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Last active November 11, 2023 02:21
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  • Save DarkNikGr/3c4ac5ad9cab5b639b608eeccc97e201 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DarkNikGr/3c4ac5ad9cab5b639b608eeccc97e201 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
define(["underscore", "jquery", "config/config"], function(e, t, n) {
function r(e, t) {
return i(e, null, null, !1, t)
function _(e, t, n, r) {
i(e, t, n, !0, r)
function i(e, r, _, i, s) {
var o = null;
if (n.ACCESSIBLE_ID_SUPPORT && s && "LOGIN" != e.goformId && "SET_WEB_LANGUAGE" != e.goformId) {
var a = hex_md5(rd0 + rd1),
u = hr({
nv: "RD"
c = hex_md5(a + u);
e.AD = c
return e.isTest ? (o = simulate.simulateRequest(e, r, _, i, s), i ? void setTimeout(function() {
}, getRandomInt(120) + 50) : o) : (t.ajax({
type: s ? "POST" : "GET",
url: s ? "/goform/goform_set_cmd_process" : e.cmd ? "/goform/goform_get_cmd_process" : "/goform/goform_set_cmd_process",
data: e,
dataType: "json",
async: !!i,
cache: !1,
error: function(e) {
i ? _(e) : 200 == e.status && (o = jQuery.parseJSON("(" + e.responseText + ")"))
success: function(e) {
i ? r(e) : o = e
}), i ? void 0 : o)
function s(e, n, i, s, o, a) {
function u(e, t, n) {
if (n = n || t, isErrorObject(e)) switch (e.errorType) {
case "cellularNetworkError":
case "deviceError":
case "wifiConnectionError":
} else t(e)
var c, d = e[0],
l = e[1],
p = e[2];
if (n && "string" == typeof n.errorType) {
if (c = t.extend(si, n), !l) return c;
u(c, l, p)
} else {
c = t.extend({}, n);
var m;
if (m = i ? i(d, a) : d, !l) {
if (m && (m.cmd || m.goformId)) {
var f = r(m, a);
c = s ? t.extend({}, s(f)) : f
return c
m && (m.cmd || m.goformId) ? _(m, function(e) {
c = s ? t.extend({}, s(e)) : t.extend({}, e), m.notCallback || u(c, l, p)
}, function() {
c = o ? t.extend(si, o) : t.extend(si, {
errorType: "Unknown"
}), u(c, l, p)
}, a) : u(c, l, p)
function o() {
function e(e, t) {
var r = {};
r.isTest = oi;
var _ = n.PASSWORD_ENCODE ? "WPAPSK1_encode,m_WPAPSK1_encode," : "WPAPSK1,m_WPAPSK1,";
return r.cmd = "m_ssid_enable,RadioOff,NoForwarding,m_NoForwarding," + _ + "wifi_attr_max_station_number,SSID1,AuthMode,HideSSID,MAX_Access_num,EncrypType,m_SSID,m_AuthMode,m_HideSSID,m_MAX_Access_num,m_EncrypType,wifi_ap_mode_set,m_band_enable,wifi_sta_switch_onoff,wifi_band,wifi_syncparas_flag", r.multi_data = 1, r
function r(e) {
if (e) {
return {
wifi_ap_mode_set: e.wifi_ap_mode_set,
wifi_enable: e.RadioOff,
multi_ssid_enable: e.m_ssid_enable,
MAX_Station_num: t.isNumeric(e.wifi_attr_max_station_number) ? e.wifi_attr_max_station_number : n.MAX_STATION_NUMBER,
AuthMode: e.AuthMode,
broadcast: e.HideSSID,
apIsolation: e.NoForwarding,
passPhrase: n.PASSWORD_ENCODE ? Base64.decode(e.WPAPSK1_encode) : e.WPAPSK1,
MAX_Access_num: e.MAX_Access_num,
cipher: "TKIP" == e.EncrypType ? "0" : "AES" == e.EncrypType ? 1 : 2,
m_SSID: e.m_SSID,
m_broadcast: e.m_HideSSID,
m_apIsolation: e.m_NoForwarding,
m_MAX_Access_num: e.m_MAX_Access_num,
m_AuthMode: e.m_AuthMode,
m_passPhrase: n.PASSWORD_ENCODE ? Base64.decode(e.m_WPAPSK1_encode) : e.m_WPAPSK1,
m_cipher: "TKIP" == e.m_EncrypType ? "0" : "AES" == e.m_EncrypType ? 1 : 2,
m_band_enable: e.m_band_enable,
wifi_sta_switch_onoff: e.wifi_sta_switch_onoff,
wifiband: e.wifi_band,
wifi_syncparas_flag: e.wifi_syncparas_flag
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, r, null, !1)
function a() {
function e(e) {
var t = {
isTest: oi,
ssid: e.SSID,
broadcastSsidEnabled: e.broadcast,
MAX_Access_num: e.station,
security_mode: e.AuthMode,
cipher: e.cipher,
NoForwarding: e.NoForwarding,
m_SSID: e.m_SSID,
m_HideSSID: e.m_broadcast,
m_MAX_Access_num: e.m_station,
m_AuthMode: e.m_AuthMode,
cipher: e.m_cipher,
m_NoForwarding: e.m_NoForwarding,
wifi_syncparas_flag: e.wifi_syncparas_flag
return "WPAPSKWPA2PSK" == e.AuthMode || "WPA2PSK" == e.AuthMode ? (t.security_shared_mode = e.cipher, t.passphrase = n.PASSWORD_ENCODE ? Base64.encode(e.passPhrase) : e.passPhrase) : t.security_shared_mode = "NONE", "WPAPSKWPA2PSK" == e.m_AuthMode || "WPA2PSK" == e.m_AuthMode ? (t.m_EncrypType = e.m_cipher, t.m_WPAPSK1 = n.PASSWORD_ENCODE ? Base64.encode(e.m_passPhrase) : e.m_passPhrase) : t.m_EncrypType = "NONE", t
function t(e) {
return e || si
Je(arguments, e, t)
function u() {
function e(e) {
var t = {
isTest: oi,
ssid: e.SSID,
broadcastSsidEnabled: e.broadcast,
MAX_Access_num: e.station,
security_mode: e.AuthMode,
cipher: e.cipher,
NoForwarding: e.NoForwarding
return "WPAPSKWPA2PSK" == e.AuthMode || "WPA2PSK" == e.AuthMode ? (t.security_shared_mode = e.cipher, t.passphrase = n.PASSWORD_ENCODE ? Base64.encode(e.passPhrase) : e.passPhrase) : t.security_shared_mode = "NONE", t
function t(e) {
return e || si
Je(arguments, e, t)
function c() {
function e(e) {
var t = {
isTest: oi,
m_SSID: e.m_SSID,
m_HideSSID: e.m_broadcast,
m_MAX_Access_num: e.m_station,
m_AuthMode: e.m_AuthMode,
cipher: e.m_cipher,
m_NoForwarding: e.m_NoForwarding
return "WPAPSKWPA2PSK" == e.m_AuthMode || "WPA2PSK" == e.m_AuthMode ? (t.m_EncrypType = e.m_cipher, t.m_WPAPSK1 = n.PASSWORD_ENCODE ? Base64.encode(e.m_passPhrase) : e.m_passPhrase) : t.m_EncrypType = "NONE", t
function t(e) {
return e || si
Je(arguments, e, t)
function d() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "CHANGE_DEFAULT_WIFI_OR_PASSWORD_REMIND", n.password_remind = "0", n.web_wifi_password_remind = "0", n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function l() {
function e(e) {
var t = {
goformId: "SET_M_WIFI_INFO",
isTest: oi,
m_WirelessMode: e.m_WirelessMode,
m_CountryCode: e.m_CountryCode
return n.WIFI_BAND_SUPPORT && (t.m_wifi_band = e.m_wifi_band), t.m_Channel = e.m_Channel, n.WIFI_BANDWIDTH_SUPPORT && (t.m_wifi_11n_cap = e.m_wifi_11n_cap), t
function t(e) {
return e || si
Je(arguments, e, t)
function p() {
function e(e) {
return {
goformId: "SET_WIFI_AP_MODE",
isTest: oi,
wifi_ap_mode_set: e.wifi_ap_mode_set
function t(e) {
return e || si
Je(arguments, e, t)
function m() {
function e(e) {
var n = e;
return "0" == e.wifiEnabled && (n = {
wifiEnabled: e.wifiEnabled
}), t.extend({
goformId: "SET_WIFI_INFO",
isTest: oi
}, n)
function n(e) {
return e || si
Je(arguments, e, n)
function f() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "AuthMode,passPhrase", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.AuthMode = e.AuthMode, t.passPhrase = n.PASSWORD_ENCODE ? Base64.decode(e.passPhrase) : e.passPhrase, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function g() {
function e(e, t) {
var r = {};
return r.isTest = oi, r.goformId = "SET_WIFI_SECURITY_INFO", r.AuthMode = e.AuthMode, "WPAPSKWPA2PSK" == r.AuthMode && (r.passPhrase = n.PASSWORD_ENCODE ? Base64.encode(e.passPhrase) : e.passPhrase), r
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function v() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "station_list"
function n(e) {
for (var n = [], r = e.station_list, _ = 0; r && _ < r.length; _++) {
var i = {};
i.macAddress = r[_].mac_addr;
var s = r[_].hostname;
i.hostName = "" == s ? t.i18n.prop("unknown") : s, i.ipAddress = r[_].ip_addr, i.ssid_index = r[_].ssid_index, n.push(i)
return {
attachedDevices: n
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !1)
function w() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "lan_station_list"
function n(e) {
for (var n = [], r = e.lan_station_list || e.station_list, _ = 0; r && _ < r.length; _++) {
var i = {};
i.macAddress = r[_].mac_addr;
var s = r[_].hostname;
i.hostName = "" == s ? t.i18n.prop("unknown") : s, i.ipAddress = r[_].ip_addr, n.push(i)
return {
attachedDevices: n
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !1)
function h() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "Language,cr_version,wa_inner_version", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.Language = e && e.Language ? e.Language : "en", t.rd_params0 = e.wa_inner_version, t.rd_params1 = e.cr_version, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function S() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "SET_WEB_LANGUAGE", n.Language = e.Language, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function T() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "current_network_mode,m_netselect_save,net_select_mode,m_netselect_contents,net_select,ppp_status,modem_main_state", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.current_network_mode = e.current_network_mode, t.net_select_mode = e.net_select_mode, t.m_netselect_save = e.m_netselect_save, t.m_netselect_contents = e.m_netselect_contents, t.net_select = e.net_select, t.ppp_status = e.ppp_status, t.modem_main_state = e.modem_main_state, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function P() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "SET_BEARER_PREFERENCE", n.BearerPreference = e.strBearerPreference, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function I(e) {
function r() {
t.getJSON("/goform/goform_get_cmd_process", {
cmd: "m_netselect_status",
_: (new Date).getTime()
}, function(n) {
"manual_selecting" == n.m_netselect_status ? setTimeout(r, 1e3) : t.getJSON("/goform/goform_get_cmd_process", {
cmd: "m_netselect_contents",
_: (new Date).getTime()
}, function(t) {
"" != trim(t.m_netselect_contents) ? _(t.m_netselect_contents) : e(!1, [])
}).error(function() {
e(!1, [])
}).error(function() {
e(!1, [])
function _(t) {
for (var n, r = /([^,;]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,;]*)/g, _ = []; n = r.exec(t);) null != n && _.push({
strShortName: n[2].replace(/\"/g, ""),
strNumeric: n[3].replace(/\D/g, ""),
nRat: parseInt(n[4], 10),
nState: parseInt(n[1], 10)
e(!0, _)
if (oi) return void setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
var i = {};
var s = hex_md5(rd0 + rd1),
o = hr({
nv: "RD"
a = hex_md5(s + o);
i.AD = a
}"/goform/goform_set_cmd_process", i, function(t) {
"success" == t.result ? r() : e(!1, [])
}, "json").error(function() {
e(!1, [])
function b() {
if (void 0 === ci.isLoggedIn) {
var e = le();
return {
networkType: ci.networkType,
signalImg: ci.signalImg,
networkOperator: ci.networkOperator,
spn_b1_flag: ci.spn_b1_flag,
spn_name_data: ci.spn_name_data,
spn_b2_flag: ci.spn_b2_flag,
connectStatus: ci.connectStatus,
attachedDevices: ci.curr_connected_devices,
roamingStatus: ci.roamingStatus,
wifiStatus: ci.wifiStatus,
wifiSwitchStatus: ci.wifiSwitchStatus,
simStatus: ci.simStatus,
pinStatus: ci.pinStatus,
batteryStatus: ci.batteryStatus,
batteryLevel: ci.batteryLevel,
batteryPers: ci.batteryPers,
batteryTime: ci.batteryTime,
ssid: ci.ssid,
mainSSID5g: ci.mainSSID5g,
station_num_ssid1: ci.station_num_ssid1,
station_num_ssid2: ci.station_num_ssid2,
station_num_guest_ssid1: ci.station_num_guest_ssid1,
station_num_guest_ssid2: ci.station_num_guest_ssid2,
authMode: ci.authMode,
data_counter: ci.data_counter,
isLoggedIn: "loggedIn" == e.status,
newSmsReceived: ci.newSmsReceived,
smsReportReceived: ci.smsReportReceived,
smsUnreadCount: ci.smsUnreadCount,
limitVolumeEnable: ci.limitVolumeEnable,
limitVolumeType: ci.limitVolumeType,
limitVolumePercent: ci.limitVolumePercent,
limitVolumeSize: ci.limitVolumeSize,
limitVolumeSizeSource: ci.limitVolumeSizeSource,
connectWifiProfile: ci.connectWifiProfile,
connectWifiSSID: ci.connectWifiSSID,
connectWifiStatus: ci.connectWifiStatus,
multi_ssid_enable: ci.multi_ssid_enable,
roamMode: ci.roamMode,
