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Last active September 6, 2015 10:58
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Umbraco: 404 page should search for best match
@using System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher
@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoTemplatePage
Layout = "FEEMaster.cshtml";
IPublishedContent featuredImage = FEE.Domain.CoverImageProvider.GetCoverImageOrDefault(CurrentPage.featuredImage);
@section bodyClass {
<div class="main-display">
@if (featuredImage != null)
<img src="@featuredImage.Url" alt="@featuredImage.Name" width="1380px" height="120px" />
<div class="container">
<div class="container">
<div class="content">
<div id="loading"></div>
<div class="clear-this mainContent">
Please report this url: <em>@Request.Url</em>
@if (ViewBag.PossibleMatches != null)
var matches = ViewBag.PossibleMatches;
<h3>Possible Matches:</h3>
@foreach (var match in matches)
<li><a href="@match.Url" title="@match.CreateDate">@match.Name</a></li>
@if (CurrentPage.navigationMenu > 0)
<nav class="side-nav">
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using Examine;
using Umbraco.Core;
using Umbraco.Core.Logging;
using Umbraco.Web;
using Umbraco.Web.Models;
using Umbraco.Web.Mvc;
namespace FEE.Web.App_Code.Controllers
public class ContentNotFoundController : RenderMvcController
public ActionResult Index(RenderModel model)
Debug.WriteLine("404: " + Request.Url);
// CMS-210 404 page should search for best match
var nodeByUrl = UmbracoContext.Current.ContentCache.GetByRoute(Request.Url.PathAndQuery);
if (nodeByUrl != null)
LogHelper.Warn<ContentNotFoundController>("content found in cache, but umbraco returned 404: " +
return CurrentTemplate(model);
var helper = new UmbracoHelper(UmbracoContext.Current);
var lastSegment = Request.Url.Segments.Last();
var title = lastSegment.Replace("-", " ").ToFirstUpper().Trim('/');
var searcher = ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection["InternalSearcher"];
var criteria =
.Field("articleTitle", title)
var searchResults = helper.TypedSearch(criteria, searcher);
if (!searchResults.Any())
criteria =
.Field("nodeName", title)
searchResults = helper.TypedSearch(criteria, searcher);
if (!searchResults.Any())
criteria =
searchResults = helper.TypedSearch(criteria, searcher);
if (!searchResults.Any())
searchResults = helper.TypedSearch(title, true, "InternalSearcher");
ViewBag.PossibleMatches = searchResults.Take(25).ToList();
return CurrentTemplate(model);
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