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WooCommerce VAT compliance CSV download alterations
// See:
// Set the list of desired columns for the spreadsheet
add_filter('wc_eu_vat_compliance_csv_header_columns', function() {
$desired_columns = [
'Order number',
'Date (local)',
'Customer Name',
'Order status',
'Reporting currency',
'Products total', // "This is the total price of all the products in the shopping cart prior to shipping cost or VAT cost."
'Shipping Total',
'VAT rate (%, 1)',
'VAT paid (total, reporting currency)',
'Sales total (reporting currency)', // " The column “Sales Total” should be the sum of “Products Total” + “Shipping Total” + “VAT Paid”."
'Shipping country'
return $desired_columns;
// Make sure that the order meta fields needed are fetched from the database when selecting data for the report.
add_filter('wc_eu_vat_compliance_report_extra_meta_fields', function($fields, $print_as_csv) {
if ($print_as_csv) {
$fields[] = '_order_shipping';
$fields[] = '_billing_company';
$fields[] = '_order_total';
return $fields;
}, 10, 2);
// Give the order meta fields appropriate internal keys
function($store, $res) {
if ('_order_shipping'== $res->meta_key) return 'shipping_amount';
if ('_billing_company' == $res->meta_key) return 'billing_company';
if ('_order_total' == $res->meta_key) return 'order_total';
return $store;
}, 10, 2);
// Provide the final values for a row
function($data, $order_id, $order, $status, $results, $anonymised, $original_data, $order_converted) {
if (!isset($order['shipping_amount'])) {
$shipping_total = 0;
$data['Shipping Total'] = '';
} else {
$shipping_total = WooCommerce_EU_VAT_Compliance()->round_amount($order_converted['shipping_amount']);
$data['Shipping Total'] = $shipping_total;
// This is the WooCommerce meta value for the entire order
$order_total = $order_converted['_order_total'];
$data['Products total'] = WooCommerce_EU_VAT_Compliance()->round_amount($order_total - $shipping_total - $data['VAT paid (total, reporting currency)']);
$data['Customer Name'] = isset($order['billing_company']) ? $order['billing_company'] : '';
return $data;
}, 10, 8);
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