opms_wan_mode: ci.opms_wan_mode,
opms_wan_auto_mode: ci.opms_wan_auto_mode,
dhcp_wan_status: ci.dhcp_wan_status,
current_upgrade_state: ci.current_upgrade_state,
is_mandatory: ci.is_mandatory,
new_version_state: ci.new_version_state,
allowRoamingUpdate: ci.allowRoamingUpdate,
wifi_dfs_status: ci.wifi_dfs_status,
radio_off: ci.radio_off,
wifi_5g_enable: ci.wifi_5g_enable,
battery_value: ci.battery_value,
ap_station_enable: ci.ap_station_enable,
ap_station_mode: ci.ap_station_mode,
dialMode: ci.dialMode,
isCaStatus: ci.isCaStatus,
privacy_read_flag: ci.privacy_read_flag,
ppp_dial_conn_fail_counter: ci.ppp_dial_conn_fail_counter,
is_night_mode: ci.is_night_mode,
pppoe_status: ci.pppoe_status,
dhcp_wan_status: ci.dhcp_wan_status,
static_wan_status: ci.static_wan_status,
vpn_conn_status: ci.vpn_conn_status,
wan_connect_status: ci.wan_connect_status,
battery_charg_type: ci.battery_charg_type,
external_charging_flag: ci.external_charging_flag,
mode_main_state: ci.mode_main_state,
battery_temp: ci.battery_temp,
mdm_mcc: ci.mdm_mcc,
mdm_mnc: ci.mdm_mnc
return {
networkType: ci.networkType,
signalImg: ci.signalImg,
networkOperator: ci.networkOperator,
spn_b1_flag: ci.spn_b1_flag,
spn_name_data: ci.spn_name_data,
spn_b2_flag: ci.spn_b2_flag,
connectStatus: ci.connectStatus,
attachedDevices: ci.curr_connected_devices,
roamingStatus: ci.roamingStatus,
wifiStatus: ci.wifiStatus,
wifiSwitchStatus: ci.wifiSwitchStatus,
simStatus: ci.simStatus,
pinStatus: ci.pinStatus,
batteryStatus: ci.batteryStatus,
batteryLevel: ci.batteryLevel,
batteryPers: ci.batteryPers,
batteryTime: ci.batteryTime,
ssid: ci.ssid,
mainSSID5g: ci.mainSSID5g,
station_num_ssid1: ci.station_num_ssid1,
station_num_ssid2: ci.station_num_ssid2,
station_num_guest_ssid1: ci.station_num_guest_ssid1,
station_num_guest_ssid2: ci.station_num_guest_ssid2,
authMode: ci.authMode,
data_counter: ci.data_counter,
isLoggedIn: ci.isLoggedIn,
newSmsReceived: ci.newSmsReceived,
smsReportReceived: ci.smsReportReceived,
smsUnreadCount: ci.smsUnreadCount,
limitVolumeEnable: ci.limitVolumeEnable,
limitVolumeType: ci.limitVolumeType,
limitVolumePercent: ci.limitVolumePercent,
limitVolumeSize: ci.limitVolumeSize,
limitVolumeSizeSource: ci.limitVolumeSizeSource,
connectWifiProfile: ci.connectWifiProfile,
connectWifiSSID: ci.connectWifiSSID,
connectWifiStatus: ci.connectWifiStatus,
multi_ssid_enable: ci.multi_ssid_enable,
opms_wan_mode: ci.opms_wan_mode,
opms_wan_auto_mode: ci.opms_wan_auto_mode,
dhcp_wan_status: ci.dhcp_wan_status,
roamMode: ci.roamMode,
current_upgrade_state: ci.current_upgrade_state,
is_mandatory: ci.is_mandatory,
new_version_state: ci.new_version_state,
allowRoamingUpdate: ci.allowRoamingUpdate,
wifi_dfs_status: ci.wifi_dfs_status,
radio_off: ci.radio_off,
wifi_5g_enable: ci.wifi_5g_enable,
battery_value: ci.battery_value,
ap_station_enable: ci.ap_station_enable,
ap_station_mode: ci.ap_station_mode,
dialMode: ci.dialMode,
isCaStatus: ci.isCaStatus,
privacy_read_flag: ci.privacy_read_flag,
ppp_dial_conn_fail_counter: ci.ppp_dial_conn_fail_counter,
is_night_mode: ci.is_night_mode,
pppoe_status: ci.pppoe_status,
dhcp_wan_status: ci.dhcp_wan_status,
static_wan_status: ci.static_wan_status,
vpn_conn_status: ci.vpn_conn_status,
wan_connect_status: ci.wan_connect_status,
battery_charg_type: ci.battery_charg_type,
external_charging_flag: ci.external_charging_flag,
mode_main_state: ci.mode_main_state,
battery_temp: ci.battery_temp,
mdm_mcc: ci.mdm_mcc,
mdm_mnc: ci.mdm_mnc
function A() {
var e = "1" == ci.limitVolumeType,
t = {
data_counter: ci.data_counter,
connectStatus: ci.connectStatus,
limitVolumeEnable: ci.limitVolumeEnable,
limitVolumeType: ci.limitVolumeType,
limitVolumePercent: ci.limitVolumePercent,
networkType: ci.networkType,
isCaStatus: ci.isCaStatus
return e ? (t.limitDataMonth = ci.limitVolumeSize, t.limitDataMonthSource = ci.limitVolumeSizeSource, t.limitTimeMonth = 0) : (t.limitTimeMonth = ci.limitVolumeSize, t.limitTimeMonthSource = ci.limitVolumeSizeSource, t.limitDataMonth = 0), t.opms_wan_mode = ci.opms_wan_mode, t.opms_wan_auto_mode = ci.opms_wan_auto_mode, t
function y() {
ci.newSmsReceived = !1
function E() {
ci.smsReportReceived = !1
function R() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "sms_capacity_info", n
function t(e) {
return {
nvTotal: parseInt(e.sms_nv_total, 10),
nvUsed: parseInt(e.sms_nv_rev_total, 10) + parseInt(e.sms_nv_send_total, 10) + parseInt(e.sms_nv_draftbox_total, 10),
simTotal: parseInt(e.sms_sim_total, 10),
simUsed: parseInt(e.sms_sim_rev_total, 10) + parseInt(e.sms_sim_send_total, 10) + parseInt(e.sms_sim_draftbox_total, 10),
nvReceive: parseInt(e.sms_nv_rev_total, 10),
nvSend: parseInt(e.sms_nv_send_total, 10),
nvDraft: parseInt(e.sms_nv_draftbox_total, 10),
simReceive: parseInt(e.sms_sim_rev_total, 10),
simSend: parseInt(e.sms_sim_send_total, 10),
simDraft: parseInt(e.sms_sim_draftbox_total, 10)
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function N() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.notCallback = !0, n.goformId = "CONNECT_NETWORK", n
function t(e) {
"success" == e.result ? (_ = (new Date).getTime(), U(n)) : r({
result: !1
function n(e) {
"ppp_connecting" == e.ppp_status ? ci.connectStatus = "ppp_connecting" : checkConnectedStatus(e.ppp_status) ? (B(n), ci.connectStatus = "ppp_connected", r({
result: !0,
status: ci.connectStatus
})) : (new Date).getTime() - _ < 1e4 ? ci.connectStatus = "ppp_connecting" : (B(n), r({
result: !1
var r = arguments[1],
_ = 0;
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function M() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.notCallback = !0, n.goformId = "DISCONNECT_NETWORK", n
function t(e) {
"success" == e.result ? (_ = (new Date).getTime(), U(n)) : r({
result: !1
function n(e) {
"ppp_disconnecting" == e.ppp_status ? ci.connectStatus = "ppp_disconnecting" : "ppp_disconnected" == e.ppp_status ? (B(n), ci.connectStatus = "ppp_disconnected", r({
result: !0,
status: ci.connectStatus
})) : (new Date).getTime() - _ < 1e4 ? ci.connectStatus = "ppp_disconnecting" : (B(n), r({
result: !1
var r = arguments[1],
_ = 0;
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function D() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "apn_interface_version,APN_config0,APN_config1,APN_config2,APN_config3,APN_config4,APN_config5,APN_config6,APN_config7,APN_config8,APN_config9,APN_config10,APN_config11,APN_config12,APN_config13,APN_config14,APN_config15,APN_config16,APN_config17,APN_config18,APN_config19,ipv6_APN_config0,ipv6_APN_config1,ipv6_APN_config2,ipv6_APN_config3,ipv6_APN_config4,ipv6_APN_config5,ipv6_APN_config6,ipv6_APN_config7,ipv6_APN_config8,ipv6_APN_config9,ipv6_APN_config10,ipv6_APN_config11,ipv6_APN_config12,ipv6_APN_config13,ipv6_APN_config14,ipv6_APN_config15,ipv6_APN_config16,ipv6_APN_config17,ipv6_APN_config18,ipv6_APN_config19,m_profile_name,profile_name,wan_dial,apn_select,pdp_type,pdp_select,pdp_addr,index,Current_index,apn_auto_config,ipv6_apn_auto_config,apn_mode,wan_apn,ppp_auth_mode,ppp_username,ppp_passwd,dns_mode,prefer_dns_manual,standby_dns_manual,ipv6_wan_apn,ipv6_pdp_type,ipv6_ppp_auth_mode,ipv6_ppp_username,ipv6_ppp_passwd,ipv6_dns_mode,ipv6_prefer_dns_manual,ipv6_standby_dns_manual,apn_num_preset,wan_apn_ui,profile_name_ui,pdp_type_ui,ppp_auth_mode_ui,ppp_username_ui,ppp_passwd_ui,dns_mode_ui,prefer_dns_manual_ui,standby_dns_manual_ui,ipv6_wan_apn_ui,ipv6_ppp_auth_mode_ui,ipv6_ppp_username_ui,ipv6_ppp_passwd_ui,ipv6_dns_mode_ui,ipv6_prefer_dns_manual_ui,ipv6_standby_dns_manual_ui", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
return e ? {
APNs: e.APN_config0 + "||" + e.APN_config1 + "||" + e.APN_config2 + "||" + e.APN_config3 + "||" + e.APN_config4 + "||" + e.APN_config5 + "||" + e.APN_config6 + "||" + e.APN_config7 + "||" + e.APN_config8 + "||" + e.APN_config9 + "||" + e.APN_config10 + "||" + e.APN_config11 + "||" + e.APN_config12 + "||" + e.APN_config13 + "||" + e.APN_config14 + "||" + e.APN_config15 + "||" + e.APN_config16 + "||" + e.APN_config17 + "||" + e.APN_config18 + "||" + e.APN_config19,
ipv6APNs: e.ipv6_APN_config0 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config1 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config2 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config3 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config4 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config5 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config6 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config7 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config8 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config9 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config10 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config11 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config12 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config13 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config14 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config15 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config16 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config17 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config18 + "||" + e.ipv6_APN_config19,
apnMode: e.apn_mode,
profileName: e.apn_interface_version >= 2 ? e.profile_name_ui : e.m_profile_name || e.profile_name,
wanDial: e.wan_dial,
apnSelect: e.apn_select,
pdpType: e.apn_interface_version >= 2 ? e.pdp_type_ui : e.pdp_type,
pdpSelect: e.pdp_select,
pdpAddr: e.pdp_addr,
index: e.index,
currIndex: e.Current_index,
autoApns: e.apn_auto_config,
autoApnsV6: e.ipv6_apn_auto_config,
wanApn: e.apn_interface_version >= 2 ? e.wan_apn_ui : e.wan_apn,
authMode: e.apn_interface_version >= 2 ? e.ppp_auth_mode_ui.toLowerCase() : e.ppp_auth_mode.toLowerCase(),
username: e.apn_interface_version >= 2 ? e.ppp_username_ui : e.ppp_username,
password: e.apn_interface_version >= 2 ? e.ppp_passwd_ui : e.ppp_passwd,
dnsMode: e.apn_interface_version >= 2 ? e.dns_mode_ui : e.dns_mode,
dns1: e.apn_interface_version >= 2 ? e.prefer_dns_manual_ui : e.prefer_dns_manual,
dns2: e.apn_interface_version >= 2 ? e.standby_dns_manual_ui : e.standby_dns_manual,
wanApnV6: e.apn_interface_version >= 2 ? e.ipv6_wan_apn_ui : e.ipv6_wan_apn,
authModeV6: e.apn_interface_version >= 2 ? e.ipv6_ppp_auth_mode_ui.toLowerCase() : e.ipv6_ppp_auth_mode.toLowerCase(),
usernameV6: e.apn_interface_version >= 2 ? e.ipv6_ppp_username_ui : e.ipv6_ppp_username,
passwordV6: e.apn_interface_version >= 2 ? e.ipv6_ppp_passwd_ui : e.ipv6_ppp_passwd,
dnsModeV6: e.apn_interface_version >= 2 ? e.ipv6_dns_mode_ui : e.ipv6_dns_mode,
dns1V6: e.apn_interface_version >= 2 ? e.ipv6_prefer_dns_manual_ui : e.ipv6_prefer_dns_manual,
dns2V6: e.apn_interface_version >= 2 ? e.ipv6_standby_dns_manual_ui : e.ipv6_standby_dns_manual,
apnNumPreset: e.apn_num_preset
} : {
result: !1
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function C() {
function e(e, t) {
var r = {
isTest: oi,
apn_action: "delete",
apn_mode: "manual",
index: e.index
return n.USE_IPV6_INTERFACE ? r.goformId = "APN_PROC_EX" : r.goformId = "APN_PROC", r
function t(e) {
return "success" == e.result ? {
result: !0
} : {
result: !1
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function k() {
function e(e, t) {
var r = {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "APN_PROC_EX",
apn_mode: e.apnMode
