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Skewed Grid Layout Group - Unity UI Extension
/// Skewed Grid Layout Group
/// ===============================
/// Written by Martin Nerurkar
/// -
/// -
/// You are free to moddify and use this code in your own projects
/// You are not allowed to remove this copyright notice
/// You are not allowed to resell this code, even if modified
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UnityEngine.UI {
[AddComponentMenu("Layout/Skewed Grid Layout Group", 152)]
public class SkewedGridLayoutGroup : GridLayoutGroup {
protected Axis m_skewAxis = Axis.Horizontal;
public Axis skewAxis { get { return m_skewAxis; } set { SetProperty(ref m_skewAxis, value); } }
protected bool m_useMaxSkewDistance = false;
public bool useMaxSkewDistance { get { return m_useMaxSkewDistance; } set { SetProperty(ref m_useMaxSkewDistance, value); } }
protected Vector2 m_maxSkewDistance =;
public Vector2 maxSkewDistance { get { return m_maxSkewDistance; } set { SetProperty(ref m_maxSkewDistance, value); } }
protected SkewedGridLayoutGroup() { }
public override void SetLayoutHorizontal() {
public override void SetLayoutVertical() {
// Based on SetCellsAlongAxis from GridLayoutGroup with appropriate changes
private void SetCellsAlongAxis(int axis) {
// Normally a Layout Controller should only set horizontal values when invoked for the horizontal axis
// and only vertical values when invoked for the vertical axis.
// However, in this case we set both the horizontal and vertical position when invoked for the vertical axis.
// Since we only set the horizontal position and not the size, it shouldn't affect children's layout,
// and thus shouldn't break the rule that all horizontal layout must be calculated before all vertical layout.
if (axis == 0) {
// Only set the sizes when invoked for horizontal axis, not the positions.
for (int i = 0; i < rectChildren.Count; i++) {
RectTransform rect = rectChildren[i];
m_Tracker.Add(this, rect,
DrivenTransformProperties.Anchors |
DrivenTransformProperties.AnchoredPosition |
rect.anchorMin = Vector2.up;
rect.anchorMax = Vector2.up;
rect.sizeDelta = cellSize;
float width = rectTransform.rect.size.x;
float height = rectTransform.rect.size.y;
float paddedWidth = width - padding.horizontal;
float paddedHeight = height - padding.vertical;
int cellCountX = 1;
int cellCountY = 1;
if (m_Constraint == Constraint.FixedColumnCount) {
cellCountX = m_ConstraintCount;
cellCountY = Mathf.CeilToInt(rectChildren.Count / (float)cellCountX - 0.001f);
else if (m_Constraint == Constraint.FixedRowCount) {
cellCountY = m_ConstraintCount;
cellCountX = Mathf.CeilToInt(rectChildren.Count / (float)cellCountY - 0.001f);
else {
if (cellSize.x + spacing.x <= 0)
cellCountX = int.MaxValue;
cellCountX = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt((paddedWidth + spacing.x + 0.001f) / (cellSize.x + spacing.x)));
if (cellSize.y + spacing.y <= 0)
cellCountY = int.MaxValue;
cellCountY = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt((paddedHeight + spacing.y + 0.001f) / (cellSize.y + spacing.y)));
int cornerX = (int)startCorner % 2;
int cornerY = (int)startCorner / 2;
int cellsPerMainAxis, actualCellCountX, actualCellCountY;
if (startAxis == Axis.Horizontal) {
cellsPerMainAxis = cellCountX;
actualCellCountX = Mathf.Clamp(cellCountX, 1, rectChildren.Count);
actualCellCountY = Mathf.Clamp(cellCountY, 1, Mathf.CeilToInt(rectChildren.Count / (float)cellsPerMainAxis));
else {
cellsPerMainAxis = cellCountY;
actualCellCountY = Mathf.Clamp(cellCountY, 1, rectChildren.Count);
actualCellCountX = Mathf.Clamp(cellCountX, 1, Mathf.CeilToInt(rectChildren.Count / (float)cellsPerMainAxis));
Vector2 requiredSpace = new Vector2(
actualCellCountX * cellSize.x + (actualCellCountX - 1) * spacing.x,
actualCellCountY * cellSize.y + (actualCellCountY - 1) * spacing.y
Vector2 remainingSpacePerAxisStep = new Vector2(
(paddedWidth - requiredSpace.x) / Mathf.Max(1, actualCellCountY - 1),
(paddedHeight - requiredSpace.y) / Mathf.Max(1, actualCellCountX - 1)
if (useMaxSkewDistance) {
remainingSpacePerAxisStep = new Vector2(
Mathf.Min(maxSkewDistance.x, remainingSpacePerAxisStep.x),
Mathf.Min(maxSkewDistance.y, remainingSpacePerAxisStep.y)
Vector2 usedSpace = new Vector2(
(skewAxis == Axis.Horizontal ? (requiredSpace.x + remainingSpacePerAxisStep.x * (actualCellCountY - 1)) : requiredSpace.x),
(skewAxis == Axis.Vertical ? (requiredSpace.y + remainingSpacePerAxisStep.y * (actualCellCountX - 1)) : requiredSpace.y)
Vector2 startOffset = new Vector2(
GetStartOffset(0, usedSpace.x),
GetStartOffset(1, usedSpace.y)
int positionX;
int positionY;
float skewX;
float skewY;
for (int i = 0; i < rectChildren.Count; i++) {
if (startAxis == Axis.Horizontal) {
positionX = i % cellsPerMainAxis;
positionY = i / cellsPerMainAxis;
else {
positionX = i / cellsPerMainAxis;
positionY = i % cellsPerMainAxis;
if (cornerX == 1)
positionX = actualCellCountX - 1 - positionX;
if (cornerY == 1)
positionY = actualCellCountY - 1 - positionY;
skewX = (skewAxis == Axis.Horizontal ? remainingSpacePerAxisStep.x * positionY : 0f);
skewY = (skewAxis == Axis.Vertical ? remainingSpacePerAxisStep.y * positionX : 0f);
SetChildAlongAxis(rectChildren[i], 0, startOffset.x + (cellSize[0] + spacing[0]) * positionX + skewX, cellSize[0]);
SetChildAlongAxis(rectChildren[i], 1, startOffset.y + (cellSize[1] + spacing[1]) * positionY + skewY, cellSize[1]);
/// Skewed Grid Layout Group
/// ===============================
/// Written by Martin Nerurkar
/// -
/// -
/// You are free to moddify and use this code in your own projects
/// You are not allowed to remove this copyright notice
/// You are not allowed to resell this code, even if modified
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using UnityEditor.AnimatedValues;
namespace UnityEditor.UI {
[CustomEditor(typeof(SkewedGridLayoutGroup), true)]
public class SkewedGridLayoutGroupEditor : GridLayoutGroupEditor {
SerializedProperty m_skewAxis;
SerializedProperty m_useMaxSkewDistance;
SerializedProperty m_maxSkewDistance;
protected override void OnEnable() {
m_skewAxis = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_skewAxis");
m_useMaxSkewDistance = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_useMaxSkewDistance");
m_maxSkewDistance = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_maxSkewDistance");
public override void OnInspectorGUI() {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_skewAxis, true);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_useMaxSkewDistance, true);
bool wasEnabled = GUI.enabled;
GUI.enabled = wasEnabled && m_useMaxSkewDistance.boolValue;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_maxSkewDistance, true);
GUI.enabled = wasEnabled;
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