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Last active April 26, 2020 08:54
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Covert Dataturks Image bounding box JSON to Pascal VOC format.
import argparse
import sys
import os
import json
import logging
import requests
from PIL import Image
################### INSTALLATION NOTE #######################
## pip install requests
## pip install pillow
#enable info logging.
def maybe_download(image_url, image_dir):
"""Download the image if not already exist, return the location path"""
fileName = image_url.split("/")[-1]
filePath = os.path.join(image_dir, fileName)
if (os.path.exists(filePath)):
return filePath
#else download the image
response = requests.get(image_url)
if response.status_code == 200:
with open(filePath, 'wb') as f:
return filePath
raise ValueError( "Not a 200 response")
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Failed to download image at " + image_url + " \n" + str(e) + "\nignoring....")
raise e
def get_xml_for_bbx(bbx_label, bbx_data, width, height):
if len(bbx_data['points']) == 4:
#Regular BBX has 4 points of the rectangle.
xmin = width*min(bbx_data['points'][0][0], bbx_data['points'][1][0], bbx_data['points'][2][0], bbx_data['points'][3][0])
ymin = height * min(bbx_data['points'][0][1], bbx_data['points'][1][1], bbx_data['points'][2][1],
xmax = width * max(bbx_data['points'][0][0], bbx_data['points'][1][0], bbx_data['points'][2][0],
ymax = height * max(bbx_data['points'][0][1], bbx_data['points'][1][1], bbx_data['points'][2][1],
#OCR BBX format has 'x','y' in one point.
# We store the left top and right bottom as point '0' and point '1'
xmin = int(bbx_data['points'][0]['x']*width)
ymin = int(bbx_data['points'][0]['y']*height)
xmax = int(bbx_data['points'][1]['x']*width)
ymax = int(bbx_data['points'][1]['y']*height)
xml = "<object>\n"
xml = xml + "\t<name>" + bbx_label + "</name>\n"
xml = xml + "\t<pose>Unspecified</pose>\n"
xml = xml + "\t<truncated>Unspecified</truncated>\n"
xml = xml + "\t<difficult>Unspecified</difficult>\n"
xml = xml + "\t<occluded>Unspecified</occluded>\n"
xml = xml + "\t<bndbox>\n"
xml = xml + "\t\t<xmin>" + str(xmin) + "</xmin>\n"
xml = xml + "\t\t<xmax>" + str(xmax) + "</xmax>\n"
xml = xml + "\t\t<ymin>" + str(ymin) + "</ymin>\n"
xml = xml + "\t\t<ymax>" + str(ymax) + "</ymax>\n"
xml = xml + "\t</bndbox>\n"
xml = xml + "</object>\n"
return xml
def convert_to_PascalVOC(dataturks_labeled_item, image_dir, xml_out_dir):
"""Convert a dataturks labeled item to pascalVOCXML string.
dataturks_labeled_item: JSON of one labeled image from dataturks.
image_dir: Path to directory to downloaded images (or a directory already having the images downloaded).
xml_out_dir: Path to the dir where the xml needs to be written.
data = json.loads(dataturks_labeled_item)
if len(data['annotation']) == 0:"Ignoring Skipped Item");
return False;
width = data['annotation'][0]['imageWidth']
height = data['annotation'][0]['imageHeight']
image_url = data['content']
filePath = maybe_download(image_url, image_dir)
with as img:
width, height = img.size
fileName = filePath.split("/")[-1]
image_dir_folder_Name = image_dir.split("/")[-1]
xml = "<annotation>\n<folder>" + image_dir_folder_Name + "</folder>\n"
xml = xml + "<filename>" + fileName +"</filename>\n"
xml = xml + "<path>" + filePath +"</path>\n"
xml = xml + "<source>\n\t<database>Unknown</database>\n</source>\n"
xml = xml + "<size>\n"
xml = xml + "\t<width>" + str(width) + "</width>\n"
xml = xml + "\t<height>" + str(height) + "</height>\n"
xml = xml + "\t<depth>Unspecified</depth>\n"
xml = xml + "</size>\n"
xml = xml + "<segmented>Unspecified</segmented>\n"
for bbx in data['annotation']:
if not bbx:
#Pascal VOC only supports rectangles.
if "shape" in bbx and bbx["shape"] != "rectangle":
bbx_labels = bbx['label']
#handle both list of labels or a single label.
if not isinstance(bbx_labels, list):
bbx_labels = [bbx_labels]
for bbx_label in bbx_labels:
xml = xml + get_xml_for_bbx(bbx_label, bbx, width, height)
xml = xml + "</annotation>"
#output to a file.
xmlFilePath = os.path.join(xml_out_dir, fileName + ".xml")
with open(xmlFilePath, 'w') as f:
return True
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Unable to process item " + dataturks_labeled_item + "\n" + "error = " + str(e))
return False
def main():
#make sure everything is setup.
if (not os.path.isdir(image_download_dir)):
logging.exception("Please specify a valid directory path to download images, " + image_download_dir + " doesn't exist")
if (not os.path.isdir(pascal_voc_xml_dir)):
logging.exception("Please specify a valid directory path to write Pascal VOC xml files, " + pascal_voc_xml_dir + " doesn't exist")
if (not os.path.exists(dataturks_JSON_FilePath)):
"Please specify a valid path to dataturks JSON output file, " + dataturks_JSON_FilePath + " doesn't exist")
lines = []
with open(dataturks_JSON_FilePath, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
if (not lines or len(lines) == 0):
"Please specify a valid path to dataturks JSON output file, " + dataturks_JSON_FilePath + " is empty")
count = 0;
success = 0
for line in lines:
status = convert_to_PascalVOC(line, image_download_dir, pascal_voc_xml_dir)
if (status):
success = success + 1
if (count % 10 == 0): + " items done ...")"Completed: " + str(success) + " items done, " + str(len(lines) - success) + " items ignored due to errors or for being skipped items.")
def create_arg_parser():
""""Creates and returns the ArgumentParser object."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Converts Dataturks output JSON file for Image bounding box to Pascal VOC format.')
help='Path to the JSON file downloaded from Dataturks.')
help='Path to the directory where images will be dowloaded (if not already found in the directory).')
help='Path to the directory where Pascal VOC XML files will be stored.')
return parser
if __name__ == '__main__':
arg_parser = create_arg_parser()
parsed_args = arg_parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
global dataturks_JSON_FilePath
global image_download_dir
global pascal_voc_xml_dir
#setup global paths needed accross the script.
dataturks_JSON_FilePath = parsed_args.dataturks_JSON_FilePath
image_download_dir = parsed_args.image_download_dir
pascal_voc_xml_dir = parsed_args.pascal_voc_xml_dir
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ht9999 commented Sep 16, 2019

i am getting error in line 141 in function convert_to_pascal. Error is in line with open(xmlfilepath,'w') in command prompt.Please help

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