return "manual" == e.apnMode && (r.apn_action = "set_default", r.set_default_flag = "1", r.pdp_type = e.pdpType, r.index = e.index), r
return {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "APN_PROC",
apn_action: "set_default",
index: e.index,
apn_mode: e.apnMode,
profile_name: e.profileName,
wan_apn: e.wanApn,
dns_mode: e.dnsMode,
prefer_dns_manual: e.dns1,
w_standby_dns_manual: e.dns2,
ppp_username: e.username,
ppp_passwd: e.password,
ppp_auth_mode: e.authMode,
apn_select: "manual",
wan_dial: "*99#",
pdp_type: "PPP",
pdp_select: "auto",
pdp_addr: "",
set_default_flag: "1"
function t(e) {
return "success" == e.result ? {
result: !0
} : {
result: !1
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function F() {
function e(e, r) {
var _ = {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "APN_PROC_EX",
apn_action: "save",
apn_mode: "manual",
profile_name: e.profileName,
wan_dial: "*99#",
apn_select: "manual",
pdp_type: e.pdpType,
pdp_select: "auto",
pdp_addr: "",
index: e.index
return "IP" == e.pdpType ? t.extend(_, {
wan_apn: e.wanApn,
ppp_auth_mode: e.authMode,
ppp_username: e.username,
ppp_passwd: e.password,
dns_mode: e.dnsMode,
prefer_dns_manual: e.dns1,
standby_dns_manual: e.dns2
}) : "IPv6" == e.pdpType ? t.extend(_, {
ipv6_wan_apn: e.wanApnV6,
ipv6_ppp_auth_mode: e.authModeV6,
ipv6_ppp_username: e.usernameV6,
ipv6_ppp_passwd: e.passwordV6,
ipv6_dns_mode: e.dnsModeV6,
ipv6_prefer_dns_manual: e.dns1V6,
ipv6_standby_dns_manual: e.dns2V6
}) : t.extend(_, {
wan_apn: e.wanApn,
ppp_auth_mode: e.authMode,
ppp_username: e.username,
ppp_passwd: e.password,
dns_mode: e.dnsMode,
prefer_dns_manual: e.dns1,
standby_dns_manual: e.dns2,
ipv6_wan_apn: e.wanApnV6,
ipv6_ppp_auth_mode: e.authModeV6,
ipv6_ppp_username: e.usernameV6,
ipv6_ppp_passwd: e.passwordV6,
ipv6_dns_mode: e.dnsModeV6,
ipv6_prefer_dns_manual: e.dns1V6,
ipv6_standby_dns_manual: e.dns2V6
}), _
var _ = {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "APN_PROC",
apn_action: "save",
apn_mode: "manual",
index: e.index,
profile_name: e.profileName,
wan_apn: e.wanApn,
dns_mode: e.dnsMode,
prefer_dns_manual: e.dns1,
w_standby_dns_manual: e.dns2,
ppp_auth_mode: e.authMode,
ppp_username: e.username,
ppp_passwd: e.password,
wan_dial: "*99#",
apn_select: "manual",
pdp_type: "PPP",
pdp_select: "auto",
pdp_addr: ""
return _
function r(e) {
return "success" == e.result ? {
result: !0
} : {
result: !1
return s(arguments, {}, e, r, null, !0)
function W() {
if (!ai) return void setTimeout(function() {
}, 1e3);
_(x(), function(e) {
for (var n = 0; n < mi.length; n++) "function" == typeof mi[n] && mi[n](e);
t.merge(mi, pi), pi = [], setTimeout(function() {
}, 1e3)
}, function() {
K(), setTimeout(function() {
}, 1e3)
}, !1)
function x() {
var r = {
multi_data: 1,
isTest: oi
return window.location.hash && "#login" != window.location.hash && ci.isLoggedIn ? (n.HAS_SMS && (r.sms_received_flag_flag = 0, r.sts_received_flag_flag = 0), li.length > 0 && -1 == e.indexOf(di, li[0]) && t.each(li, function(e, t) {
})) : li.length > 0 && -1 != e.indexOf(di, li[0]) && (di = e.without(di, li)), r.cmd = di.join(","), r
function L(t, n) {
if (e.isArray(t))
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) V(t[r]);
else V(t);
function O(t, n) {
if (e.isArray(t))
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) H(t[r]);
else H(t);
function U(t) {
-1 == e.indexOf(pi, t) && pi.push(t)
function B(t) {
return mi = e.without(mi, t), 0 == mi.length && mi.push(G), pi
function V(t) {
-1 == e.indexOf(di, t) && di.push(t)
function H(t) {
return di = e.without(di, t)
function G(e) {
ci.signalImg = void 0 === e.signalbar ? "0" : e.signalbar, ci.networkType = e.network_type ? e.network_type : "", -1 != ci.networkType.toLowerCase().indexOf("limited_service") || -1 != ci.networkType.toLowerCase().indexOf("limited service") ? ci.networkType = "limited_service" : -1 == ci.networkType.toLowerCase().indexOf("no_service") && -1 == ci.networkType.toLowerCase().indexOf("no service") || (ci.networkType = "no_service"), ci.networkOperator = e.network_provider ? e.network_provider : "", ci.spn_b1_flag = e.spn_b1_flag, ci.spn_b2_flag = e.spn_b2_flag, ci.spn_name_data = e.spn_name_data, "AUTO_DHCP" == e.opms_wan_auto_mode ? "1" == e.dhcp_wan_status ? ci.connectStatus = "ppp_connected" : ci.connectStatus = "ppp_disconnected" : ci.connectStatus = void 0 === e.ppp_status ? "ppp_disconnected" : e.ppp_status;
var t = e.wifi_access_sta_num && "" != e.wifi_access_sta_num ? e.wifi_access_sta_num : 0;
ci.curr_connected_devices = t, ci.roamingStatus = z(ci.networkType, e.modem_main_state, e.simcard_roam), ci.wifiStatus = "1" == e.wifi_onoff_state, ci.wifiSwitchStatus = e.wifi_onoff_state, ci.simStatus = e.modem_main_state, ci.pinStatus = e.pin_status;
var r = e.battery_vol_percent && e.battery_vol_percent.length > 0 ? e.battery_vol_percent : 100;
ci.batteryPers = e.battery_pers;
var _ = Math.round(10800 * (1 - r / 100));
if (ci.batteryStatus = void 0 === e.battery_charging ? "0" : e.battery_charging, ci.battery_value = void 0 === e.battery_value ? "0" : e.battery_value, ci.batteryLevel = r, ci.batteryTime = _.toString(), ci.data_counter = {
uploadRate: "" == e.realtime_tx_thrpt ? 0 : e.realtime_tx_thrpt,
downloadRate: "" == e.realtime_rx_thrpt ? 0 : e.realtime_rx_thrpt,
currentSent: "" == e.realtime_tx_bytes ? 0 : e.realtime_tx_bytes,
currentReceived: "" == e.realtime_rx_bytes ? 0 : e.realtime_rx_bytes,
currentConnectedTime: "" == e.realtime_time ? 0 : e.realtime_time,
monthlySent: "" == e.monthly_tx_bytes ? 0 : e.monthly_tx_bytes,
monthlyReceived: "" == e.monthly_rx_bytes ? 0 : e.monthly_rx_bytes,
monthlyConnectedTime: "" == e.monthly_time ? 0 : e.monthly_time,
month: "" == e.date_month ? 1 : e.date_month
}, ci.ssid = e.wifi_chip1_ssid1_ssid, ci.mainSSID5g = e.wifi_chip2_ssid1_ssid, ci.station_num_ssid1 = e.wifi_chip1_ssid1_access_sta_num, ci.station_num_ssid2 = e.wifi_chip2_ssid1_access_sta_num, n.HAS_MULTI_SSID && (ci.station_num_guest_ssid1 = e.wifi_chip1_ssid2_access_sta_num, ci.station_num_guest_ssid2 = e.wifi_chip2_ssid2_access_sta_num), ci.authMode = e.AuthMode, ci.isLoggedIn && 1 == ci.isLoggedIn && "ok" != e.loginfo ? ui > 2 ? (ci.isLoggedIn = !n.HAS_LOGIN || "ok" == e.loginfo, ui = 0) : ui++ : ci.isLoggedIn = !n.HAS_LOGIN || "ok" == e.loginfo, n.HAS_SMS && (ci.newSmsReceived || (ci.newSmsReceived = e.sms_received_flag > 0), ci.smsReportReceived || (ci.smsReportReceived = e.sts_received_flag > 0), void 0 !== e.sms_dev_unread_num ? ci.smsUnreadCount = n.SMS_UNREAD_NUM_INCLUDE_SIM ? parseInt(0 | e.sms_dev_unread_num, 10) + parseInt(0 | e.sms_sim_unread_num, 10) : parseInt(0 | e.sms_dev_unread_num, 10) : ci.smsUnreadCount = parseInt(0 | e.sms_unread_num, 10)), "1" == e.data_volume_limit_switch)
if (ci.limitVolumeEnable = !0, ci.limitVolumeType = "data" == e.data_volume_limit_unit ? "1" : "0", ci.limitVolumePercent = e.data_volume_alert_percent, "data" == e.data_volume_limit_unit) {
var i = e.data_volume_limit_size.split("_");
ci.limitVolumeSize = i[0] * i[1] * 1024 * 1024, ci.limitVolumeSizeSource = i[0] * i[1]
} else ci.limitVolumeSize = 60 * e.data_volume_limit_size * 60, ci.limitVolumeSizeSource = e.data_volume_limit_size;
else ci.limitVolumeEnable = !1, ci.limitVolumeType = "1", ci.limitVolumePercent = "100", ci.limitVolumeSize = "0";
ci.connectWifiProfile = e.EX_wifi_profile, ci.connectWifiSSID = e.EX_SSID1, ci.connectWifiStatus = e.sta_ip_status, ci.multi_ssid_enable = e.m_ssid_enable, ci.roamMode = e.roam_setting_option, ci.opms_wan_mode = e.opms_wan_mode, ci.opms_wan_auto_mode = e.opms_wan_auto_mode, ci.dhcp_wan_status = e.dhcp_wan_status, ci.new_version_state = "1" == e.new_version_state || "version_has_new_critical_software" == e.new_version_state || "version_has_new_optional_software" == e.new_version_state || "upgrade_pack_redownload" == e.current_upgrade_state, ci.current_upgrade_state = e.current_upgrade_state, "downloading" == ci.current_upgrade_state ? ci.current_upgrade_state = "upgrading" : "verify_failed" == ci.current_upgrade_state && (ci.current_upgrade_state = "upgrade_pack_error"), ci.is_mandatory = "1" == e.is_mandatory || "version_has_new_critical_software" == e.new_version_state, ci.allowRoamingUpdate = e.upg_roam_switch, ci.wifi_dfs_status = e.wifi_dfs_status, ci.wifi_5g_enable = e.wifi_5g_enable, ci.dialMode = e.dial_mode, ci.ppp_dial_conn_fail_counter = e.ppp_dial_conn_fail_counter, ci.isCaStatus = "ca_activated" == e.wan_lte_ca || "ca_deactivated" == e.wan_lte_ca, ci.privacy_read_flag = e.privacy_read_flag, ci.is_night_mode = e.is_night_mode, ci.pppoe_status = e.pppoe_status, ci.static_wan_status = e.static_wan_status, ci.vpn_conn_status = void 0 === e.vpn_conn_status ? "disconnected" : e.vpn_conn_status, ci.wan_connect_status = e.wan_connect_status, ci.battery_charg_type = e.battery_charg_type, ci.external_charging_flag = e.external_charging_flag, ci.mode_main_state = e.mode_main_state, ci.battery_temp = e.battery_temp, ci.mdm_mcc = e.mdm_mcc, ci.mdm_mnc = e.mdm_mnc
function K() {
ci.batteryStatus = "0"
function z(e, n, r) {
return "" != t.trim(e) && "no_service" != e.toLowerCase() && "limited_service" != e.toLowerCase() && "modem_sim_undetected" != n && "modem_waitpin" != n && "modem_waitpuk" != n && "International" == r
function X(e, t, n) {
if (("string" != typeof e || "" === e || "number" != typeof t || isNaN(t)) && "function" == typeof n) return void n(!1);
if (-1 === (0 === t ? 0 : 2 === t ? 2 : 7 == t ? 7 : 12 == t ? 12 : -1) && "function" == typeof n) return void n(!1);
isTest: oi,
goformId: "SET_NETWORK",
NetworkNumber: e,
Rat: t
}, function(e) {
if (e && "success" == e.result) var t, _ = 0,
i = setInterval(function() {
var e = r({
cmd: "m_netselect_result",
isTest: oi
}, !1);
e || n(!1), "manual_success" == e.m_netselect_result ? (t = "1", window.clearInterval(i), n(!0)) : "manual_fail" == e.m_netselect_result ? (t = "0", window.clearInterval(i), n(!1)) : _ < 120 ? _++ : (window.clearInterval(i), n(!1))
}, 1e3);
else n(!1)
}, function(e) {
}, !0)
function j() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "current_network", n
function t(e) {
return e ? {
strFullName: e.strFullName,
strShortName: e.strShortName,
strNumeric: e.strNumeric,
nRat: "" == e.nRat ? "" : Number(e.nRat),
strBearer: e.strBearer
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function q() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.notCallback = !0, n.goformId = "PBM_CONTACT_ADD", n.location = e.location, = encodeMessage(, n.mobilephone_num = e.mobile_phone_number, 1 == n.location ? (n.add_index_pc = e.index, n.homephone_num = e.home_phone_number, n.officephone_num = e.office_phone_number, = encodeMessage(e.mail), n.groupchoose =, n.groupchoose || (n.groupchoose = "common")) : n.edit_index = e.index, n
function t(e) {
e && "success" == e.result ? L("pbm_write_flag", n) : r(e)
function n(e) {
Z(e, r, n)
var r = arguments[1];
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Z(e, t, n) {
"0" == e.pbm_write_flag ? (O("pbm_write_flag", n), t({
result: "success"
})) : "6" != e.pbm_write_flag && "7" != e.pbm_write_flag && "8" != e.pbm_write_flag && "9" != e.pbm_write_flag && "10" != e.pbm_write_flag && "11" != e.pbm_write_flag && "14" != e.pbm_write_flag || (O("pbm_write_flag", n), t({
result: "fail"
function Y() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.notCallback = !0, n.goformId = "PBM_CONTACT_DEL", n.del_option = "delete_num", n.delete_id = e.indexs.join(","), n
