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Last active June 3, 2024 13:01
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"basics": {
"name": "Dogan Mermertas",
"label": "Software Engineer (Computer Science BSc.)",
"summary": "A computer scientist, whose main emphasis is software engineering, with strong interest in embedded systems (Hardware & Electrical Engineering, especially using ESP32's and Raspberry Pi's). I have once worked in a company as the only developer, gaining experience in leading projects on my own. Nevertheless, I also enjoy working in teams to achieve a complex goal quickly and with different ideas of each member flowing in. Computer Science is not only what i have studied, but programming and automation are also my hobbies and passion. Open-source enthusiasm is also one of my characteristics, therefore I'm trying to make the source codes of my personal projects public on, as far as possible.",
"image": "",
"email": "",
"location": {
"city": "Munich",
"countryCode": "DE",
"region": "Bavaria"
"profiles": [
"url": "",
"username": "DoganM95",
"network": "GitHub"
"url": "",
"username": "Dogan Mermertas",
"network": "LinkedIn"
"url": "",
"username": "dg5",
"network": "Thingiverse"
"work": [
"company": "essendi it",
"position": "Software Engineer @essendi it",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2023-03-01",
"endDate": "2024-02-19",
"summary": "A tech company, which offers IT services to other companies.",
"highlights": [
"The main work includes Microservices, whith Angular frontends, Java Backends and various side services, written in e.g. JavaScript, with the following key technologies used:",
"-- Plan: Jira, Confluence, Scrum, Kanban Boards",
"-- Continuous Integration/Deployment: Bamboo",
"-- Source Management: Git, Gitlab",
"-- Software Development: JavaScript, Angular, Java, Spring Boot, Maven",
"-- Container & Orchestration: Docker Compose",
"-- Testing: JUnit, internal linux servers with ssh for test deployments"
"company": "Check24",
"position": "Software Engineer @check24",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2022-02-01",
"endDate": "2023-03-01",
"summary": "I have worked in the insurance-department of this comparison portal. My responsibilities were, inter alia, maintaining and improving an infrastructure, which received, processed and distributed large amounts of customer data, coming from big customers (insurance companies).",
"highlights": [
"Developing Microservices, which communicate via HTTP mainly in C#/.Net",
"Developing team-internal web based tools using React and JavaScript",
"Working in a Dev-Ops environment, using the following tools",
"-- Plan: Jira, Confluence, Scrum, Kanban Boards",
"-- Continuous Integration/Deployment: Bamboo, Jenkins",
"-- Source Management: Git, Bitbucket",
"-- Container & Orchestration: Docker, Kubernetes",
"-- Monitoring: Grafana, Sentry, Prometheus",
"-- Infrastructure Configuration: Ansible",
"-- Testing: NUnit",
"-- Cloud Hosting: AWS"
"company": "Check24",
"position": "Software Engineer (Working Student) @check24",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2020-09-07",
"endDate": "2022-02-01",
"summary": "Leading comparison portal in germany, e.g. for hotels, flights, shopping, insurances, etc. ",
"highlights": [
"Learning the language C#/.Net",
"Modifying and maintaining the tech-infrastructure (backend)",
"Developing internal web based tools using React and javascript (frontend)",
"Ensuring software integration and correct deployment using CI/CD tools on git pushes",
"Making use of project-management utilities to manage tasks, priorities and deadlines",
"Trying hacky new solutions in hackathons"
"company": "Hubert Burda Media",
"position": "Software Developer (Working Student) @Burda Media",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2019-10-22",
"endDate": "2020-02-15",
"summary": "Publishing company with customers, inter alia, Chip-Online and Harpers-Bazar. The department i worked in was responsible for programmatic advertising by providing a JavaScript-Library to customers, which those had to include in their website source-code. This allowed, amongst other things, the provision of advertisements. The optimization of which ads to show to which customer was handled by Google's AdSense.",
"highlights": [
"Creating and editing of Programmatic ad-templates using JavaScript, HTML and CSS",
"Debugging using Chrome DevTools",
"Implementing and editing source codes as well as functions from Google Publisher Tag",
"Creating campaigns in the advertising server"
"company": "Quest Global Engineering Services",
"position": "Software Developer (Working Student) @Quest Global",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2018-03-01",
"endDate": "2019-10-01",
"summary": "I continued working as the only developer in this company, while being fully responsible for any deadline and software-development for employees. Gained a lot of experience there by applying important concepts of my case of study on the source codes I wrote, like algorithms, data-structures, deployment and testing.",
"highlights": [
"Programming and automation of Microsoft Office products using Visual Basic for Applications",
