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Last active June 9, 2020 08:32
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Sublime Text 3 - Useful Shortcuts

My Sublime Text Shortcuts (PC)

Full documentation.


Ctrl+↑ move line (or selection) up
Ctrl+Shift+L select line (repeat to select next lines)
Ctrl+D select word (repeat select others occurrences in context for multiple editing)
Ctrl+Alt+D Find all instances of word under cursor
Ctrl+Shift+D duplicate line(s)
Ctrl+Shift+K delete line
Ctrl+K+K delete from cursor to end of line
Ctrl+K+⌫ delete from cursor to start of line
Ctrl+Enter insert line after
Ctrl+Shift+Enter insert line before
Ctrl+] indent current line(s)
Ctrl+[ un-indent current line(s)
Ctrl+ / comment/un-comment current line
Ctrl+Shift+/ block comment current selection
Ctrl+M jump to closing bracket for current code, repeat to jump to opening bracket
Ctrl+Shift+M select all contents of the current brackets (curly brackets, square brackets, parentheses)
Ctrl+J join line below to the end of the current line
Ctrl+Alt+↑ Multi-Cursor Column selection up
Alt+↑ Move up by empty lines
Alt+Shift+↑ Select up by empty lines
Alt+← Move to the beginning of the line
Alt+→ Move to the end of the line
Alt+- Jump cursor back to where you were
Alt+Shift+- Jump cursor forward
Ctrl+← Move left by words
Ctrl+→ Move right by words

Navigation/Goto Anywhere

Ctrl+Click jump to definition!!! – works on functions & will open module files!!
Ctrl+2 goto symbol in project (aka go to function/var in project)
Ctrl+; goto word in current file. Same as Ctrl+P, then type #


Alt+P Open a project in a new window
Alt+A Add open window to project manager


Ctrl+F find in file
Ctrl+H replace
Ctrl+Shift+F find in project
Alt+r rename symbol (aka rename function/var)


Ctrl+Shift+t open last closed tab (just like in your browser)
Ctrl+⭾ (Ctrl+Tab) – cycle down through open tabs left to right
Ctrl+Shift+⭾ cycle down through open tabs right to left
Alt+[NUM] Switch to tab number

Split window

Ctrl+r split into two columns
Ctrl+Shift+r revert to single column
Ctrl+e Move tab to right
Ctrl+Shift+e Move right tabs back to left


Clickable Requires:

Alt+Click Open the required file under mouse cursor
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