function t(e) {
e && "success" == e.result ? L("pbm_write_flag", n) : r(e)
function n(e) {
Z(e, r, n)
var r = arguments[1];
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Q() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.notCallback = !0, n.goformId = "PBM_CONTACT_DEL", n.del_option = "delete_all", n.del_all_location = e.location, n
function t(e) {
e && "success" == e.result ? L("pbm_write_flag", n) : r(e)
function n(e) {
Z(e, r, n)
var r = arguments[1];
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function J() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.notCallback = !0, n.goformId = "PBM_CONTACT_DEL", n.del_option = "delete_all_by_group", n.del_all_location = 3, n.del_group =, n
function t(e) {
e && "success" == e.result ? L("pbm_write_flag", n) : r(e)
function n(e) {
Z(e, r, n)
var r = arguments[1];
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function $() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.goformId = "SET_CONNECTION_MODE", n.isTest = oi, n.ConnectionMode = e.connectionMode, n.roam_setting_option = e.isAllowedRoaming, n
function t(e) {
if (e) return e;
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function ee() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "ConnectionMode", n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.connectionMode = e.connectionMode, t.isAllowedRoaming = e.autoConnectWhenRoaming, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function te(e, n) {
function r(e, t) {
var r = {};
return r.isTest = oi, r.mem_store = n, r.cmd = 2 == n ? "pbm_data_total" : "pbm_data_info", =, r.data_per_page = e.data_per_page, r.orderBy = e.orderBy, r.isAsc = e.isAsc, r
function _(e) {
if (e && e.pbm_data) {
var n = [];
return t.each(e.pbm_data, function(t) {
pbm_id: e.pbm_data[t].pbm_id,
pbm_location: e.pbm_data[t].pbm_location,
pbm_number: e.pbm_data[t].pbm_number,
pbm_anr: e.pbm_data[t].pbm_anr,
pbm_anr1: e.pbm_data[t].pbm_anr1,
pbm_group: e.pbm_data[t].pbm_group,
pbm_name: decodeMessage(e.pbm_data[t].pbm_name),
pbm_email: decodeMessage(e.pbm_data[t].pbm_email)
}), {
pbm_data: n
return si
return 0 == e[0].data_per_page ? {
pbm_data: []
} : s(e, {}, r, _, null, !1)
function ne() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "pbm_data_total", n.mem_store = 3, n.pbm_group =, =, n.data_per_page = e.data_per_page, n.orderBy = e.orderBy, n.isAsc = e.isAsc, n
function n(e) {
if (e && e.pbm_data) {
var n = [];
return t.each(e.pbm_data, function(t) {
pbm_id: e.pbm_data[t].pbm_id,
pbm_location: e.pbm_data[t].pbm_location,
pbm_number: e.pbm_data[t].pbm_number,
pbm_anr: e.pbm_data[t].pbm_anr,
pbm_anr1: e.pbm_data[t].pbm_anr1,
pbm_group: e.pbm_data[t].pbm_group,
pbm_name: decodeMessage(e.pbm_data[t].pbm_name),
pbm_email: decodeMessage(e.pbm_data[t].pbm_email)
}), {
pbm_data: n
return si
return 0 == arguments[0].data_per_page ? {
pbm_data: []
} : s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !1)
function re() {
return te(arguments, 1)
function _e() {
return te(arguments, 0)
function ie() {
return te(arguments, 2)
function se() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "pbm_init_flag", n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function oe(e, t) {
function n(e, n) {
var r = {};
return r.isTest = oi, r.cmd = "pbm_capacity_info", r.pbm_location = t ? "pbm_sim" : "pbm_native", r
function r(e) {
return e || si
return s(e, {}, n, r, null, !1)
function ae() {
var e = oe(arguments, !0);
return {
simPbmTotalCapacity: parseInt(e.pbm_sim_max_record_num),
simPbmUsedCapacity: parseInt(e.pbm_sim_used_record_num),
simType: e.pbm_sim_type,
maxNameLen: parseInt(e.pbm_sim_max_name_len),
maxNumberLen: parseInt(e.pbm_sim_max_number_len)
function ue() {
var e = oe(arguments, !1);
return {
pcPbmTotalCapacity: parseInt(e.pbm_dev_max_record_num),
pcPbmUsedCapacity: parseInt(e.pbm_dev_used_record_num)
function ce() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "modem_main_state,puknumber,pinnumber,opms_wan_mode,psw_fail_num_str,login_lock_time,SleepStatusForSingleChipCpe", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
return e ? (e.psw_fail_num_str = "" == e.psw_fail_num_str ? n.MAX_LOGIN_COUNT : e.psw_fail_num_str, e.login_lock_time = "" == e.login_lock_time ? "300" : e.login_lock_time, e.curSleepStatus = "1" == e.SleepStatusForSingleChipCpe ? "1" : "2", e) : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function de() {
function e(e, t) {
var r = hr({
nv: "LD"
return {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "LOGIN",
password: "2" == n.WEB_ATTR_IF_SUPPORT_SHA256 ? paswordAlgorithmsCookie(paswordAlgorithmsCookie(e.password) + r) : "1" == n.WEB_ATTR_IF_SUPPORT_SHA256 ? paswordAlgorithmsCookie(Base64.encode(e.password)) : Base64.encode(e.password)
function r(e) {
if (!e || "0" != e.result && "4" != e.result) {
if (e && "5" == e.result) return ci.isLoggedIn = !1, {
result: "5"
var n = {};
switch (e.result) {
case "1":
n = {
errorType: "Login Fail"
case "2":
n = {
errorType: "duplicateUser"
case "3":
n = {
errorType: "badPassword"
n = {
errorType: "Login Fail"
return ci.isLoggedIn = !1, t.extend(si, n)
return ci.isLoggedIn = !0, {
result: !0
return s(arguments, {}, e, r, {
errorType: "badPassword"
}, !0)
function le() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "loginfo", n.multi_data = 1, n
function r(e) {
if (e && e.loginfo || "" == e.loginfo) {
var n = {};
switch (e.loginfo) {
case "ok":
ci.isLoggedIn = !0, n.status = "loggedIn";
ci.isLoggedIn = !1, n.status = "loggedOut"
return n
return ci.isLoggedIn = void 0, t.extend(si, {
errorType: "LoginStatusError"
if (void 0 != ci.isLoggedIn) return s(arguments, {
status: ci.isLoggedIn ? "loggedIn" : "loggedOut"
var _ = {};
return n.HAS_LOGIN || (_.status = "loggedIn", _.errorType = "no_login", ci.isLoggedIn = !0), s(arguments, _, e, r, null, !1)
function pe() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "ENTER_PIN", n.PinNumber = e.PinNumber, n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" === e.result ? {
result: !0
} : {
result: !1
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, {}, !0)
function me() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "ENTER_PUK", n.PUKNumber = e.PUKNumber, n.PinNumber = e.PinNumber, n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" === e.result ? {
result: !0
} : {
result: !1
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, {}, !0)
function fe() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "sms_data_total",
data_per_page: n.SMS_DATABASE_SORT_SUPPORT ? e.smsCount : 500,
mem_store: e.nMessageStoreType,
tags: e.tags,
order_by: e.orderBy
function t(e) {
return e && e.messages && e.messages.length > 0 ? {
messages: ge(e.messages)
} : {
messages: []
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, {}, !1)
function ge(r, _) {
for (var i = [], s = 0; s < r.length; s++)
if (n.SHOW_UN_COMPLETE_CONCAT_SMS || void 0 === r[s].received_all_concat_sms || "0" != r[s].received_all_concat_sms) {
var o = {}; = r[s].id, o.number = ve(r[s].number), o.content = _ ? r[s].content : ve(r[s].content), o.timeOri = transTime("20" + r[s].date), o.time = transTime("20" + r[s].date, n.DATE_FORMAT, n.TIME_FORMAT), o.isNew = "1" == r[s].tag, o.groupId = r[s].draft_group_id, o.tag = r[s].tag, o.receivedAll = "1" == r[s].received_all_concat_sms, i.push(o)
} if (n.SMS_DATABASE_SORT_SUPPORT) return i;
for (var a = [], u = [], s = i.length; s--;) {
var c = i[s],
d = t.inArray(, a); - 1 == d ? (a.push(, u.push(c)) : c.content.length > u[d].content.length && (u[d] = c)
return e.sortBy(u, function(e) {
return 0 -
function ve(e) {
return decodeMessage(escapeMessage(e))
function we() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "SEND_SMS",
notCallback: !0,
Number: e.number,
sms_time: getCurrentTimeString(),
MessageBody: escapeMessage(encodeMessage(e.message)),
encode_type: getEncodeType(e.message).encodeType
function n(e) {
if (!e) return void _(t.extend(si, {
errorType: "sendFail",
errorText: "send_fail_try_again"
"success" == e.result ? setTimeout(function() {
smsCmd: 4,
errorType: "sendFail",
errorText: "send_fail_try_again"
}, r, _)
}, 1e3) : _(t.extend(si, {
errorType: "sendFail",
errorText: "send_fail_try_again"
var r = arguments[1],
_ = arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : r;
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function he() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
notCallback: !0,
goformId: "SAVE_SMS",
SMSMessage: escapeMessage(encodeMessage(e.message)),
SMSNumber: e.numbers.join(";") + ";",
Index: e.index,
encode_type: getEncodeType(e.message).encodeType,
sms_time: e.currentTimeString,
draft_group_id: e.groupId
function n(e) {
if (!e) return void _(t.extend(si, {
errorType: "saveFail",
errorText: "save_fail"
"success" == e.result ? Pe({
smsCmd: 5,
errorType: "saveFail",
errorText: "save_fail"
}, r, _) : _(t.extend(si, {
errorType: "saveFail",
errorText: "save_fail"
var r = arguments[1],
_ = arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : r;
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function Se() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "ALL_DELETE_SMS",
notCallback: !0,
which_cgi: e.location
function n(e) {
if (!e) return void i(t.extend(si, {
errorType: "deleteFail",
errorText: "delete_fail_try_again"
"success" == e.result ? L("sms_cmd_status_info", r) : i(t.extend(si, {
errorType: "deleteFail",
errorText: "delete_fail_try_again"
function r(e) {
var n = e.sms_cmd_status_info;
"2" == n ? (O("sms_cmd_status_info", r), i(t.extend(si, {
errorType: "deleteFail",
errorText: "delete_fail_try_again"
}))) : "3" == n && (O("sms_cmd_status_info", r), _({
result: !0
var _ = arguments[1],
i = arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : _;
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function Te() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = e.ids.join(";") + ";";
return {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "DELETE_SMS",
msg_id: n,
notCallback: !0
function n(e) {
if (!e) return void _(t.extend(si, {
errorType: "deleteFail",
errorText: "delete_fail_try_again"
"success" == e.result ? Pe({
smsCmd: 6,
errorType: "deleteFail",
errorText: "delete_fail_try_again"
}, r, _) : _(t.extend(si, {
errorType: "deleteFail",
errorText: "delete_fail_try_again"
var r = arguments[1],
_ = arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : r;
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function Pe(e, n, r) {
cmd: "sms_cmd_status_info",
sms_cmd: e.smsCmd,
isTest: oi
}, function(_) {
if (_) {
var i = _.sms_cmd_status_result;
"2" == i ? r(t.extend(si, {
errorType: e.errorType,
errorText: e.errorText
})) : "3" == i ? n({
result: "success"
}) : window.setTimeout(function() {
Pe(e, n, r)
}, 1e3)
} else r(t.extend(si, {
errorType: e.errorType,
errorText: e.errorText
}, function(n) {
r(t.extend(si, {
errorType: e.errorType,
errorText: e.errorText
}, !1)
function Ie() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "sms_cmd_status_info", n.sms_cmd = 1, n
function t(e) {
return e ? ("3" == e.sms_cmd_status_result && (n.smsIsReady = !0), e) : si
if (n.smsIsReady) {
var r = arguments[1];
return r ? r({
sms_cmd: "1",
sms_cmd_status_result: "3"
}) : {
sms_cmd: "1",
sms_cmd_status_result: "3"
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function be() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = e.ids.join(";");
