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  • Save DemonicDevy0/b3b1f6642f9036684e22d77fd2f3d1fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DemonicDevy0/b3b1f6642f9036684e22d77fd2f3d1fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
dunno just wanted to make a script... Not sure if it is right tho
window.onload = function(){
var defaultvalue = alert("health_bar")"health_pad")
var defaultview = all("health_bar")
context.arc(centerx, centery, radius, 0, 2 * math.pi, false);
context.fillstyle = "green";
context.linewidth = 1;
context.strokestyle = "black";
moveby (20)pixeldepth var.function = defaultvalue = alert("health_bar")"health_pad")
valueof.all pixeldepth(personalbar) = ("valueofhealth")
search.arguments (screen) centerx, centery var.fgcolor alert(health_bar) asin valueofhealth (health_pad);
var context = canvas.getcontext("2d");
var centerx = canvas.width / 2;
var centery = canvas.height / 2;
radius.action centerx = canvas.width / 4
canvas.action centery = canvas.height / 4
valueof.(canvas) = {height + width
width = action (canvas) <addeventlistener> (10) getboundingclientrect var.from = height.from health_bar};
var ("variableofheighthealthbar1") = {height + width
width = action (canvas) <addeventlistener> (10) getboundingclientrect var.from = height.from health_bar};
escape.scripts window.onload = function () {{
action.var asin = (character);
createelement character.moveto function = var.all;
}} parentnode = updatecommands / reload
start.scripts nodevalue = null.function var while action(close) for nodename (next.health_pad);{{
apply.slowdownscript in (0.9185630517).seconds
recalc.all when function var.elements null = (1);
apply.speedupscript in (1.2190381023).seconds
recalc.all when function var.elementfrompoint null = (1);
apply.normal_time_script in (1.2190381023).seconds
recalc.all when function var.elements null = (1);
window.health_bar_script = function(2){
var all.scripts = {time = (.seconds) canvas = (image.health_bar_script)}
var.function = querycommandenabled(health_bar_script) (1);
window.onplay function () {
apply.object ("AR15");
apply.object ("AR019");
apply.object ("Erie1195");
apply.object ("Plasma_Pistol");
apply.object ("ReBeccA1");
apply.object ("Glock45");
apply.object ("Slingshot");
apply.object ("Submachine_Gun");
window.onshoot function () {
if.shot with ("AR15") (1) = bullet loss = (2)health_bar.moveBy centerx / 2 = pixelDepth;
if.shot with ("Submachine_Gun") (1) = bullet loss = (1)health_bar.moveBy centerx / 1 = pixelDepth;
if.shot with ("Plasma_Pistol") (1) = bullet loss = (15)health_bar.moveBy centerx / 15 = pixelDepth;
if.shot with ("Glock45") (1) = bullet loss = (10)health_bar.moveBy centerx / 10 = pixelDepth;
if.shot with ("AR019") (1) = bullet loss = (4)health_bar.moveBy centerx / 4 = pixelDepth;
if.shot with ("Erie1195") (1) = bullet loss = (19)health_bar.moveBy centerx / 19 = pixelDepth;
if.shot with ("ReBeccA1") (1) = bullet loss = (1)health_bar.moveBy centerx / 1 = pixelDepth;
if.shot with ("Slingshot") (1) = stone loss = (1)health_bar.moveBy centerx / 1 = pixelDepth;
window.onactivate playbutton function () {
transparency = (var = {0%} load toLocaleString {100%})
time = (2).seconds; transparency (var = {100%} load toLocaleString {0%})
time = (2).seconds;
window.onload game function () {
createElement image.src = ("");
game.onwalk function () {
while.pressing keybind = ("W") character.moveBy centerx acos.var = ("Ground") (5)pixelDepth fowards = confirm.reload log (87) in (0.000001).seconds;
while.pressing keybind = ("S") character.moveBy centerx acos.var = ("Ground") (4.5)pixelDepth backwards = confirm.reload log (87) in (0.000001).seconds;
while.pressing keybind = ("A") character.moveBy centerx acos.var = ("Ground") (4.4)pixelDepth sidways left = confirm.reload log (87) in (0.000001).seconds;
while.pressing keybind = ("D") character.moveBy centerx acos.var = ("Ground") (4.4)pixelDepth sidways right = confirm.reload log (87) in (0.000001).seconds;
game.onshoot function () {
if.shooting with ("AR15") createElement (8) bullet (1)per.seconds float above.floor toGMTString ("AR15") arguments siblingBelow.sidebar moveBy (centerx) (12035)pixelDepth fowards;
if.shooting with ("Plasma_Pistol") createElement (1) (1)per.seconds bullet float above.floor toGMTString ("Plasma_Pistol") arguments siblingBelow.sidebar moveBy (centerx) (9000)pixelDepth fowards;
if.shooting with ("Glock45") createElement (2) bullet (1)per.seconds float above.floor toGMTString ("Glock45") arguments siblingBelow.sidebar moveBy (centerx) (10000)pixelDepth fowards;
if.shooting with ("ReBeccA1") createElement (4) bullet (1)per.seconds float above.floor toGMTString ("ReBeccA1") arguments siblingBelow.sidebar moveBy (centerx) (300)pixelDepth fowards;
if.shooting with ("Erie1195") createElement (1) bullet (2)per.seconds float above.floor toGMTString ("Erie1195") arguments siblingBelow.sidebar moveBy (centerx) (30100)pixelDepth fowards;
if.shooting with ("AR019") createElement (13) bullet (1)per.seconds float above.floor toGMTString ("AR019") arguments siblingBelow.sidebar moveBy (centerx) (99999999)pixelDepth fowards;
if.shooting with ("Slingshot") createElement (1) bullet (5)per.seconds float above.floor toGMTString ("Slingshot") arguments siblingBelow.sidebar moveBy (centerx) (300)pixelDepth fowards;
if.shooting with ("Submachine_Gun") createElement (8) bullet (1)per.seconds float above.floor toGMTString ("Submachine_Gun") arguments siblingBelow.sidebar moveBy (centerx) (490)pixelDepth fowards;
game.offscreenBuffering function () {
when.lastModified scripts offscreenBuffering = {frames load.bufferDepth (30) Frame per.seconds (1);
window.onload function () {
{appName = value.("Mr. 8 Bit");
alert.window.function onload {
("Mr. 8 Bit")
action for var toGMTString}
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Wait was my script completely wrong?!

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