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Last active December 1, 2016 15:01
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#Release 1.2 from 01.12.2016.

This release includes many changes and improvements that would make simpler of creating sites on MODX EVO.

More then 1000 commits

##On MODX Evolution 1.2 worked:

----need rewrite----

##Main things, on that I would like to draw attention:

  • KCFinder - change uploaded image/file names with TransAlias
  • ManagerManager updated up to 0.6.1
  • Updated API functions: clearCache, now you can call it with parameter full ($modx->clearCache('full');)
  • Updated API functions: getDocuments, getTemplateVars, getTemplateVarOutput, getDocumentChildren, getDocumentChildrenTVarOutput, you can call getDocumentChildren with parameter all for view all documents (not only published or unpublished, and the same with deleted)
  • Updated Wayfinder to 2.0.2 (available document specific placeholders [+pagetitle+], [+longtitle+] etc.; fixed work of @INHERIT for custom TVs)
  • Managers with role = 1 can see all documents in manager panel and in frontend (in earlier versions documents with restrinctions to special groups could not be seen by those manager users)
  • Added API function: $modx->parseText()
  • Added document ID to title during editing document, also added to QM+
  • Breadcrumbs 1.0.4 (you can exclude documents with the specified templates)
  • phpthumb 1.2 (if images on page processed already, phpthumb class will not included)
  • eForm 1.4.5 (added parameters: &attachmentFields/&attachmentPath)
  • FirstChildRedirect 2.0 (added parameters: &default, &sortBy, &sortDir, &responseCode)

All changes always available in file assets/docs/changelog.txt

Details about some changes

also I'll talk about some things, that was in 1.0.12, but was not well explained

API Changes







Added ability not consider parameters published and deleted during getting document

 @param $published {0; 1; 'all'} - Document publication status. Once the parameter equals 'all', the result will be returned regardless of whether the ducuments are published or they are not. Default: all.
 @param $deleted {0; 1; 'all'} - Document removal status. Once the parameter equals 'all', the result will be returned regardless of whether the ducuments are deleted or they are not. Default: 0.


Method allows get document ID by its alias (used in search in manager panel), available since 1.0.12

$docid = $modx->getIdFromAlias('blog.html');
$docid = $modx->getIdFromAlias('catalog/tovar.html');

####$modx->sendmail() Method used for send mails by API (available since 1.0.12). Works with settings, sending emails using mail() or SMTP according to the specified settings in the manager panel. Usage:

#simple variant
	$param = array();
	$param['from']    = "{$site_name}<{$emailsender}>";
	$param['subject'] = $emailsubject;
	$param['body']    = $message;
	$param['to']      = $email;
	$rs = $modx->sendmail($param);

#variant with additional settings 
	$modx->mail->From		= $from;
	$modx->mail->FromName	= $fromname;
	$modx->mail->Subject	= $subject;
	$modx->mail->Body		= $report;
	if(!$modx->mail->send()) return 'Main mail: ' . $_lang['ef_mail_error'] . $modx->mail->ErrorInfo;

###Ditto Available in version 1.0.12
New parameters:

$outerTpl  - works as Wayfinder, if documents not found then will show string that specified in parameter `noResults`. In parameter you should use placeholder [+wrapper+].

$max_paginate, $max_previous - 2 parameters which affect the pagination, default (50 and 25 resp.). Using as replacement of snippet **splitPaginate**. If count of page very big, show only part of pages. 

New placeholders:

[+ditto_class+] - can be: odd, even, first, last, current
[+ditto_index+] - same as [+ditto_iteration+], but starting with 1. 

###FirstChildRedirect New parameters:

&default - if document haven't children, redirect to specified ID, default site_start

sortings methods for getting the first documents
&sortBy - default menuindex
&sortDir - default ASC
&responseCode - HTTP code of redirect 301/302, default 301

###ManagerManager A lot of changes, details here:

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