return e.ids.length > 0 && (n += ";"), {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "SET_MSG_READ",
msg_id: n,
tag: 0
function t(e) {
return "success" == e.result ? {
result: !0
} : {
result: !1
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Ae() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "sms_status_rpt_data",
data_per_page: e.smsCount
function t(e) {
return e ? {
messages: ge(e.messages, !0)
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, {}, !1)
function ye() {
function e(e, n) {
var r = t.extend({}, e);
return r.isTest = oi, r.goformId = "LOGOUT", r
function n(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? (ci.isLoggedIn = !1, {
result: !0
}) : t.extend(si, {
errorType: "loggedOutError"
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function Ee() {
function e(e, t) {
var r = {};
return r.newPassword = "2" == n.WEB_ATTR_IF_SUPPORT_SHA256 ? paswordAlgorithmsCookie(e.newPassword) : (n.WEB_ATTR_IF_SUPPORT_SHA256, Base64.encode(e.newPassword)), r.oldPassword = "2" == n.WEB_ATTR_IF_SUPPORT_SHA256 ? paswordAlgorithmsCookie(e.oldPassword) : "1" == n.WEB_ATTR_IF_SUPPORT_SHA256 ? paswordAlgorithmsCookie(Base64.encode(e.oldPassword)) : Base64.encode(e.oldPassword), r.goformId = "CHANGE_PASSWORD", r.isTest = oi, r
function r(e) {
return e && "success" === e.result ? {
result: !0
} : t.extend(si, {
errorType: "badPassword"
return s(arguments, {}, e, r, null, !0)
function Re() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "pinnumber,pin_status,puknumber", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Ne() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.goformId = "ENABLE_PIN", n.OldPinNumber = e.oldPin, n.isTest = oi, n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" === e.result ? {
result: !0
} : {
result: !1
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Me() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.goformId = "DISABLE_PIN", n.OldPinNumber = e.oldPin, n.isTest = oi, n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" === e.result ? {
result: !0
} : {
result: !1
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function De() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.goformId = "ENABLE_PIN", n.OldPinNumber = e.oldPin, n.NewPinNumber = e.newPin, n.isTest = oi, n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" === e.result ? {
result: !0
} : {
result: !1
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Ce() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "lan_ipaddr,lan_netmask,mac_address,dhcpEnabled,dhcpStart,dhcpEnd,dhcpLease_hour,mtu,tcp_mss", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.ipAddress = e.lan_ipaddr, t.subnetMask = e.lan_netmask, t.macAddress = e.mac_address, t.dhcpServer = e.dhcpEnabled, t.dhcpStart = e.dhcpStart, t.dhcpEnd = e.dhcpEnd, t.dhcpLease = parseInt(e.dhcpLease_hour, 10), t.mtuValue = e.mtu, t.mssValue = e.tcp_mss, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function ke() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "DHCP_SETTING", n.lanIp = e.ipAddress, n.lanNetmask = e.subnetMask, n.lanDhcpType = "1" == e.dhcpServer ? "SERVER" : "DISABLE", "SERVER" == n.lanDhcpType && (n.dhcpStart = e.dhcpStart, n.dhcpEnd = e.dhcpEnd, n.dhcpLease = e.dhcpLease), n.dhcp_reboot_flag = 1, n.mac_ip_reset = e.mac_ip_reset, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Fe() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "SET_DEVICE_MTU", n.mtu = e.mtuValue, n.tcp_mss = e.mssValue, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function We() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "sms_parameter_info", n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
switch (t.centerNumber = e.sms_para_sca, t.memStroe = e.sms_para_mem_store, t.deliveryReport = e.sms_para_status_report, parseInt(e.sms_para_validity_period)) {
case 143:
t.validity = "twelve_hours";
case 167:
t.validity = "one_day";
case 173:
t.validity = "one_week";
case 244:
case 255:
t.validity = "largest";
t.validity = "twelve_hours"
return t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function xe() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "SET_MESSAGE_CENTER", n.save_time = e.validity, n.MessageCenter = e.centerNumber, n.status_save = e.deliveryReport, n.save_location = "native", n.notCallback = !0, n
function n(e) {
if (!e) return void _(t.extend(si, {
errorType: "smsSettingFail",
errorText: "error_info"
"success" == e.result ? Pe({
smsCmd: 3,
errorType: "smsSettingFail",
errorText: "error_info"
}, r, _) : _(t.extend(si, {
errorType: "deleteFail",
errorText: "delete_fail_try_again"
var r = arguments[1],
_ = arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : r;
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function Le() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "RESTORE_FACTORY_SETTINGS", n
function t(e) {
return e || si
var r = {};
return n.HAS_PARENTAL_CONTROL && 0 != n.currentUserInChildGroup && (r = {
errorType: "no_auth"
}), s(arguments, r, e, t, null, !0)
function Oe(e) {
var t = {};
t.isTest = oi, t.cmd = "restore_flag", t.multi_data = 1, _(t, function(t) {
t && "1" === t.restore_flag ? e() : setTimeout(function() {
}, 5e3)
}, function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5e3)
}, !1)
function Ue() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "wifi_wps_index,WscModeOption,AuthMode,wifi_onoff_state,EncrypType,wps_mode,WPS_SSID,m_ssid_enable,SSID1,m_SSID,m_EncrypType,m_AuthMode", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.wpsFlag = e.WscModeOption, t.authMode = e.AuthMode, t.wpsType = e.wps_mode, t.radioFlag = e.wifi_onoff_state, t.encrypType = e.EncrypType, t.wpsSSID = e.WPS_SSID, t.ssidEnable = e.m_ssid_enable, t.ssid = e.SSID1, t.multiSSID = e.m_SSID, t.m_encrypType = e.m_EncrypType, t.wifi_wps_index = e.wifi_wps_index, t.AuthMode = e.AuthMode, t.m_AuthMode = e.m_AuthMode, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Be() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "WIFI_WPS_SET", n.WPS_SSID = e.wpsSSID, n.wps_mode = e.wpsType, n.wifi_wps_index = e.wpsIndex, "PIN" == n.wps_mode && (n.wps_pin = e.wpsPin), n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Ve() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "sysIdleTimeToSleep", n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.sleepMode = e.sysIdleTimeToSleep, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function He() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "SET_WIFI_SLEEP_INFO", n.sysIdleTimeToSleep = e.sleepMode, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Ge() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "RemoteManagement,WANPingFilter", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.remoteFlag = "1" == e.RemoteManagement ? "1" : "0", t.pingFlag = "1" == e.WANPingFilter ? "1" : "0", t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Ke() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "FW_SYS", n.remoteManagementEnabled = e.remoteFlag, n.pingFrmWANFilterEnabled = e.pingFlag, n.RemoteManagement = e.remoteFlag, n.WANPingFilter = e.pingFlag, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function ze() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "lan_ipaddr,PortForwardEnable,PortForwardRules_0,PortForwardRules_1,PortForwardRules_2,PortForwardRules_3,PortForwardRules_4,PortForwardRules_5,PortForwardRules_6,PortForwardRules_7,PortForwardRules_8,PortForwardRules_9", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
t.portForwardEnable = e.PortForwardEnable, t.gatewayIpAddress = e.lan_ipaddr;
var r = [];
return "" != e.PortForwardRules_0 && r.push([0, e.PortForwardRules_0]), "" != e.PortForwardRules_1 && r.push([1, e.PortForwardRules_1]), "" != e.PortForwardRules_2 && r.push([2, e.PortForwardRules_2]), "" != e.PortForwardRules_3 && r.push([3, e.PortForwardRules_3]), "" != e.PortForwardRules_4 && r.push([4, e.PortForwardRules_4]), "" != e.PortForwardRules_5 && r.push([5, e.PortForwardRules_5]), "" != e.PortForwardRules_6 && r.push([6, e.PortForwardRules_6]), "" != e.PortForwardRules_7 && r.push([7, e.PortForwardRules_7]), "" != e.PortForwardRules_8 && r.push([8, e.PortForwardRules_8]), "" != e.PortForwardRules_9 && r.push([9, e.PortForwardRules_9]), t.portForwardRules = n(r), t
return si
function n(e) {
var t = [];
if (e && e.length > 0)
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
var r = {},
_ = e[n][1].split(",");
r.index = e[n][0], r.ipAddress = _[0], r.portRange = _[1] + " - " + _[2], r.protocol = transProtocol(_[3]), r.comment = _[4], t.push(r)
return t
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Xe() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "FW_FORWARD_ADD", n.ipAddress = e.ipAddress, n.portStart = e.portStart, n.portEnd = e.portEnd, n.protocol = e.protocol, n.comment = e.comment, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function je() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "FW_FORWARD_DEL", n.delete_id = e.indexs.join(";") + ";", n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function qe() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "VIRTUAL_SERVER", n.PortForwardEnable = e.portForwardEnable, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Ze() {
function e(e, t) {
var r = {};
r.isTest = oi;
var _ = n.PASSWORD_ENCODE ? ",WPAPSK1_encode" : ",WPAPSK1";
return r.cmd = "pdp_type,ipv6_pdp_type,RadioOff,SSID1,HideSSID,AuthMode,WscModeOption,ppp_status,apn_index,ipv6_apn_index,ipv6_APN_index,m_profile_name,apn_mode" + _ + ",APN_config0,APN_config1,APN_config2,APN_config3,APN_config4,APN_config5,APN_config6,APN_config7,APN_config8,APN_config9,APN_config10,APN_config11,APN_config12,APN_config13,APN_config14,APN_config15,APN_config16,APN_config17,APN_config18,APN_config19,ipv6_APN_config0,ipv6_APN_config1,ipv6_APN_config2,ipv6_APN_config3,ipv6_APN_config4,ipv6_APN_config5,ipv6_APN_config6,ipv6_APN_config7,ipv6_APN_config8,ipv6_APN_config9,ipv6_APN_config10,ipv6_APN_config11,ipv6_APN_config12,ipv6_APN_config13,ipv6_APN_config14,ipv6_APN_config15,ipv6_APN_config16,ipv6_APN_config17,ipv6_APN_config18,ipv6_APN_config19", r.multi_data = 1, r
function t(e) {
return e ? (n.PASSWORD_ENCODE && (e.WPAPSK1 = Base64.decode(e.WPAPSK1_encode)), e) : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Ye() {
function e(e) {
return {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "QUICK_SETUP",
apn_mode: e.apnMode,
Profile_Name: e.Profile_Name,
APN_name: e.APN_name,
ppp_auth_mode: e.ppp_auth_mode,
ppp_username: e.ppp_username,
ppp_passwd: e.ppp_passwd,
SSID_name: e.SSID_name,
SSID_Broadcast: e.SSID_Broadcast,
Encryption_Mode_hid: e.Encryption_Mode_hid,
security_shared_mode: e.security_shared_mode,
WPA_PreShared_Key: n.PASSWORD_ENCODE ? Base64.encode(e.WPA_PreShared_Key) : e.WPA_PreShared_Key,
wep_default_key: e.wep_default_key,
function r(e) {
return e || t.extend(si, {
errorType: "SetSetUpError"
Je(arguments, e, r)
function Qe() {
function e(e) {
return {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "QUICK_SETUP_EX",
index: e.apn_index,
pdp_type: e.pdp_type,
apn_mode: e.apnMode,
profile_name: e.profile_name,
wan_apn: e.wan_apn,
ppp_auth_mode: e.ppp_auth_mode,
ppp_username: e.ppp_username,
ppp_passwd: e.ppp_passwd,
ipv6_wan_apn: e.ipv6_wan_apn,
ipv6_ppp_auth_mode: e.ipv6_ppp_auth_mode,
ipv6_ppp_username: e.ipv6_ppp_username,
