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Created July 9, 2013 20:43
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Save DarokinB/5961100 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[Script] Automatic Traps / Advanced pathing system
var TrapTracker = TrapTracker || {};
TrapTracker.GMOnly = false; //Only sends notifications to the GM
TrapTracker.Disable = false; //Defaults to enable/disable the system. Chat commands to turn on and off exist.
TrapTracker.TrapPrefix = "xTrap"; //The prefix for traps for the system to search for
TrapTracker.GMName = "DM (GM)";
TrapTracker.accuracy = 5; //The points of intersection that need to be hit to set it off. With 5, about half the square needs to be hit. Min 1;
TrapTracker.convertHTML = function(obj) {
var tString = obj;
tString = tString.replace(/%20/g, " ");
tString = tString.replace(/%21/g, "!");
tString = tString.replace(/%23/g, "#");
tString = tString.replace(/%24/g, "$");
tString = tString.replace(/%25/g, "%");
tString = tString.replace(/%26/g, "&");
tString = tString.replace(/%27/g, "'");
tString = tString.replace(/%28/g, "(");
tString = tString.replace(/%29/g, ")");
tString = tString.replace(/%2A/g, "*");
tString = tString.replace(/%2B/g, "+");
tString = tString.replace(/%2C/g, ",");
tString = tString.replace(/%2D/g, "-");
tString = tString.replace(/%2E/g, ".");
tString = tString.replace(/%2F/g, "/");
tString = tString.replace(/%3A/g, ":");
tString = tString.replace(/%3B/g, ";");
tString = tString.replace(/%3C/g, "<");
tString = tString.replace(/%3D/g, "=");
tString = tString.replace(/%3E/g, ">");
tString = tString.replace(/%3F/g, "?");
tString = tString.replace(/%40/g, "@");
tString = tString.replace(/%5B/g, "[");
tString = tString.replace(/%5C/g, "\ ");
tString = tString.replace(/%5D/g, "]");
tString = tString.replace(/%5E/g, "^");
tString = tString.replace(/%5F/g, "_");
tString = tString.replace(/%7B/g, "{");
tString = tString.replace(/%7C/g, "|");
tString = tString.replace(/%7D/g, "}");
tString = tString.replace(/%7E/g, "~");
tString = tString.replace(/<div>/g, "\n");
tString = TrapTracker.removeDivs(tString);
return tString;
TrapTracker.removeDivs = function(obj) {
var string = obj;
var left = string.indexOf("<");
var right = string.indexOf(">");
if ((left == -1 || right == -1)) return string;
return TrapTracker.removeDivs(string.substr(0, left) + string.substr(right + 1));
on("change:graphic", function(obj, prev) {
if ((obj.get("left") == prev["left"]) && obj.get("top") == prev["top"]) return; //Exit if no movement.
//searches for all traps, and checks to see if the moved token passed over the trap
var Traps = findObjs({
_type: "graphic",
layer: "gmlayer",
_pageid: Campaign().get("playerpageid"),
_.each(Traps, function(trap) {
if (trap.get("name").indexOf(TrapTracker.TrapPrefix) == -1) return; //ignores non-traps
if (trap.get("left") == prev["left"] && trap.get("top") == prev["top"]) return; //ignore if leaving trap
if (TrapTracker.stepTest(obj, trap, prev) == true) {
var string = TrapTracker.convertHTML(trap.get("gmnotes"));
sendChat(TrapTracker.GMName, string);
TrapTracker.stepTest = function(token, trap, prev) {
//First, draw a polygon based on the path traveled
var PathTraveled = [];
PathTraveled.push({x: token.get("left"), y: token.get("top")}); //current top left
PathTraveled.push({x: token.get("left") + token.get("width"), y: token.get("top")}); //current top right
PathTraveled.push({x: prev["left"], y: prev["top"]}); //old top left
PathTraveled.push({x: prev["left"] + token.get("width"), y: prev["top"]}); //old top right
PathTraveled.push({x: prev["left"] + token.get("width"), y: prev["top"] + token.get("height")}); //old bottom right
PathTraveled.push({x: prev["left"], y: prev["top"] + token.get("height")}); //old bottom left
PathTraveled.push({x: token.get("left") + token.get("width"), y: token.get("top") + token.get("height")}); //current bottom right
PathTraveled.push({x: token.get("left"), y: token.get("top") + token.get("height")}); //current bottom left
//remove two points that are not needed because they are inside the polygon
var highestX = PathTraveled[0].x;
var highestY = PathTraveled[0].y;
var lowestX = PathTraveled[0].x;
var lowestY = PathTraveled[0].y;
var i = 0;
while (i < 8) {
if (PathTraveled[i].x < lowestX) { lowestX = PathTraveled[i].x };
if (PathTraveled[i].x > highestX) { highestX = PathTraveled[i].x };
if (PathTraveled[i].y < lowestY) { lowestY = PathTraveled[i].y };
if (PathTraveled[i].y > highestY) { highestY = PathTraveled[i].y };
i += 1;
//remove the non-max/min points (they are in the center of the polygon)
i = 0;
while (i < 8) {
if (PathTraveled[0].x < highestX && PathTraveled[0].x > lowestX && PathTraveled[0].y < highestY && PathTraveled[0].y > lowestY) {
PathTraveled.pop() // removes the point
} else {
PathTraveled.push(PathTraveled.pop()); //takes the first point and adds it to the end.
i += 1;
//Sort the points clockwise with a center point
//centerpoint to focus on
var Origin = {
x: (highestX - lowestX ) / 2 + lowestX,
y: (highestY - lowestY) / 2 + lowestY,
PathTraveled.sort( function(a,b) {
var angle1 = Math.atan2(a.y - Origin.y, a.x - Origin.x);
var angle2 = Math.atan2(b.y - Origin.y, b.x - Origin.x);
if(angle1 < angle2) return 1;
else if (angle2 > angle1) return -1;
return 0;
var trapPt = {};
var trapCurrX = trap.get("left");
var trapCurrY = trap.get("top");
var trapWidth = trap.get("width");
var trapHeight = trap.get("height");
var intersects = 0;
while (trapCurrX <= trap.get("left") + trapWidth) {
while (trapCurrY <= trap.get("top") + trapHeight) {
trapPt = {x: trapCurrX, y: trapCurrY};
if (TrapTracker.subStepTest(PathTraveled, trapPt)) { intersects += 1; }
log(trapCurrX + ", " + trapCurrY)
trapCurrY += 35; // 1/2 square increments, the accuracy decides how many must be crossed to set it off
trapCurrX += 35;
trapCurrY = trap.get("top");
if (TrapTracker.accuracy <= intersects) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
TrapTracker.subStepTest = function(poly, pt) {
for(var c = false, i = -1, l = poly.length, j = l - 1; ++i < l; j = i)
((poly[i].y <= pt.y && pt.y < poly[j].y) || (poly[j].y <= pt.y && pt.y < poly[i].y)) && (pt.x < (poly[j].x - poly[i].x) * (pt.y - poly[i].y) / (poly[j].y - poly[i].y) + poly[i].x) && (c = !c);
return c;
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