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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Gloriously commented Base64 code
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package facebookmessing;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;
import net.lingala.zip4j.core.ZipFile;
import net.lingala.zip4j.exception.ZipException;
import net.lingala.zip4j.model.ZipParameters;
import net.lingala.zip4j.util.Zip4jConstants;
* @author Deliquescence <>
public class Base64Functions {
public static final int SPLIT_SIZE = 20000; //The Facebook messenger character limit is 20,000
* Class with all the base64 code to make things work
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ZipException {
//Example Usages
//Example 1a: Encode one file into files of base 64
encodeAndSplit.intoFiles(new File("memes.jpg"));
//Example 1b: Decode file parts into one file
//Example 2a: Zip one file and encode into files of base 64
encodeAndSplit.intoFiles(createZip(new File("memes.jpg"), "").getFile());
//Example 2b: Decode file parts into file
//Example 3a: Encode one file into bytes[][]
byte[][] data = encodeAndSplit.fileIntoBytePieces(new File("memes.jpg"));
//Example 3b: Change bytes[][] into string[]
String[] textualData = util.convertBytePiecesToStrings(data);
//Example 3c: Decode bytes[][] into file
unSplitAndDecode.bytePeicesIntoFile(data, "memesDecoded.jpg");
* Create a zip out of multiple files
* @param files The ArrayList of files to zip
* @param name the name of the zip file created (with extension)
* @return The ZipFile created
* @throws ZipException
public static ZipFile createZip(ArrayList<File> files, String name) throws ZipException {
ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(name);
// Initiate Zip Parameters which define various properties such
// as compression method, etc.
ZipParameters parameters = new ZipParameters();
// set compression method to store compression
// Set the compression level. This value has to be in between 0 to 9
zipFile.createZipFile(files, parameters);
return zipFile;
* Create a zip file from a single file
* @param file The file to zip
* @param name the name of the zip file created (with extension)
* @return The ZipFile created
* @throws ZipException
public static ZipFile createZip(File file, String name) throws ZipException {
ArrayList<File> files = new ArrayList<>();
return createZip(files, name);
* Take an input file and return a byte[] representation of its data encoded in base64
* @param encodeFile The file to turn into base64
* @return a byte array of base64 data
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws IOException
public static byte[] base64encode(File encodeFile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
//Input stream for file to encode
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(encodeFile);
//byte array that the input file will be converted to
byte[] mybytes = new byte[(int) encodeFile.length()];
//convert to bytes;
return Base64Functions.base64encode(mybytes);
* Encode a byte array to base64
* @param encodeBytes the array to encode
* @return the encoded array
public static byte[] base64encode(byte[] encodeBytes) {
return Base64.encode(encodeBytes).getBytes();
* Turn a byte array of base64 into a decoded byte array
* @param decodeBytes the byte[]s to decode
* @return the decoded byte[]s
public static byte[] base64decode(byte[] decodeBytes) {
String decodeString = new String(decodeBytes);
return Base64.decode(decodeString);
* Turn a string of base 64 into a byte[] of data
* @param decodeString The string of base64
* @return the decoded string
public static byte[] base64decode(String decodeString) {
return Base64.decode(decodeString);
public static class util {
* Write a byte array to a file. Pretty simple stuff, really
* @param data The byte array to write
* @param name The name of the file to make
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws IOException
public static void writeBytesToFile(byte[] data, String name) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(name);
* Convert an array of byte arrays into a string array, which is more useful
* @param data the array of byte arrays
* @return string array of the data
public static byte[][] convertStringArrayIntoBytePieces(String[] data) {
int pieceLength = data[0].length();
byte[][] bytes = new byte[data.length][pieceLength];
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
bytes[i] = data[i].getBytes();
return bytes;
* convert back from string array into bytes array
* @param data string array of the data
* @return array of byte arrays
public static String[] convertBytePiecesToStrings(byte[][] data) {
String[] strings = new String[data.length];
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
strings[i] = new String(data[i]);
return strings;
public static class encodeAndSplit {
* Take a file input and split it into base64 chunks of SPLIT_SIZE, then create text files of each split.
* The files have naming scheme "base64_%N%.txt"
* @param file The file to encode and split
* @throws IOException
public static void intoFiles(File file) throws IOException {
byte[][] splits = fileIntoBytePieces(file);
int i = 0;
for (byte[] split : splits) {
File outFile = new File("base64_" + i + ".txt"); //Each block is put into a text file
outFile.createNewFile(); //Make it exist
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
fos.write(split);//encode to base64 and put it in the file
* Take a file input and split it into base64 chunks of SPLIT_SIZE. Returns an array of byte arrays.
* @param file The file to encode and split
* @return Array with split base64 bytes
* @throws IOException
public static byte[][] fileIntoBytePieces(File file) throws IOException {
byte[] encoded = base64encode(file);//Get base64
byte[][] splitBytes = new byte[(encoded.length / SPLIT_SIZE) + 1][20000];
for (int i = 0; i < encoded.length / SPLIT_SIZE; i++) { //Run for each block of base64 that is 20000 chars long
splitBytes[i] = Arrays.copyOfRange(encoded, i * SPLIT_SIZE, (1 + i) * SPLIT_SIZE);
//The end file needs special treatment because its not SPLIT_LENGTH long
int i = (encoded.length / SPLIT_SIZE);
splitBytes[i] = Arrays.copyOfRange(encoded, (i * SPLIT_SIZE), (i * SPLIT_SIZE) + (encoded.length - (i * SPLIT_SIZE)));
return splitBytes;
public static String[] intoStrings(File file) throws IOException {
return util.convertBytePiecesToStrings(fileIntoBytePieces(file));
public static class unSplitAndDecode {
* Using base64 encoded files of "base64_%N%.txt", create a file with useable data
* @param name the name of the file to output
* @throws IOException
public static void filesIntoFile(String name) throws IOException {
util.writeBytesToFile(filesIntoBytes(), name);
* Using base64 encoded files of "base64_%N%.txt", create a string of useable data
* @return String with decoded data
* @throws IOException
public static String filesIntoString() throws IOException {
return new String(filesIntoBytes());
* Using base64 encoded files of "base64_%N%.txt", create a byte array of useable data
* @return the decoded data
* @throws IOException
public static byte[] filesIntoBytes() throws IOException {
ArrayList<File> parts = new ArrayList<>();//ArrayList for the splits
int j = 0;
while (true) {
//get each file
File part = new File("base64_" + j + ".txt");
if (part.exists()) {//to figure out how many parts there are
} else {
break;//stop adding
ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
//init scanner that will scan each part
Scanner scan = null;
for (File part : parts) {
scan = new Scanner(part);//set scanner to each part
outStream.write(base64decode(;//decode part and add to file
return outStream.toByteArray();
* Decode a byte[][] of base 64 into a file of data
* @param data The encoded and split up bytes of base64
* @param name The output file name, with extension
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws IOException
public static void bytePeicesIntoFile(byte[][] data, String name) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
util.writeBytesToFile(bytePiecesIntoBytes(data), name);
* Decode a byte[][] of base 64 into a string of useable data
* @param data they byte pieces array of base64
* @return data string
public static String bytePiecesIntoString(byte[][] data) {
String out = "";
for (String s : util.convertBytePiecesToStrings(data)) {
out += s;
return out;
* Decode a byte[][] of base 64 into a byte[] of useable data
* @param data The encoded and split up bytes of base64
* @return the decoded data
* @throws IOException
public static byte[] bytePiecesIntoBytes(byte[][] data) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for (byte[] split : data) {
outStream.write(base64decode(split));//Decode part and add to file
return outStream.toByteArray();
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