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Created October 12, 2021 22:28
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pretty skybox shader for panorama sky usage
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform vec4 top: hint_color = vec4(0.0, 0.05, 0.15, 1.0);
uniform vec4 bottom: hint_color = vec4(0.0, 0.49, 0.88, 1.0);
uniform vec4 circle_top: hint_color = vec4(0.27, 0.24, 0.9, 1.0);
uniform vec4 circle_bottom: hint_color = vec4(1.0, 0.56, 0.35, 1.0);
uniform float horizon_top = 0.4;
uniform float horizon_bottom = 0.6;
uniform float circle_radius = -0.1;
uniform float circle_feather = 0.55;
float circle(vec2 position, float radius, float feather)
return smoothstep(radius, radius + feather, length(position - vec2(0.5)));
void fragment(){
// Only the top half of the shader is shown above the 3D horizon.
float compressed_y = smoothstep(horizon_top, horizon_bottom, UV.y);
//create a vertical gradient
vec3 sky = mix(,, vec3(compressed_y));
vec3 alternate = mix(,, vec3(compressed_y));
//create a vertical gradient
float circle = circle(UV, circle_radius, circle_feather);
// blend the two vertical gradients using an x value
vec4 sky_total = vec4(mix(alternate, sky, vec3(circle)), 1.0);
COLOR = sky_total;
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