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Forked from ShaRose/WinPEISOCrap.ps1
Created January 20, 2017 04:24
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I did a powershell script!
Install Windows from a passed ISO.
This command takes a path to a .iso file, mounts it, and starts setup.exe to begin windows installation.
This should only be run on Windows PE instances.
This is the path to the .iso file that will be mounted, and used for the installation media.
InstallWindows -ISOPath "Z:\Windows\en_windows_10_enterprise_version_1607_updated_jul_2016_x64_dvd_9054264.iso"
function InstallWindows
param (
$img = Mount-DiskImage -imagepath $ISOPath -PassThru
Start-Process -FilePath "$(($img | Get-Volume).DriveLetter):\Setup.exe"
Get information about versions of windows that are supported on an ISO.
This command mounts a passed .iso file, and returns the output from the Get-WindowsImage function for \Sources\install.wim on said image.
This is the path to the .iso file that information will be retrieved from. Please ensure it is valid Windows installation media.
GetWindowsISOInfo -ISOPath "Z:\Windows\en_windows_10_enterprise_version_1607_updated_jul_2016_x64_dvd_9054264.iso" | Format-Table -Property ImageName, ImageSize
function GetWindowsISOInfo
param (
$img = Mount-DiskImage -imagepath $ISOPath -PassThru
Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath "$(($img | Get-Volume).DriveLetter):\sources\install.wim"
$img | Dismount-DiskImage
A helper method to mount network shares, with optional credentials.
This command is designed to mount network shares to the Z: drive letter.
It will automatically unmount any drives that are mounted at that location.
If credentials are not passed, it will assume 'guest' for both the username and password.
.PARAMETER NetworkPath
This is the network path that should be mounted, including volumes if need be.
.PARAMETER NetworkUser
The username that should be used to connect to the network share.
.PARAMETER NetworkPass
The password that should be used to connect to the network share.
MountNetShare -NetworkPath "\\Fileserver\Share"
MountNetShare -NetworkPath "\\Fileserver\Share\Folder\Subfolder"
MountNetShare -NetworkPath "\\Fileserver\SecureShare" -NetworkUser $username -NetworkPass $password
function MountNetShare
param (
[string]$NetworkUser = "guest",
[string]$NetworkPass = "guest"
if(Test-Path Z:) {echo Remove-PSDrive -Name "Z"}
$credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($NetworkUser, (ConvertTo-SecureString $NetworkPass -AsPlainText -Force))
New-PSDrive -Name "Z" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $NetworkPath -Credential $credentials -Persist -Scope Global
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