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Last active February 12, 2021 10:15
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# Pig Latin Translator in Python
# Jonah Lawrence
# January 2020
import re
def translate(message: str) -> str:
"""translate a message to pig latin"""
# common English digraphs
digraphs = {"bh", "bl", "br", "bw", "ch", "chr", "cl", "cr", "cz",
"dh", "dr", "dw", "fl", "fr", "fw", "gh", "gl", "gn",
"gr", "kh", "kl", "kn", "kr", "kw", "lh", "ll", "ph",
"pl", "pr", "ps", "pw", "qu", "rh", "sc", "sch", "schm",
"schw", "scr", "sh", "shl", "shm", "shn", "shqu", "shr",
"shw", "sk", "sl", "sm", "sn", "sp", "sph", "spr",
"squ", "st", "str", "sw", "szch", "tch", "th", "thr",
"tr", "ts", "tw", "vh", "vh", "vlwh", "wr", "xh", "zh"}
def translate_word(word: str) -> str:
"""translate an individual word to pig latin"""
# starts with a vowel
if word[0].lower() in {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u"}:
return word + "way"
# starts with a digraph, checking lengths largest to smallest
digraph_length = max(len(x) for x in digraphs)
while digraph_length >= 2:
if word[:digraph_length].lower() in digraphs:
# move digraph to the end
return word[digraph_length:] + word[:digraph_length] + "ay"
# otherwise, just shift the first letter
return word[1:] + word[0] + "ay"
# split sentence at spaces
sentence = message.split()
num_words = len(sentence)
# loop through words
for i in range(num_words):
# split non-alpha characters on ends into separate groups
nonAlphaOnEnds = r"^([^a-zA-Z]*)([a-zA-Z]+)([^a-zA-Z]*)$"
match = re.match(nonAlphaOnEnds, sentence[i])
# if alpha characters were found
if match is not None:
# translate the alpha character section
translation = translate_word(match[2])
# put back the non-alpha characters on the ends
sentence[i] = match[1] + translation + match[3]
# insert the spaces back into the text
return " ".join(sentence)
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