"Extending existing source codes and improving their run-times",
"Technical support and teaching in Hard- and Software for co-workers and the department of IT-System Administrators"
"company": "Quest Global Engineering Services",
"position": "Software Developer (Internship) @Quest Global",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2017-10-01",
"endDate": "2018-02-28",
"summary": "I had my University internship in this global company, which mainly provided engineering services and solutions, with BMW being their main customer. Working there helped me consolidating the knowledge I have gained so far in university.",
"highlights": [
"Programming and automation of Microsoft Office products using Visual Basic for Applications"
"education": [
"institution": "Technical University Rosenheim",
"area": "Computer Science (Specialization on Software Engineering)",
"studyType": "Bachelor of Science",
"startDate": "2015-10-01",
"endDate": "2022-02-16",
"gpa": "2.8",
"courses": [
"Web Technologies - Project in a team of 3, building a picture-sharing platform for users, like nine-Gag, with the ability to log in with a google account. It also had an infinite-scroll feature, like and comment functionality, tags, an upload section, etc. Frontend was built with JavaScript, Vue.js, HTML, CSS (Bootstrap) and JQuery. Backend was built with Node.js, Express and MongoDB. The whole project was hosted on a web-server in a Docker-container.",
"Javascript - Project in a team of 4, building an online-shop with login and cart functionality. Frontend was built using JavaScript, React.js, HTML and CSS. Backend was built using Loopback, testing was done using Karma and finally module bundling using Webpack.",
"Distributed Systems - Three Projects in Java. First Project was building a reactive system with TCP/IP Sockets. Second project was building a RESTful webserver with Springboot. Third Project was building a threaded messaging system in combination with ActiveMQ.",
"Software Engineering 2 - Project in a team of 4, building an internal technologies-management-system in Java for the german company BayernLB, with focus on visualization of their technology infrastructure in a dashboard. In addition, Maven was used to import Java Libraries and Gradle to ensure continuous integration and continuous delivery in GitLab.",
"DAS - Project in a team of 5, building a website for the child protection association rosenheim (Kinderschutzbund Rosenheim) with Wordpress.",
"Internet of Things - Project in a team of 3, building a physical smart-iot trash can, utilizing a Raspberry Pi. The software was written in python, mqtt messages (data) was sent to an mqtt broker in Microsoft azure, which was finally visualized in PowerBI."
"institution": "Robert Bosch Fachoberschule",
"area": "Wirtschaft und Rechtspflege (economy and administration of justice)",
"studyType": "Fachabitur (A-Levels)",
"startDate": "2013-09-01",
"endDate": "2015-07-01",
"gpa": "3.6",
"courses": [
"Business administration",
"Information technology",
"publications": [
"name": "Bachelor Thesis",
"publisher": "TH Rosenheim",
"releaseDate": "2020-01-08",
"url": "",
"summary": "The main focus of this thesis was building a Kubernetes cluster on edge devices, in this case Raspberry Pi's, to achieve resiliency in case a hardware node fails. Thus answering firstly the possibility and effort of extending the hardware-cluster by another node, be it a worker or a master. Secondly, which concepts fit best, to operate a Kubernetes cluster on edge devices in a resilient and stable way. To prove and test the theoretical part, a physical cluster was built, running Kubernetes and set up with one master node and 4 worker nodes. The hardware-cluster's main purpose was to compute any task, ensuring it would not stop being computed, in case a part of the whole system fails."
"skills": [
"name": "Web Development",
"level": "Advanced",
"keywords": [
"name": "Software Development",
"level": "Advanced",
"keywords": [
"Shell (Linux)",
"Powershell (Windows)",
"name": "CD/CI",
"level": "Advanced",
"keywords": [
"Github Actions",
"Atlassian Bamboo"
"name": "Others",
"level": "Advanced",
"keywords": [
"name": "EDP",
"level": "Advanced",
"keywords": [
"CAD (AutoCAD Inventor, Fusion 360, SolidEdge)",
"Pcb engineering (Autodesk Eagle,",
"Microsoft Office"
"languages": [
"language": "German",
"fluency": "• • • • •"
"language": "English",
"fluency": "• • • • •"
"language": "Turkish",
"fluency": "• • • • •"
"language": "French",
"fluency": "• · · · ·"
"interests": [
"name": "Hobbies",
"keywords": [
"Meeting my friends and new people",
"Bodybuilding (kind of)",
"Programming things, that make my life easier",
"Pcb design & electrical engineering",
"3D Modeling & 3D Printing",
"Travelling the world",
"Reading about quantum mechanics"
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DoganM95 commented Jan 31, 2022

Steps to generate pdf from json:

  • npm init -y
  • npm install -g resume-cli
  • npm install jsonresume-theme-even
  • resume export resume.html --theme=even
  • Open html in browser, save as pdf (with formatting)

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