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Last active July 16, 2018 22:36
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Save DavidAntaramian/9bd3d0a0dddbb8bd1e967824647e4c0e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Testing the use of inspect/1 with a function yielding an integer
Operating System: macOS"
CPU Information: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3840QM CPU @ 2.80GHz
Number of Available Cores: 8
Available memory: 16 GB
Elixir 1.6.4
Erlang 20.3.4
Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 5 s
memory time: 0 μs
parallel: 1
inputs: none specified
Estimated total run time: 28 s
Benchmarking with_inspect...
Benchmarking with_integer_tostring...
Benchmarking with_tostring...
Benchmarking without_inspect...
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
without_inspect 0.62 1.60 s ±6.29% 1.57 s 1.74 s
with_integer_tostring 0.41 2.44 s ±5.14% 2.44 s 2.53 s
with_tostring 0.35 2.83 s ±1.60% 2.83 s 2.86 s
with_inspect 0.0868 11.52 s ±0.00% 11.52 s 11.52 s
without_inspect 0.62
with_integer_tostring 0.41 - 1.53x slower
with_tostring 0.35 - 1.77x slower
with_inspect 0.0868 - 7.20x slower
bench_list = Enum.to_list(1..10_000_000)
with_inspect = fn (_) -> inspect(System.system_time(:seconds)) end
without_inspect = fn (_) -> System.system_time(:seconds) end
with_tostring = fn (_) -> to_string(System.system_time(:seconds)) end
with_integer_tostring = fn (_) -> Integer.to_string(System.system_time(:seconds)) end{
"with_inspect" => fn -> Enum.each(bench_list, with_inspect) end,
"without_inspect" => fn -> Enum.each(bench_list, without_inspect) end,
"with_tostring" => fn -> Enum.each(bench_list, with_tostring) end,
"with_integer_tostring" => fn -> Enum.each(bench_list, with_integer_tostring) end
iex(1)> s = System.monotonic_time(); Enum.each(1..10_000_000, fn (_) -> inspect(System.system_time(:seconds)) end); e = System.monotonic_time()
iex(2)> System.convert_time_unit((s - e), :native, :milliseconds)
iex(3)> System.convert_time_unit((e - s), :native, :milliseconds)
iex(4)> s = System.monotonic_time(); Enum.each(1..10_000_000, fn (_) -> System.system_time(:seconds) end); e = System.monotonic_time()
iex(5)> System.convert_time_unit((e - s), :native, :milliseconds)
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