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  • Save DashW/74d726293c0d3aeb53f4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DashW/74d726293c0d3aeb53f4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ScreenRecorder - High Performance Unity Video Capture Script
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
class BitmapEncoder
public static void WriteBitmap(Stream stream, int width, int height, byte[] imageData)
using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(stream)) {
// define the bitmap file header
bw.Write ((UInt16)0x4D42); // bfType;
bw.Write ((UInt32)(14 + 40 + (width * height * 4))); // bfSize;
bw.Write ((UInt16)0); // bfReserved1;
bw.Write ((UInt16)0); // bfReserved2;
bw.Write ((UInt32)14 + 40); // bfOffBits;
// define the bitmap information header
bw.Write ((UInt32)40); // biSize;
bw.Write ((Int32)width); // biWidth;
bw.Write ((Int32)height); // biHeight;
bw.Write ((UInt16)1); // biPlanes;
bw.Write ((UInt16)32); // biBitCount;
bw.Write ((UInt32)0); // biCompression;
bw.Write ((UInt32)(width * height * 4)); // biSizeImage;
bw.Write ((Int32)0); // biXPelsPerMeter;
bw.Write ((Int32)0); // biYPelsPerMeter;
bw.Write ((UInt32)0); // biClrUsed;
bw.Write ((UInt32)0); // biClrImportant;
// switch the image data from RGB to BGR
for (int imageIdx = 0; imageIdx < imageData.Length; imageIdx += 3) {
bw.Write(imageData[imageIdx + 2]);
bw.Write(imageData[imageIdx + 1]);
bw.Write(imageData[imageIdx + 0]);
/// <summary>
/// Captures frames from a Unity camera in real time
/// and writes them to disk using a background thread.
/// </summary>
/// <description>
/// Maximises speed and quality by reading-back raw
/// texture data with no conversion and writing
/// frames in uncompressed BMP format.
/// Created by Richard Copperwaite.
/// </description>
public class ScreenRecorder : MonoBehaviour
// Public Properties
public int maxFrames; // maximum number of frames you want to record in one video
public int frameRate = 30; // number of frames to capture per second
// The Encoder Thread
private Thread encoderThread;
// Texture Readback Objects
private RenderTexture tempRenderTexture;
private Texture2D tempTexture2D;
// Timing Data
private float captureFrameTime;
private float lastFrameTime;
private int frameNumber;
private int savingFrameNumber;
// Encoder Thread Shared Resources
private Queue<byte[]> frameQueue;
private string persistentDataPath;
private int screenWidth;
private int screenHeight;
private bool threadIsProcessing;
private bool terminateThreadWhenDone;
void Start ()
// Set target frame rate (optional)
Application.targetFrameRate = frameRate;
// Prepare the data directory
persistentDataPath = Application.persistentDataPath + "/ScreenRecorder";
print ("Capturing to: " + persistentDataPath + "/");
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(persistentDataPath))
// Prepare textures and initial values
screenWidth = GetComponent<Camera>().pixelWidth;
screenHeight = GetComponent<Camera>().pixelHeight;
tempRenderTexture = new RenderTexture(screenWidth, screenHeight, 0);
tempTexture2D = new Texture2D(screenWidth, screenHeight, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
frameQueue = new Queue<byte[]> ();
frameNumber = 0;
savingFrameNumber = 0;
captureFrameTime = 1.0f / (float)frameRate;
lastFrameTime = Time.time;
// Kill the encoder thread if running from a previous execution
if (encoderThread != null && (threadIsProcessing || encoderThread.IsAlive)) {
threadIsProcessing = false;
// Start a new encoder thread
threadIsProcessing = true;
encoderThread = new Thread (EncodeAndSave);
encoderThread.Start ();
void OnDisable()
// Reset target frame rate
Application.targetFrameRate = -1;
// Inform thread to terminate when finished processing frames
terminateThreadWhenDone = true;
void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
if (frameNumber <= maxFrames)
// Check if render target size has changed, if so, terminate
if(source.width != screenWidth || source.height != screenHeight)
threadIsProcessing = false;
this.enabled = false;
throw new UnityException("ScreenRecorder render target size has changed!");
// Calculate number of video frames to produce from this game frame
// Generate 'padding' frames if desired framerate is higher than actual framerate
float thisFrameTime = Time.time;
int framesToCapture = ((int)(thisFrameTime / captureFrameTime)) - ((int)(lastFrameTime / captureFrameTime));
// Capture the frame
if(framesToCapture > 0)
Graphics.Blit (source, tempRenderTexture); = tempRenderTexture;
tempTexture2D.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height),0,0); = null;
// Add the required number of copies to the queue
for(int i = 0; i < framesToCapture && frameNumber <= maxFrames; ++i)
frameNumber ++;
if(frameNumber % frameRate == 0)
print ("Frame " + frameNumber);
lastFrameTime = thisFrameTime;
else //keep making screenshots until it reaches the max frame amount
// Inform thread to terminate when finished processing frames
terminateThreadWhenDone = true;
// Disable script
this.enabled = false;
// Passthrough
Graphics.Blit (source, destination);
private void EncodeAndSave()
while (threadIsProcessing)
if(frameQueue.Count > 0)
// Generate file path
string path = persistentDataPath + "/frame" + savingFrameNumber + ".bmp";
// Dequeue the frame, encode it as a bitmap, and write it to the file
using(FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create))
BitmapEncoder.WriteBitmap(fileStream, screenWidth, screenHeight, frameQueue.Dequeue());
// Done
savingFrameNumber ++;
print ("Saved " + savingFrameNumber + " frames. " + frameQueue.Count + " frames remaining.");
terminateThreadWhenDone = false;
threadIsProcessing = false;
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i wanna know how to use this script

