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Created July 8, 2013 20:02
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[Script] Roll20: Roll Format Changer
//Global Identifier
var rollFormat = rollFormat || {};
rollFormat.CSSBGColor = "#66CCFF"; //Color of background
rollFormat.CSSbrdrColor = "blue"; //color of border
rollFormat.CSSfontColor = "black"; // color of text
rollFormat.CSSfumbleColor = "red"; //color of lowest rolls (1 on 1dX)
rollFormat.CSScriticalColor = "white"; //color of highest rolls (X on 1dX)
rollFormat.modCSS = "font-size: 1.1em;"; //Modifer size
rollFormat.totCSS = "font-size: 1.8em;"; //Totals size
rollFormat.CSS = "background:" + rollFormat.CSSBGColor + "; color:" + rollFormat.CSSfontColor + "; border-radius: 8px; padding:4px; font-size: 1.1em; border-style:solid; border-color:" + rollFormat.CSSbrdrColor + "; border-width:1px;";
on("chat:message", function(msgOld) {
//tests for a roll command
if (msgOld.content.indexOf("!r ") !== -1) {
var player = msgOld.who;
var currMsg = msgOld.content.replace("!r ", "");
var notes = "";
sendChat(player, "\n/roll " + currMsg, function(op) {
var output = "<TABLE border='0' cellpadding = '4' style='text-align:center;'><TR>";
var obj = JSON.parse(op[0].content);
//loop through cleanedMsg to display each die rolled
_.each(obj.rolls, function(nMsg){
switch(nMsg.type) {
case "R":
output += "<TD border='1'><div style='" + rollFormat.CSS + "'>";
output += nMsg.dice + "d" + nMsg.sides + " = <br />(";
var count = 0;
_.each(nMsg.results, function(resOut){
count += 1;
if(resOut.d == true){
output += "<i style='text-decoration: line-through'>"
if (resOut.v == nMsg.sides) {
output += "<strong style='font-size: 1.5em; color:" + rollFormat.CSScriticalColor + "';>" + resOut.v + "</strong>";
} else if (resOut.v == 1){
output += "<strong style='font-size: 1.5em; color:" + rollFormat.CSSfumbleColor + "';>" + resOut.v + "</strong>";
} else {
output += resOut.v;
if(resOut.d == true) {
output += "</i>"
if (count !== nMsg.results.length) {
output += ",";
output += ") </div></TD>";
case "M":
output += "<TD><div style='" + rollFormat.modCSS + "'>";
output += nMsg.expr + "</div></TD>";
case "C":
notes += nMsg.text;
output += "<TD><div style='" + rollFormat.totCSS+ "'> = " + + notes + "</div> </TD> </TR> </TABLE>"
sendChat(player, "/direct " + output);
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