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Created February 6, 2022 02:15
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  • Save DenverCoder1/412b4155087d97c87c75dfe5454d5b41 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DenverCoder1/412b4155087d97c87c75dfe5454d5b41 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Webhook endpoint to pull code from GitHub when the repo is updated
define('GH_USERNAME', ''); // Username for authentication
define('GH_PASSWORD', ''); // GitHub Personal Access Token with repo scope* (starting with 'ghp_')
define('GH_REPO', ''); // GitHub Repo URL (eg. '')
define('GH_SECRET', ''); // Webhook secret provided to GitHub when creating the webhook
// Steps:
// 1. Visit the repository on GitHub, select 'Settings', then 'Webhooks'
// 2. Select 'Add Webhook'
// 3. For Payload URL, put the public URL where the pull.php is located
// 4. Set Content Type to 'application/json'
// 5. Generate any random string to use as a Webhook secret which will be used above in the
// 6. For events, you can use "Just the push event"
// 7. Set the webhook to active and create it (a test payload will be delivered when added)
// *PATs can be generated by visiting
* Pull the latest version of the codebase from GitHub
header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
require_once ""; // path to config file where details are defined
$username = GH_USERNAME;
$password = GH_PASSWORD;
$repo = GH_REPO;
$secret = GH_SECRET;
$payload = @file_get_contents('php://input');
$payload_json = json_decode($payload);
// Check if the request is from GitHub
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_HUB_SIGNATURE_256'])) {
$raw_sig = explode('=', $hash);
$sig = $raw_sig[1];
$payload_hash = hash_hmac($raw_sig[0], $payload, $secret);
if ($payload_hash !== $sig) {
die('Invalid signature');
} else {
die('No signature');
// Check if the branch pushed to is the current checked out branch
$payload_branch = explode("/", $payload_json->ref)[2];
$current_branch = trim(`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`);
echo "Branch pushed to: " . $payload_branch . "\n";
echo "Current branch: " . $current_branch . "\n";
if ($payload_branch !== $current_branch) {
die("Branch '$payload_branch' is not the current branch ('$current_branch')");
// Pull the latest codebase
echo `git pull --ff-only "https://$username:$password@$repo" "$current_branch" 2>&1`;
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