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Last active August 27, 2019 19:47
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Microsoft Excel UDF macro to calculate Internal Rate of Return, Annualised Volatility, Annualised Downside Volatility and Maximum Drawdown of timeseries
Function DIRR(first_price_cell As Range, first_date_cell As Range) As Double
' Gets various useful numbers
Dim first_row As Long, last_row As Long, price_column As Long, date_column As Long, sheet As Worksheet
first_row = first_price_cell.Row ' first row
price_column = first_price_cell.Column ' price column
date_column = first_date_cell.Column ' date column
Set sheet = first_price_cell.Worksheet ' sheet for price
last_row = sheet.Cells(sheet.Rows.Count, price_column).End(xlUp).Row ' get the last row
' Find last numeric value
Do Until IsNumeric(sheet.Cells(last_row, price_column).Value2) Or last_row = 1
last_row = last_row - 1
DIRR = (sheet.Cells(last_row, price_column).Value2 / sheet.Cells(first_row, price_column).Value2) ^ (1 / WorksheetFunction.YearFrac(sheet.Cells(first_row, date_column).Value, sheet.Cells(last_row, date_column).Value, 1)) - 1
End Function
Function DVOL(first_price_cell As Range) As Double
' Gets various useful numbers
Dim first_row As Long, last_row As Long, price_column As Long, sheet As Worksheet
first_row = first_price_cell.Row ' first row
price_column = first_price_cell.Column ' price column
Set sheet = first_price_cell.Worksheet ' sheet for price
last_row = sheet.Cells(sheet.Rows.Count, price_column).End(xlUp).Row ' get the last row
' Find last numeric value
Do Until IsNumeric(sheet.Cells(last_row, price_column).Value2) Or last_row = 1
last_row = last_row - 1
' Setup variables
Dim returns() As Double
ReDim returns(1 To (last_row - first_row))
Dim prices() As Variant
prices = sheet.Range(sheet.Cells(first_row, price_column), sheet.Cells(last_row, price_column)).Value2 ' copy prices to new array so we don't recalc
For i = 1 To last_row - first_row
' Calculate return and store in array
returns(i) = Log(prices(i + 1, 1) / prices(i, 1)) ^ 2
Next i
DVOL = Sqr(252 * WorksheetFunction.Average(returns))
End Function
Function DDVOL(first_price_cell As Range) As Double
' Gets various useful numbers
Dim first_row As Long, last_row As Long, price_column As Long, sheet As Worksheet
first_row = first_price_cell.Row ' first row
price_column = first_price_cell.Column ' price column
Set sheet = first_price_cell.Worksheet ' sheet for price
last_row = sheet.Cells(sheet.Rows.Count, price_column).End(xlUp).Row ' get the last row
' Find last numeric value
Do Until IsNumeric(sheet.Cells(last_row, price_column).Value2) Or last_row = 1
last_row = last_row - 1
' Setup variables
Dim returns() As Double
ReDim returns(1 To (last_row - first_row))
Dim prices() As Variant
prices = sheet.Range(sheet.Cells(first_row, price_column), sheet.Cells(last_row, price_column)).Value2 ' copy prices to new array so we don't recalc
' Calculate average of negative returns
Dim avg As Double, j As Long
j = 1
avg = 0
For i = 1 To last_row - first_row
If prices(i + 1, 1) / prices(i, 1) < 1 Then
avg = ((j - 1) * avg + (Log(prices(i + 1, 1) / prices(i, 1)) ^ 2)) / j
j = j + 1
End If
Next i
DDVOL = Sqr(252 * avg)
End Function
Function DMDD(first_price_cell As Range) As Double
' Gets various useful numbers
Dim first_row As Long, last_row As Long, price_column As Long, sheet As Worksheet
first_row = first_price_cell.Row ' first row
price_column = first_price_cell.Column ' price column
Set sheet = first_price_cell.Worksheet ' sheet for price
last_row = sheet.Cells(sheet.Rows.Count, price_column).End(xlUp).Row ' get the last row
' Find last numeric value
Do Until IsNumeric(sheet.Cells(last_row, price_column).Value2) Or last_row = 1
last_row = last_row - 1
Dim max As Double
max = 0
Dim prices() As Variant
prices = sheet.Range(sheet.Cells(first_row, price_column), sheet.Cells(last_row, price_column)).Value2 ' copy prices to new array so we don't recalc
For i = 1 To last_row - first_row
' have we reached a new high watermark?
If prices(i, 1) > max Then
max = prices(i, 1)
End If
' or a new lower mdd watermark?
If prices(i, 1) / max - 1 < DMDD Then
DMDD = prices(i, 1) / max - 1
End If
Next i
End Function
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