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Each instrument in the template is named. This document describes each instrument's sound in more detail. These descriptions are to indicate the sound heard or the sound seen in waveform analysis, not based on how these sounds are produced.
MilkyTracker List (Base 16):
Channels 1 and 2 (Pulse Channels)
1 25%
2 Square
3 75%
4 12.5%
Channel 3 (Wave Channel)
8 "rando buzz" - A square with near-random amplitude
9 "ring buzz (sq tri-amp)" - A square with triangle amplitude
A "low buzz (sq saw-amp)" - A softsquare with sawtooth amplitude
B "soft buzz (rand saw-amp)" - Instrument 8 but with added sawtooth amplitude
C "square pinch (tri sq-amp)" - Triangle with square amplitude
D Sawtooth
E Square
F Sine
Channel 4 (Noise Channel)
The following instruments are grouped by which ones are identical in waveform but are played at different speeds played faster. The lower sounding instruments are at the top of each individual group.
**7-Stage Counter Instruments**
10 "stutter" A square plus a pulse at random pulse widths
11 "rumble" Same as 10
12 "engine" Same as 10
13 "low tone (D5)" Ultimately the same, appears to sound like a square plus a sine wave at random frequencies
14 "undertone (E5+50c)" Same as 13
15 "middletone (B5+50c)" Same as 13
16 "overtone (D6+50c)" Same as 13
17 "high tone (D7)" Same as 13
**15-Stage Counter Instruments**
18 square+thin pulse "earthquake" A square with a thin pulse at random pulse widths
19 square+thin pulse "spaceship" Same as 18
1A square+thin pulse "ocean" Same as 18
1B "scratch" Same as 18
1C "glitch" A quieter but cleaner white-noise sample
1D "volcano" A pulse with rapidly changing pulse width
1E "scream" Same as 1D
1F "static" Same as 1D
Instruments 20, 5, 6 and 7 do not exist.
The Noise Channel functions in 2 modes; 7-stage counter and 15-Stage counter. The 7-stage counter sounds like a buzz while the 15-stage counter sounds like traditional noise.
The wave channel's instruments and the data fed into the noise channel can be adjusted in `/appData/src/gb/src/gbt_player_bank1.s` of GB Studio or `/legacy_gbdk/gbdk_example/gbt_player_bank1.s` of GBT Player with the following table:
OpenMPT List (Base 10):
Channels 1 and 2 (Pulse Channels)
1 25%
2 Square
3 75%
4 12.5%
Channel 3 (Wave Channel)
8 "rando buzz" - A square with near-random amplitude
9 "ring buzz (sq tri-amp)" - A square with triangle amplitude
10 "low buzz (sq saw-amp)" - A softsquare with sawtooth amplitude
11 "soft buzz (rand saw-amp)" - Instrument 8 but with added sawtooth amplitude
12 "square pinch (tri sq-amp)" - Triangle with square amplitude
13 Sawtooth
14 Square
15 Sine
Channel 4 (Noise Channel)
The following instruments are grouped by which ones are identical in waveform but are played at different speeds played faster. The lower sounding instruments are at the top of each individual group.
**7-Stage Counter Instruments**
16 "stutter" A square plus a pulse at random pulse widths
17 "rumble" Same as 10
18 "engine" Same as 10
19 "low tone (D5)" Ultimately the same, appears to sound like a square plus a sine wave at random frequencies
20 "undertone (E5+50c)" Same as 13
21 "middletone (B5+50c)" Same as 13
22 "overtone (D6+50c)" Same as 13
23 "high tone (D7)" Same as 13
**15-Stage Counter Instruments**
24 square+thin pulse "earthquake" A square with a thin pulse at random pulse widths
25 square+thin pulse "spaceship" Same as 18
26 square+thin pulse "ocean" Same as 18
27 "scratch" Same as 18
28 "glitch" A quieter but cleaner white-noise sample
29 "volcano" A pulse with rapidly changing pulse width
30 "scream" Same as 1D
31 "static" Same as 1D
Instruments 32, 5, 6 and 7 do not exist.
The Noise Channel functions in 2 modes; 7-stage counter and 15-Stage counter. The 7-stage counter sounds like a buzz while the 15-stage counter sounds like traditional noise.
The wave channel's instruments and the data fed into the noise channel can be adjusted in `/appData/src/gb/src/gbt_player_bank1.s` of GB Studio or `/legacy_gbdk/gbdk_example/gbt_player_bank1.s` of GBT Player with the following table:
gbt_wave: ; 8 sounds
.DB 0xA5,0xD7,0xC9,0xE1,0xBC,0x9A,0x76,0x31,0x0C,0xBA,0xDE,0x60,0x1B,0xCA,0x03,0x93 ; random :P
.DB 0xF0,0xE1,0xD2,0xC3,0xB4,0xA5,0x96,0x87,0x78,0x69,0x5A,0x4B,0x3C,0x2D,0x1E,0x0F
.DB 0xFD,0xEC,0xDB,0xCA,0xB9,0xA8,0x97,0x86,0x79,0x68,0x57,0x46,0x35,0x24,0x13,0x02 ; little up-downs
.DB 0xDE,0xFE,0xDC,0xBA,0x9A,0xA9,0x87,0x77,0x88,0x87,0x65,0x56,0x54,0x32,0x10,0x12
.DB 0xAB,0xCD,0xEF,0xED,0xCB,0xA0,0x12,0x3E,0xDC,0xBA,0xBC,0xDE,0xFE,0xDC,0x32,0x10 ; triangular broken
.DB 0xFF,0xEE,0xDD,0xCC,0xBB,0xAA,0x99,0x88,0x77,0x66,0x55,0x44,0x33,0x22,0x11,0x00 ; triangular
.DB 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 ; square 50%
.DB 0x79,0xBC,0xDE,0xEF,0xFF,0xEE,0xDC,0xB9,0x75,0x43,0x21,0x10,0x00,0x11,0x23,0x45 ; sine
gbt_noise: ; 16 sounds
; 7 bit
.DB 0x5F,0x5B,0x4B,0x2F,0x3B,0x58,0x1F,0x0F
; 15 bit
.DB 0x90,0x80,0x70,0x50,0x00
.DB 0x67,0x63,0x53```
Comments added after the wave channel's waveforms are originally from AntonioND.
Editing these waveforms will only require rebuilding GB Studio if these waveforms are being edited from `/appData/src/gb/src/gbt_player_bank1.s` in GB Studio's source.
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