ipv6_ppp_passwd: e.ipv6_ppp_passwd,
SSID_name: e.SSID_name,
SSID_Broadcast: e.SSID_Broadcast,
Encryption_Mode_hid: e.Encryption_Mode_hid,
security_shared_mode: e.security_shared_mode,
WPA_PreShared_Key: n.PASSWORD_ENCODE ? Base64.encode(e.WPA_PreShared_Key) : e.WPA_PreShared_Key,
wep_default_key: e.wep_default_key,
function r(e) {
return e || t.extend(si, {
errorType: "SetSetUpError"
Je(arguments, e, r)
function Je(e, t, n) {
var r = !1,
i = !1,
s = t(e[0]),
o = e[1],
a = function(e) {
r = !0, !i && o && o(n(e)), i = !0
u = e[2];
_(s, a, function() {
r = !0, u && u()
}, !0), addTimeout(function() {
if (0 == r) var e = addInterval(function() {
0 == r && h({}, function(t) {
window.clearInterval(e), a({
result: "success"
}, 1e3)
}, 5e3)
function $e() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: 1
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t;
t = "mmc2" == e.HTTP_SHARE_FILE || "/mmc2" == e.HTTP_SHARE_FILE || "/mmc2/" == e.HTTP_SHARE_FILE ? "1" : "0";
return {
sd_mode: "1" == e.sdcard_mode_option ? "0" : "1",
sd_status: e.sd_card_state,
share_status: "Enabled" == e.HTTP_SHARE_STATUS ? "1" : "0",
share_user: e.HTTP_SHARE_CARD_USER,
share_auth: "readWrite" == e.HTTP_SHARE_WR_AUTH ? "1" : "0",
file_to_share: t,
share_file: e.HTTP_SHARE_FILE
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function et() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
mode_set: "0" == e.mode ? "http_share_mode" : "usb_mode"
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? {
result: !0
} : {
result: !1
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function tt() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
path_SD_CARD: e.path
function t(e) {
return e ? "no_sdcard" == e.result ? {
status: "no_sdcard"
} : "noexist" == e.result ? {
status: "noexist"
} : {
status: "exist"
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function nt() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
path_SD_CARD: e.path,
indexPage: e.index
function n(e) {
return e ? "failure" == e.result ? t.extend(si, {
errorType: "get_file_list_failure"
}) : "no_sdcard" == e.result ? t.extend(si, {
errorType: "no_sdcard"
}) : r(e.result) : si
function r(e) {
var t = {};
t.totalRecord = e.totalRecord;
for (var n = [], r = e.fileInfo, _ = 0; r && _ < r.length; _++)
if ("" != r[_].fileName) {
var i = {};
i.fileName = r[_].fileName, i.attribute = r[_].attribute, i.size = r[_].size, i.lastUpdateTime = r[_].lastUpdateTime, n.push(i)
} return t.details = n, t
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function rt() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = new Date,
r = n.getTime(),
_ = 60 * n.getTimezoneOffset();
return {
isTest: oi,
path_SD_CARD: e.path,
OLD_NAME_SD_CARD: e.oldPath,
NEW_NAME_SD_CARD: e.newPath,
path_SD_CARD_time: transUnixTime(r),
path_SD_CARD_time_unix: Math.round((r - 1e3 * _) / 1e3)
function n(e) {
return e ? "success" == e.result ? {
result: !0
} : "no_sdcard" == e.result ? t.extend(si, {
errorType: "no_sdcard"
}) : {
result: !1
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function _t() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
function n(e) {
return !e || e.result && "no_sdcard" == e.result ? t.extend(si, {
errorType: "no_sdcard"
}) : {
totalMemorySize: "" == e.sd_card_total_size ? 0 : 32 * e.sd_card_total_size * 1024,
availableMemorySize: "" == e.sd_card_avi_space ? 0 : 32 * e.sd_card_avi_space * 1024
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !1)
function it() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = (new Date).getTime();
return {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "HTTPSHARE_DEL",
path_SD_CARD: e.path,
name_SD_CARD: e.names,
path_SD_CARD_time: transUnixTime(n),
path_SD_CARD_time_unix: Math.round(n / 1e3)
function n(e) {
return e.result && "failure" == e.result ? t.extend(si, {
errorType: "delete_folder_failure"
}) : e.result && "no_sdcard" == e.result ? t.extend(si, {
errorType: "no_sdcard"
}) : e.result && "success" == e.result ? {
result: !0
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function st() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = new Date,
r = n.getTime(),
_ = 60 * n.getTimezoneOffset();
return {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "HTTPSHARE_NEW",
path_SD_CARD: e.path,
path_SD_CARD_time: transUnixTime(r),
path_SD_CARD_time_unix: Math.round((r - 1e3 * _) / 1e3)
function n(e) {
return e.result && "failure" == e.result ? t.extend(si, {
errorType: "create_folder_failure"
}) : e.result && "no_sdcard" == e.result ? t.extend(si, {
errorType: "no_sdcard"
}) : e.result && "success" == e.result ? {
result: !0
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function ot() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "CheckUploadFileStatus"
function t(e) {
return e ? "5" == e.result ? {
result: !1
} : "6" == e.result ? {
result: !0
} : {
result: !1
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function at() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
HTTP_SHARE_STATUS: "1" == e.share_status ? "Enabled" : "Disabled",
HTTP_SHARE_WR_AUTH: "1" == e.share_auth ? "readWrite" : "readOnly",
HTTP_SHARE_FILE: e.share_file
function n(e) {
return e ? "no_sdcard" == e.result ? t.extend(si, {
errorType: "no_sdcard"
}) : {
result: !0
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function ut() {
function t(e, t) {
var r = {};
return r.isTest = oi, r.cmd = "lan_ipaddr,IPPortFilterEnable,DefaultFirewallPolicy,IPPortFilterRules_0,IPPortFilterRules_1,IPPortFilterRules_2,IPPortFilterRules_3,IPPortFilterRules_4,IPPortFilterRules_5,IPPortFilterRules_6,IPPortFilterRules_7,IPPortFilterRules_8,IPPortFilterRules_9", n.USE_IPV6_INTERFACE && (r.cmd += ",IPPortFilterRulesv6_0,IPPortFilterRulesv6_1,IPPortFilterRulesv6_2,IPPortFilterRulesv6_3,IPPortFilterRulesv6_4,IPPortFilterRulesv6_5,IPPortFilterRulesv6_6,IPPortFilterRulesv6_7,IPPortFilterRulesv6_8,IPPortFilterRulesv6_9"), r.multi_data = 1, r
function r(t) {
if (t) {
var r = {};
r.portFilterEnable = t.IPPortFilterEnable, r.defaultPolicy = t.DefaultFirewallPolicy, r.gatewayIpAddress = t.lan_ipaddr;
var i = [];
if ("" != t.IPPortFilterRules_0 && i.push([0, t.IPPortFilterRules_0]), "" != t.IPPortFilterRules_1 && i.push([1, t.IPPortFilterRules_1]), "" != t.IPPortFilterRules_2 && i.push([2, t.IPPortFilterRules_2]), "" != t.IPPortFilterRules_3 && i.push([3, t.IPPortFilterRules_3]), "" != t.IPPortFilterRules_4 && i.push([4, t.IPPortFilterRules_4]), "" != t.IPPortFilterRules_5 && i.push([5, t.IPPortFilterRules_5]), "" != t.IPPortFilterRules_6 && i.push([6, t.IPPortFilterRules_6]), "" != t.IPPortFilterRules_7 && i.push([7, t.IPPortFilterRules_7]), "" != t.IPPortFilterRules_8 && i.push([8, t.IPPortFilterRules_8]), "" != t.IPPortFilterRules_9 && i.push([9, t.IPPortFilterRules_9]), r.portFilterRules = _(i, "IPv4"), n.USE_IPV6_INTERFACE) {
var s = [];
"" != t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_0 && s.push([10, t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_0]), "" != t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_1 && s.push([11, t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_1]), "" != t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_2 && s.push([12, t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_2]), "" != t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_3 && s.push([13, t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_3]), "" != t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_4 && s.push([14, t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_4]), "" != t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_5 && s.push([15, t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_5]), "" != t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_6 && s.push([16, t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_6]), "" != t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_7 && s.push([17, t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_7]), "" != t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_8 && s.push([18, t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_8]), "" != t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_9 && s.push([19, t.IPPortFilterRulesv6_9]), r.portFilterRules = e.union(r.portFilterRules, _(s, "IPv6"))
return r
return si
function _(e, t) {
var n = [];
if (e && e.length > 0)
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
var _ = {},
i = e[r][1].split(",");
_.index = e[r][0], _.macAddress = i[11], _.destIpAddress = "any/0" == i[4] ? "" : i[4], _.sourceIpAddress = "any/0" == i[0] ? "" : i[0], _.destPortRange = "0" == i[6] ? "" : i[6] + " - " + i[7], _.sourcePortRange = "0" == i[2] ? "" : i[2] + " - " + i[3], _.action = 1 == i[9] ? "filter_accept" : "filter_drop", _.protocol = transProtocol(i[8]), _.comment = i[10], _.ipType = t, n.push(_)
return n
return s(arguments, {}, t, r, null, !1)
function ct() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "BASIC_SETTING", n.portFilterEnabled = e.portFilterEnable, n.defaultFirewallPolicy = e.defaultPolicy, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function dt() {
function e(e, t) {
var r = {};
return r.isTest = oi, n.USE_IPV6_INTERFACE ? (r.goformId = "ADD_IP_PORT_FILETER_V4V6", r.ip_version = e.ipType) : r.goformId = "ADD_IP_PORT_FILETER", r.mac_address = e.macAddress, r.dip_address = e.destIpAddress, r.sip_address = e.sourceIpAddress, r.dFromPort = e.destPortStart, r.dToPort = e.destPortEnd, r.sFromPort = e.sourcePortStart, r.sToPort = e.sourcePortEnd, r.action = e.action, r.protocol = e.protocol, r.comment = e.comment, r
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function lt() {
function t(t, r) {
var _ = {};
_.isTest = oi;
var i = e.filter(t.indexs, function(e) {
return 1 == e.length
_.goformId = "DEL_IP_PORT_FILETER_V4V6";
var s = [];
e.each(t.indexs, function(e) {
2 == e.length && s.push(e.substring(1))
}), _.delete_id_v6 = s.length > 0 ? s.join(";") + ";" : ""
} else _.goformId = "DEL_IP_PORT_FILETER";
return _.delete_id = i.length > 0 ? i.join(";") + ";" : "", _
function r(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, t, r, null, !0)
function pt() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "WirelessMode,CountryCode,Channel,HT_MCS,wifi_band,wifi_11n_cap,MAX_Access_num,m_MAX_Access_num,wifi_attr_max_station_number,m_ssid_enable,wan_active_band,m_band_enable,m_WirelessMode,m_CountryCode,m_Channel,m_wifi_band,m_wifi_11n_cap", n.multi_data = 1, n
function r(e) {
if (e) {
return {
multi_ssid_enable: e.m_ssid_enable,
wan_active_band: e.wan_active_band,
mul_band_enable: e.m_band_enable,
mode: e.WirelessMode,
countryCode: e.CountryCode,
channel: e.Channel,
rate: e.HT_MCS,
wifiBand: "a" == e.wifi_band ? "a" : "b",
bandwidth: e.wifi_11n_cap,
MAX_Station_num: t.isNumeric(e.wifi_attr_max_station_number) ? e.wifi_attr_max_station_number : n.MAX_STATION_NUMBER,
MAX_Access_num: e.MAX_Access_num,
m_MAX_Access_num: e.m_MAX_Access_num,
guestMode: e.m_WirelessMode,
guestCountryCode: "" == e.m_CountryCode ? "CN" : e.m_CountryCode,
guestChannel: e.m_Channel,
guestWifiBand: "a" == e.m_wifi_band ? "a" : "b",
guestBandwidth: e.m_wifi_11n_cap
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, r, null, !1)
function mt() {
function e(e) {
var t = {
isTest: oi,
wifiMode: e.mode,
countryCode: e.countryCode,
m_WirelessMode: e.m_WirelessMode,
m_CountryCode: e.m_CountryCode
