log



  • Create a new project on GitHub

    • Create the repo and initialize with Readme
    • Edit the Readme: description, features, etc.
  • Organize your folders

    • Git clone
  • Git commands

    • git status
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