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Created June 18, 2013 15:16
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Teleporter Without Movement Tracker
/* ************ TELEPORTING SCRIPT **************************
* The intention of this script is to allow the DM to teleport
* one or all characters to a location based on a token placed
* on the DM layer of the map.
* To activate the script, type "!Teleport " and add the name
* of the teleport location (must not contrain spaces) and then
* the name of the party member to teleport there. They must be
* seperated by commas. If you want all to teleport, type all.
* ie. !Teleport teleport01, all - teleports all players to teleport01
* AUTOTELEPORTING: This feature allows you to place a token on
* One square (for example stairs) and it will auto move a token
* to the linked location and back again should you choose.
* Linked locations need to be tokens placed on the GMLayer.
* Naming conventions:
* Two way doors: XXXXXXXX2A, XXXXXXXXX2B
* (in the case of one way doors, dont create a 3C)
* This system can handle up to 9 way doors (9I max).
var Teleporter = Teleporter || {};
Teleporter.AUTOTELEPORTER = true; //Set to true if you want teleports to be linked
Teleporter.GMName = "DM (GM)"; //The display name of the GM
Teleporter.Teleport = function (CharName, TargetName) {
var LocX = 0;
var LocY = 0;
var OldLocX = obj.get("left");
var OldLocY = obj.get("top");
//find the target location
var location = findObjs({
_pageid: Campaign().get("playerpageid"),
_type: "graphic",
layer: "gmlayer", //target location MUST be on GM layer
name: TargetName,
if (location.length == 0) return; //exit if invalid target location
LocX = location[0].get("left");
LocY = location[0].get("top");
//if all are indicated, it lists all
//finds all tokens with the name
var targets = findObjs({
_pageid: Campaign().get("playerpageid"),
_type: "graphic",
//Move characters to target location
_.each(targets, function(obj) {
//Only player tokens
if (CharName == "all") {
if (obj.get("represents") != "") {
log("Setting all");
obj.set("left", LocX + 1);
obj.set("top", LocY);
else {
if (obj.get("name").indexOf(CharName) !== -1) {
if (obj.get("represents") != "") {
obj.set("left", LocX + 1);
obj.set("top", LocY);
on("chat:message", function(msg) {
var cmdName = "!Teleport ";
if (msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf(cmdName) !== -1 && Teleporter.GMName == msg.who) {
var cleanedMsg = msg.content.replace(cmdName, "");
var commands = cleanedMsg.split(", ");
var targetName = commands[0];
i = 1
while ( i < commands.length ) {
Teleporter.Teleport(commands[i], targetName)
i = i + 1;
on("change:graphic", function(obj) {
if (obj.get("name").indexOf("Teleport") !== -1) return; //Do not teleport teleport pads!!
if (Teleporter.AUTOTELEPORTER == false) return; //Exit if auto Teleport is disabled
/* To use this system, you need to name two Teleportation locations the same
* with only an A and B distinction. For instance Teleport01A and Teleport01B
* will be linked together. When a token gets on one location, it will be
* Teleported to the other automatically */
//Finds the current teleportation location
var CurrName = "";
var location = findObjs({
_pageid: Campaign().get("playerpageid"),
_type: "graphic",
layer: "gmlayer", //location MUST be on GM layer
left: obj.get("left"),
top: obj.get("top"),
if (location.length == 0) return;
CurrName = location[0].get("name");
var Letters = new Array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L");
//Number of doors in the cycle (second to last character)
var doorCount = CurrName.substr(CurrName.length - 2, 1);
//Current Letter of the Door
var currDoor = CurrName.substr(CurrName.length - 1, 1);
//Finds the pair location and moves target to that location
var i = Letters.indexOf(currDoor);
if (i == doorCount - 1) {
i = 0;
else {
i = i + 1;
NewName = CurrName.substr(0,CurrName.length - 2) + doorCount + Letters[i];
var NewX = 0;
var NewY = 0;
var newLocation = findObjs({
_pageid: Campaign().get("playerpageid"),
_type: "graphic",
layer: "gmlayer", //target location MUST be on GM layer
name: NewName,
_.each(newLocation, function(Loc){
//Get the new Location
NewX = Loc.get("left");
NewY = Loc.get("top");
if (NewX == 0 ) return;
obj.set("left", NewX);
obj.set("top", NewY);
on("chat:message", function(msg) {
if (msg.content.indexOf("!AUTOTELEPORTER") !== -1 && Teleporter.GMName == msg.who) {
if ( Teleporter.AUTOTELEPORTER == true) {
sendChat("System", "Autoteleporting Disabled.");
Teleporter.AUTOTELEPORTER = false;
else {
sendChat("System", "Autoteleporting Enabled.");
Teleporter.AUTOTELEPORTER = true;
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