return n.WIFI_BAND_SUPPORT && (t.wifi_band = e.wifiBand, t.m_wifi_band = e.m_wifi_band), t.selectedChannel =, t.m_Channel = e.m_Channel, n.WIFI_BAND_SUPPORT && "a" == e.wifiBand || (t.abg_rate = e.rate), n.WIFI_BANDWIDTH_SUPPORT && (t.wifi_11n_cap = e.bandwidth, t.m_wifi_11n_cap = e.m_wifi_11n_cap), t
function t(e) {
return e || si
Je(arguments, e, t)
function ft() {
function e(e) {
var t = {
goformId: "SET_WIFI_INFO",
isTest: oi,
wifiMode: e.mode,
countryCode: e.countryCode,
MAX_Access_num: e.station,
m_MAX_Access_num: e.m_station
return n.WIFI_BAND_SUPPORT && (t.wifi_band = e.wifiBand), t.selectedChannel =, n.WIFI_BAND_SUPPORT && "a" == e.wifiBand || (t.abg_rate = e.rate), n.WIFI_BANDWIDTH_SUPPORT && (t.wifi_11n_cap = e.bandwidth), t
function t(e) {
return e || si
Je(arguments, e, t)
function gt() {
return getDeviceInfoTrue(), fi
function gt() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "wifi_onoff_state,guest_switch,wifi_chip1_ssid2_max_access_num,m_SSID2,wifi_chip2_ssid2_max_access_num,wifi_chip1_ssid1_wifi_coverage,apn_interface_version,m_ssid_enable,imei,network_type,rssi,rscp,lte_rsrp,imsi,sim_imsi,cr_version,wa_version,hardware_version,web_version,wa_inner_version,wifi_chip1_ssid1_max_access_num,wifi_chip1_ssid1_ssid,wifi_chip1_ssid1_auth_mode,wifi_chip1_ssid1_password_encode,wifi_chip2_ssid1_ssid,wifi_chip2_ssid1_auth_mode,m_HideSSID,wifi_chip2_ssid1_password_encode,wifi_chip2_ssid1_max_access_num,lan_ipaddr,lan_ipaddr,mac_address,msisdn,LocalDomain,wan_ipaddr,static_wan_ipaddr,ipv6_wan_ipaddr,ipv6_pdp_type,ipv6_pdp_type_ui,pdp_type,pdp_type_ui,opms_wan_mode,opms_wan_auto_mode,ppp_status,Z5g_snr,Z5g_rsrp,wan_lte_ca,lte_ca_pcell_band,lte_ca_pcell_bandwidth,lte_ca_scell_band,lte_ca_scell_bandwidth,lte_ca_pcell_arfcn,lte_ca_scell_arfcn,lte_multi_ca_scell_info,wan_active_band,wifi_onoff_state,guest_switch,wifi_chip1_ssid2_max_access_num,wifi_chip2_ssid2_max_access_num,wifi_chip1_ssid1_wifi_coverage,wifi_chip1_ssid1_max_access_num,wifi_chip1_ssid1_ssid,wifi_chip1_ssid1_auth_mode,wifi_chip1_ssid1_password_encode,wifi_chip2_ssid1_ssid,wifi_chip2_ssid1_auth_mode,wifi_chip2_ssid1_password_encode,wifi_chip2_ssid1_max_access_num,wifi_chip1_ssid2_ssid,wifi_chip2_ssid2_ssid,wifi_chip1_ssid1_switch_onoff,wifi_chip2_ssid1_switch_onoff,wifi_chip1_ssid2_switch_onoff,wifi_chip2_ssid2_switch_onoff,Z5g_SINR,station_ip_addr",
multi_data: 1
function t(e) {
return e ? {
wifi_enable: e.wifi_onoff_state,
multi_ssid_enable: e.guest_switch,
ssid: e.wifi_chip1_ssid1_ssid,
ssidGuest: e.wifi_chip1_ssid2_ssid,
authMode: e.wifi_chip1_ssid1_auth_mode,
passPhrase: Base64.decode(e.wifi_chip1_ssid1_password_encode),
m_authMode: e.wifi_chip2_ssid1_auth_mode,
m_passPhrase: Base64.decode(e.wifi_chip2_ssid1_password_encode),
chip1_ssid1_enable: e.wifi_chip1_ssid1_switch_onoff,
chip2_ssid1_enable: e.wifi_chip2_ssid1_switch_onoff,
chip1_ssid2_enable: e.wifi_chip1_ssid2_switch_onoff,
chip2_ssid2_enable: e.wifi_chip2_ssid2_switch_onoff,
m_ssid: e.wifi_chip2_ssid1_ssid,
m_ssid_guest: e.wifi_chip2_ssid2_ssid,
m_max_access_num: e.wifi_chip2_ssid1_max_access_num,
m_max_access_num_guest: e.wifi_chip2_ssid2_max_access_num,
ipAddress: e.lan_ipaddr,
wanIpAddress: e.wan_ipaddr,
staticWanIpAddress: e.static_wan_ipaddr,
ipv6WanIpAddress: e.ipv6_wan_ipaddr,
ipv6PdpType: e.ipv6_pdp_type,
macAddress: e.mac_address,
simSerialNumber: e.msisdn,
lanDomain: e.LocalDomain,
imei: e.imei,
signal: convertSignal(e),
imsi: e.imsi || e.sim_imsi,
sw_version: e.wa_inner_version || e.cr_version,
fw_version: e.wa_version,
hw_version: e.hardware_version,
max_access_num: e.wifi_chip1_ssid1_max_access_num,
max_access_num_guest: e.wifi_chip1_ssid2_max_access_num,
wifiRange: e.wifi_chip1_ssid1_wifi_coverage,
pdpType: e.apn_interface_version >= 2 ? e.pdp_type_ui : e.pdp_type,
opms_wan_mode: e.opms_wan_mode,
opms_wan_auto_mode: e.opms_wan_auto_mode,
connectStatus: e.ppp_status,
Z5g_SINR: e.Z5g_SINR,
Z5g_rsrp: e.Z5g_rsrp,
network_type: e.network_type,
wan_lte_ca: e.wan_lte_ca,
lte_ca_pcell_band: e.lte_ca_pcell_band,
lte_ca_pcell_bandwidth: e.lte_ca_pcell_bandwidth,
lte_ca_scell_band: e.lte_ca_scell_band,
lte_ca_scell_bandwidth: e.lte_ca_scell_bandwidth,
lte_ca_pcell_arfcn: e.lte_ca_pcell_arfcn,
lte_ca_scell_arfcn: e.lte_ca_scell_arfcn,
lte_multi_ca_scell_info: e.lte_multi_ca_scell_info,
wan_active_band: e.wan_active_band,
station_ip_addr: e.station_ip_addr
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function vt() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "wifi_coverage", n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.wifiRangeMode = e.wifi_coverage, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function wt() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.goformId = "SET_WIFI_COVERAGE", n.isTest = oi, n.wifi_coverage = e.wifiRangeMode, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function ht() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "queryWiFiCoverage", n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.wifiRangeMode = e.WiFiCoverage, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function St() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.goformId = "setWiFiCoverage", n.isTest = oi, n.WiFiCoverage = e.WiFiCoverage, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Tt() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "auto_power_save", n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.autoPowerSaveMode = e.auto_power_save, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Pt() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.goformId = "SET_AUTO_POWER_SAVE", n.isTest = oi, n.auto_power_save = e.autoPowerSaveMode, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function It() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "upnpEnabled", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.upnpSetting = "1" == e.upnpEnabled ? "1" : "0", t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function bt() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.goformId = "UPNP_SETTING", n.isTest = oi, n.upnp_setting_option = e.upnpSetting, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function At() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "DMZEnable,DMZIPAddress,lan_ipaddr,lan_netmask", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.dmzSetting = "1" == e.DMZEnable ? "1" : "0", t.ipAddress = e.DMZIPAddress, t.gatewayIpAddress = e.lan_ipaddr, t.gatewaySubnetMask = e.lan_netmask, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function yt() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.goformId = "DMZ_SETTING", n.isTest = oi, n.DMZEnabled = e.dmzSetting, "1" == n.DMZEnabled && (n.DMZIPAddress = e.ipAddress), n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Et() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "lan_ipaddr,PortMapEnable,PortMapRules_0,PortMapRules_1,PortMapRules_2,PortMapRules_3,PortMapRules_4,PortMapRules_5,PortMapRules_6,PortMapRules_7,PortMapRules_8,PortMapRules_9", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
t.portMapEnable = e.PortMapEnable, t.gatewayIpAddress = e.lan_ipaddr;
var r = [];
return "" != e.PortMapRules_0 && r.push([0, e.PortMapRules_0]), "" != e.PortMapRules_1 && r.push([1, e.PortMapRules_1]), "" != e.PortMapRules_2 && r.push([2, e.PortMapRules_2]), "" != e.PortMapRules_3 && r.push([3, e.PortMapRules_3]), "" != e.PortMapRules_4 && r.push([4, e.PortMapRules_4]), "" != e.PortMapRules_5 && r.push([5, e.PortMapRules_5]), "" != e.PortMapRules_6 && r.push([6, e.PortMapRules_6]), "" != e.PortMapRules_7 && r.push([7, e.PortMapRules_7]), "" != e.PortMapRules_8 && r.push([8, e.PortMapRules_8]), "" != e.PortMapRules_9 && r.push([9, e.PortMapRules_9]), t.portMapRules = n(r), t
return si
function n(e) {
var t = [];
if (e && e.length > 0)
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
var r = {},
_ = e[n][1].split(",");
r.index = e[n][0], r.sourcePort = _[1], r.destIpAddress = _[0], r.destPort = _[2], r.protocol = transProtocol(_[3]), r.comment = _[4], t.push(r)
return t
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Rt() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "ADD_PORT_MAP", n.portMapEnabled = e.portMapEnable, n.fromPort = e.sourcePort, n.ip_address = e.destIpAddress, n.toPort = e.destPort, n.protocol = e.protocol, n.comment = e.comment, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Nt() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "ADD_PORT_MAP", n.portMapEnabled = e.portMapEnable, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Mt() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "DEL_PORT_MAP", n.delete_id = e.indexs.join(";") + ";", n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Dt() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "data_volume_limit_switch,data_volume_limit_unit,data_volume_limit_size,data_volume_alert_percent,monthly_tx_bytes,monthly_rx_bytes,monthly_time,wan_auto_clear_flow_data_switch,traffic_clear_date",
multi_data: 1
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = "data" == e.data_volume_limit_unit;
return {
dataLimitChecked: e.data_volume_limit_switch,
dataLimitTypeChecked: t ? "1" : "0",
limitDataMonth: t ? e.data_volume_limit_size : "0",
alertDataReach: t ? e.data_volume_alert_percent : "0",
limitTimeMonth: t ? "0" : e.data_volume_limit_size,
alertTimeReach: t ? "0" : e.data_volume_alert_percent,
monthlySent: "" == e.monthly_tx_bytes ? 0 : e.monthly_tx_bytes,
monthlyReceived: "" == e.monthly_rx_bytes ? 0 : e.monthly_rx_bytes,
monthlyConnectedTime: "" == e.monthly_time ? 0 : e.monthly_time,
autoClearTraffic: e.wan_auto_clear_flow_data_switch,
traffic_clear_date: e.traffic_clear_date
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Ct() {
function e(e, t) {
var r = "1" == e.dataLimitTypeChecked,
_ = {
isTest: oi,
return "1" == e.dataLimitChecked && (_.data_volume_limit_unit = r ? "data" : "time", _.data_volume_limit_size = r ? e.limitDataMonth : e.limitTimeMonth, _.data_volume_alert_percent = r ? e.alertDataReach : e.alertTimeReach), _.wan_auto_clear_flow_data_switch = e.wan_auto_clear_flow_data_switch, _.traffic_clear_date = e.traffic_clear_date, -1 != n.DEVICE.toLowerCase().indexOf("cpe") ? _.data_volume_limit_switch = e.dataLimitChecked : (_.data_volume_limit_switch = e.dataLimitChecked, _.notify_deviceui_enable = "0"), _
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function kt() {
function e(e, t) {
return "send" == e.sendOrReply ? {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "USSD_PROCESS",
USSD_operator: e.operator,
USSD_send_number: e.strUSSDCommand,
notCallback: !0
} : "reply" == e.sendOrReply ? {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "USSD_PROCESS",
USSD_operator: e.operator,
USSD_reply_number: e.strUSSDCommand,
notCallback: !0
} : void 0
function t(e) {
if (!e) return void n(!1, "ussd_fail");
"success" == e.result ? (callbackTemp = n, Ft()) : n(!1, "ussd_fail")
var n = arguments[1];
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Ft() {
url: "/goform/goform_get_cmd_process",
data: {
cmd: "ussd_write_flag"
cache: !1,
async: !0,
dataType: "json",
success: function(e) {