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enquel commented May 18, 2018

simple and beautiful, works like a charm! You need to comment a part responsible for render texture change detection to make it work.

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zephyo commented May 19, 2018

amazing and fast, thanks so much!! May I ask, how do you encode it to a video format?

edit: couldn't find how to convert it to mp4, but was able to use it to make gifs in-game! ^_^

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ir6is commented Jun 8, 2018

how did you create the gifs in-game?
"You need to comment a part responsible for render texture change detection to make it work.", where is that code?

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nmnsud commented Jul 9, 2018

It works perfectly! Though I need to convert it into single GIF and make it shareable through android's share intent. I can't figure it out, any help?

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How to use this code? Anyone please?

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Hunter1pro commented Oct 23, 2018

i wanna know how to use this script

amazing and fast, thanks so much!! May I ask, how do you encode it to a video format?

edit: couldn't find how to convert it to mp4, but was able to use it to make gifs in-game! ^_^

how did you create the gifs in-game?
"You need to comment a part responsible for render texture change detection to make it work.", where is that code?

It works perfectly! Though I need to convert it into single GIF and make it shareable through android's share intent. I can't figure it out, any help?

How to use this code? Anyone please?

Fast Answer for main quastion, for make video you need to use library convertaion or write own :D - good way use
Base Advenced Example
Unity Simple Example

Also how its work currently Need to Be on The Camera and Enabled, (also set max frames - for example (rate 30, max frames 60 its 2 seconds of record) Then "Update" Like ~ when ScreenRendered, callback called to OnRenderImage ( like one of Base Unity Function (like Update or FixedUpdate, Awake, Enabled end etc... )

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Soorya-S commented Dec 5, 2018

not working. I have set max frames to 60. It creates the folder but not working. It stops at line if (frameQueue.Count > 0) under EncodeAndSave() function.
and also OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination) is not called

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DashW commented Mar 6, 2019

Whoa, apologies for my lack of activity on this Gist, I wasn't getting notifications about it! Frankly, I can't believe people are still using it, I'd totally forgotten I wrote it and there are much better alternatives out there.

I would recommend Unity's Recorder, which is totally free on the Asset Store:

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Hello DashW

I would recommend Unity's Recorder, which is totally free on the Asset Store:

OK but can it be scripted in build instead that in editor only?


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d-oleksy commented Aug 1, 2019

works perfectly!

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makakaorg commented Nov 14, 2019

Hi, DashW! Is it possible to capture video from specific camera (because I have 2 cameras in the game) with your script and how? Thx

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I had the same wish... extend the OnRenderImage event by an iterator over inactive cameras (if you want to record more than one). You can use something like this to capture images from inactive cameras:

            foreach (Camera inactiveCam in inactiveCameras)
                int resWidth = inactiveCam.pixelWidth;
                int resHeight = inactiveCam.pixelHeight;
                RenderTexture rt = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(resWidth, resHeight, 24);
                inactiveCam.targetTexture = rt;
                Texture2D ss = new Texture2D(resWidth, resHeight, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
       = rt;
                ss.ReadPixels(inactiveCam.pixelRect, 0, 0);
                inactiveCam.targetTexture = null;
       = null;

Don't forget to extend the encoder as well

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I would recommend Unity's Recorder, which is totally free on the Asset Store:

As someone else said, that official solution is only usable in Editor, it uses the media encoder supplied in the UnityEditor.Media namespace which is not included in build.

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Can this script be used in android or ios build?

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md84419 commented Feb 26, 2021

Unity Recorder is no longer available on the asset store.

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Unity Recorder is no longer available on the asset store.

It's a package now and you can find it in package manager.

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Unity Recorder is no longer available on the asset store.

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Would this work to capture audio with fmod? Unity recorder doesn't work with Fmod enabled.

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