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Created November 8, 2017 19:37
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theory ExponentialDiophantine
imports Main Nat Int Complex Real HOL
* second order recurrence function
* the first argument is the index
* the second argument is the b in the recurrence
fun Abn :: "nat \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int" where
Abn_base0: "Abn 0 b = 0"
| Abn_base1: "Abn (Suc 0) b = 1"
| Abn_recur: "Abn n b = b * (Abn (n -1) b) - (Abn (n - 2) b)"
lemma recur_non_negativity_monotone:
fixes b :: int and n :: nat
assumes "b \<ge> 2"
shows "0 \<le> Abn n b \<and> Abn n b \<le> Abn (Suc n) b"
proof(induction n)
case 0
then show ?case by(simp)
case (Suc n)
from assms have step1:"b - 1 \<ge> 1" by(simp)
from Suc.IH have non_zero_property:"0 \<le> ((Abn (Suc n) b)::int)" by(simp)
from step1 have ineq1:"1 \<le> (Abn (Suc n) b) \<Longrightarrow> (b - 1) * (Abn (Suc n) b) \<ge> 1 * (Abn (Suc n) b)" by(simp)
have ineq2:"(Abn (Suc n) b) = (0::int) \<Longrightarrow> (b - 1) * (Abn (Suc n) b) \<ge> 1 * (Abn (Suc n) b)" by(simp)
from ineq1 ineq2 have ineq3:"1 \<le> (Abn (Suc n) b) \<or> (Abn (Suc n) b) = 0 \<Longrightarrow> (b - 1) * (Abn (Suc n) b) \<ge> 1 * (Abn (Suc n) b)" by(auto)
have ineq4:"1 \<le> (Abn (Suc n) b) \<or> (Abn (Suc n) b) = 0 \<Longrightarrow> 0 \<le> (Abn (Suc n) b)" by(force)
from ineq3 ineq4 non_zero_property have multi_property:"(b - 1) * (Abn (Suc n) b) \<ge> (Abn (Suc n) b)" by(force)
from multi_property Suc.IH have not_expanded:"(b - 1) * (Abn (Suc n) b) \<ge> Abn n b" by(simp)
from not_expanded have last:"b * (Abn (Suc n) b) - Abn n b \<ge> Abn (Suc n) b" by(simp add:algebra_simps)
from last non_zero_property show ?case by(auto)
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