"1" == e.ussd_write_flag ? callbackTemp(!1, "ussd_no_service") : "4" == e.ussd_write_flag || "unknown" == e.ussd_write_flag || "3" == e.ussd_write_flag ? callbackTemp(!1, "ussd_timeout") : "15" == e.ussd_write_flag ? setTimeout(Ft, 1e3) : "10" == e.ussd_write_flag ? callbackTemp(!1, "ussd_retry") : "99" == e.ussd_write_flag ? callbackTemp(!1, "ussd_unsupport") : "41" == e.ussd_write_flag ? callbackTemp(!1, "operation_not_supported") : "2" == e.ussd_write_flag ? callbackTemp(!1, "network_terminated") : "16" == e.ussd_write_flag ? t.ajax({
url: "/goform/goform_get_cmd_process",
data: {
cmd: "ussd_data_info"
dataType: "json",
async: !0,
cache: !1,
success: function(e) {
var t = {}; = e.ussd_data, t.ussd_action = e.ussd_action, t.ussd_dcs = e.ussd_dcs, callbackTemp(!0, t)
error: function() {
callbackTemp(!1, "ussd_info_error")
}) : callbackTemp(!1, "ussd_fail")
error: function() {
callbackTemp(!1, "ussd_fail")
function Wt(e) {
function r() {
url: "/goform/goform_get_cmd_process",
data: {
cmd: "ussd_write_flag"
cache: !1,
async: !0,
dataType: "json",
success: function(t) {
"15" == t.ussd_write_flag ? setTimeout(r, 1e3) : e("13" == t.ussd_write_flag ? !0 : !1)
error: function() {
var _ = {};
if (_.goformId = "USSD_PROCESS", _.USSD_operator = "ussd_cancel", n.ACCESSIBLE_ID_SUPPORT) {
var i = hex_md5(rd0 + rd1),
s = hr({
nv: "RD"
o = hex_md5(i + s);
_.AD = o
url: "/goform/goform_set_cmd_process",
data: _,
cache: !1,
dataType: "json",
success: function(t) {
"success" == t.result ? r() : e(!1)
function xt() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "dlna_language,dlna_name,dlna_share_audio,dlna_share_video,dlna_share_image,dlna_scan_state,sd_card_state,sdcard_mode_option,dlna_rescan_end", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
return {
language: e.dlna_language,
deviceName: e.dlna_name,
shareAudio: e.dlna_share_audio,
shareVideo: e.dlna_share_video,
shareImage: e.dlna_share_image,
needRescan: "1" == e.dlna_scan_state,
dlnaEnable: !0,
dlna_scan: e.dlna_rescan_end
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Lt() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
notCallback: !0,
goformId: "DLNA_SETTINGS",
dlna_language: e.language,
dlna_name: e.deviceName,
dlna_share_audio: e.shareAudio,
dlna_share_video: e.shareVideo,
dlna_share_image: e.shareImage
function t(e) {
e && "success" == e.result ? L("dlna_rescan_end", n) : r(e)
function n(e) {
Ut(e, r, n)
var r = arguments[1];
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Ot() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
notCallback: !0,
goformId: "DLNA_RESCAN"
function t(e) {
e && "success" == e.result ? L("dlna_rescan_end", n) : r(e)
function n(e) {
Ut(e, r, n)
var r = arguments[1];
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Ut(e, t, n) {
"1" == e.dlna_rescan_end && (O("dlna_rescan_end", n), t({
result: "success"
function Bt() {
function e(e) {
return {
isTest: oi,
notCallback: !0,
unlock_network_code: e.unlock_network_code
function t(e) {
e && "success" == e.result ? U(n) : r({
result: "fail"
function n() {
_ > 5 ? (B(n), r({
result: "fail"
})) : "modem_imsi_waitnck" != ci.simStatus && (B(n), r({
result: "success"
})), _++
var r = arguments[1],
_ = 0;
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Vt() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "unlock_nck_time"
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Ht() {
function e(e) {
return {
isTest: oi,
upgrade_notice_flag: e.upgrade_notice_flag,
notCallback: !0
function t(e) {
n("success" == e.result ? !0 : !1)
var n = arguments[1];
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Gt() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "upgrade_notice_flag"
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Kt() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: 1,
cmd: "wifi_sta_connection,ap_station_mode,m_ssid_enable"
function t(e) {
return e ? {
multi_ssid_enable: e.m_ssid_enable,
ap_station_enable: e.wifi_sta_connection,
ap_station_mode: e.ap_station_mode
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function zt() {
function e(e) {
return {
isTest: oi,
wifi_sta_connection: e.ap_station_enable,
ap_station_mode: e.ap_station_mode
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? (ci.ap_station_enable = 1 == n.ap_station_enable, ci.ap_station_mode = n.ap_station_mode, e) : si
var n = arguments[0];
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Xt() {
return Kt({}, function(e) {
ci.ap_station_enable = 1 == e.ap_station_enable, ci.ap_station_mode = e.ap_station_mode
function jt() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: 1,
cmd: "wifi_profile,wifi_profile1,wifi_profile2,wifi_profile3,wifi_profile4,wifi_profile5,wifi_profile_num"
function t(e) {
if (e) {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n <= 5; n++) {
var r = "";
r = 0 == n ? e.wifi_profile : e["wifi_profile" + n];
for (var _ = r.split(";"), i = 0; i < _.length; i++) {
var s = _[i].split(",");
if (!s[0]) break;
var o = {
profileName: s[0],
fromProvider: s[1],
connectStatus: s[2],
signal: s[3],
ssid: s[4],
authMode: s[5],
encryptType: s[6],
password: "0" == s[7] ? "" : s[7],
keyID: s[8]
return {
hotspotList: t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function qt() {
function e(e) {
return {
isTest: oi,
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Zt() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: 1,
cmd: "scan_finish,EX_APLIST,EX_APLIST1"
function t(e) {
if (e) {
if ("0" == e.scan_finish) return {
scan_finish: !1,
hotspotList: []
for (var t = [], n = 0; n <= 1; n++) {
var r;
r = 0 == n ? e.EX_APLIST : e.EX_APLIST1;
for (var _ = r.split(";"), i = 0; i < _.length; i++) {
var s = _[i].split(",");
if (!s[0]) break;
var o = {
fromProvider: s[0],
connectStatus: s[1],
ssid: s[2],
signal: s[3],
channel: s[4],
authMode: s[5],
encryptType: s[6]
return {
scan_finish: !0,
hotspotList: t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Yt() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: 1,
function t(e) {
if (e) {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n <= 1; n++) {
var r;
r = 0 == n ? e.EX_APLIST : e.EX_APLIST1;
for (var _ = r.split(";"), i = 0; i < _.length; i++) {
var s = _[i].split(",");
if (!s[0]) break;
var o = {
fromProvider: s[0],
connectStatus: s[1],
ssid: s[2],
signal: s[3],
channel: s[4],
authMode: s[5],
encryptType: s[6]
return {
hotspotList: t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Qt(e) {
var t = [];
return t.push(e.profileName), t.push(e.fromProvider || "0"), t.push(e.connectStatus || "0"), t.push(e.signal), t.push(e.ssid), t.push(e.authMode), t.push(e.encryptType), t.push(e.password || "0"), t.push(e.keyID), t.join(",")
function Jt() {
function e(e) {
var t = e.apList,
n = "modify";
if ("2" == e.saveAddFlag) {
n = "add", t.reverse();
profileName: e.profileName,
fromProvider: "0",
connectStatus: "0",
signal: e.signal,
ssid: e.ssid,
authMode: e.authMode,
encryptType: e.encryptType,
password: e.password || "0",
keyID: e.keyID
}), t.reverse()
for (var r = {
profile0: [],
profile1: [],
profile2: [],
profile3: [],
profile4: [],
profile5: []
}, _ = "", i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var s = "";
e.profileNameInit == t[i].profileName ? (s = Qt(e), _ = s) : s = Qt(t[i]);
r["profile" + parseInt(i / 5)].push(s)
return {
isTest: oi,
wifi_profile: r.profile0.join(";"),
wifi_profile1: r.profile1.join(";"),
wifi_profile2: r.profile2.join(";"),
wifi_profile3: r.profile3.join(";"),
wifi_profile4: r.profile4.join(";"),
wifi_profile5: r.profile5.join(";"),
wifi_profile_num: t.length,
wifi_update_profile: _,
action: n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function $t() {
function e(e) {
for (var t = e.apList, n = {
profile0: [],
profile1: [],
profile2: [],
profile3: [],
profile4: [],
profile5: []
}, r = !1, _ = "", i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var s = Qt(t[i]);
if (t[i].profileName != e.profileName) {
var o = i;
r && (o = i - 1);
n["profile" + parseInt(o / 5)].push(s)
} else r = !0, _ = s
var a = r ? t.length - 1 : t.length;
return {
isTest: oi,
wifi_profile: n.profile0.join(";"),
wifi_profile1: n.profile1.join(";"),
wifi_profile2: n.profile2.join(";"),
wifi_profile3: n.profile3.join(";"),
wifi_profile4: n.profile4.join(";"),
wifi_profile5: n.profile5.join(";"),
wifi_profile_num: a,
wifi_update_profile: _,
action: "delete"
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function en() {
function e(e) {
return {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "WLAN_SET_STA_CON",
EX_AuthMode: e.EX_AuthMode,
EX_EncrypType: e.EX_EncrypType,
EX_DefaultKeyID: e.EX_DefaultKeyID,
EX_wifi_profile: e.EX_wifi_profile
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function tn() {
function e(e) {
return {
isTest: oi,
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function nn() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: 1,
cmd: "opms_wan_mode,opms_wan_auto_mode,loginfo,ppp_status,ethernet_port_specified"
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return "AUTO" == e.opms_wan_mode ? t.opms_wan_mode = e.opms_wan_auto_mode ? e.opms_wan_auto_mode : "" : t.opms_wan_mode = e.opms_wan_mode ? e.opms_wan_mode : "", t.loginfo = e.loginfo, t.ppp_status = e.ppp_status, t.ethernet_port_specified = "1" == e.ethernet_port_specified ? e.ethernet_port_specified : "0", t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function rn(e, n) {
function r(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi,
}, e)
function _(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, r, _, null, !0)
function _n(e, n) {
function r(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function _(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, r, _, null, !0)
function sn() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: 1,
cmd: "opms_wan_auto_mode,pppoe_username,pppoe_password,pppoe_dial_mode,pppoe_status,static_wan_ipaddr,static_wan_netmask,static_wan_gateway,static_wan_primary_dns,static_wan_secondary_dns,dhcp_wan_status,static_wan_status"
function t(e) {
return e ? {
opms_wan_auto_mode: e.opms_wan_auto_mode,
pppoe_username: e.pppoe_username,
pppoe_password: e.pppoe_password,
pppoe_dial_mode: e.pppoe_dial_mode,
ppp_status: e.pppoe_status,
static_wan_ipaddr: e.static_wan_ipaddr,
static_wan_netmask: e.static_wan_netmask,
static_wan_gateway: e.static_wan_gateway,
static_wan_primary_dns: e.static_wan_primary_dns,
static_wan_secondary_dns: e.static_wan_secondary_dns,
dhcp_wan_status: e.dhcp_wan_status,
static_wan_status: e.static_wan_status
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function on(e, n) {
function r(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi,
notCallback: !0
}, e)
function _(t) {
"success" == t.result ? "WAN_GATEWAYMODE_PPPOE" == e.goformId && "connect" == e.action_link ? (showLoading("connecting"), checkPoint = (new Date).getTime(), U(i)) : "WAN_GATEWAYMODE_PPPOE" == e.goformId && "disconnect" == e.action_link ? (checkPoint = (new Date).getTime(), U(o)) : n({
result: !0
}) : n({
result: !1
function i(e) {
"ppp_connecting" == e.pppoe_status ? ci.connectStatus = "ppp_connecting" : checkConnectedStatus(e.pppoe_status) ? (B(i), ci.connectStatus = "ppp_connected", n({
result: !0,
status: ci.connectStatus
})) : (new Date).getTime() - checkPoint < 1e4 ? ci.connectStatus = "ppp_connecting" : (B(i), n({
result: !1
function o(e) {
"ppp_disconnecting" == e.pppoe_status ? ci.connectStatus = "ppp_disconnecting" : "ppp_disconnected" == e.pppoe_status ? (B(o), ci.connectStatus = "ppp_disconnected", n({
result: !0,
status: ci.connectStatus
})) : (new Date).getTime() - checkPoint < 1e4 ? ci.connectStatus = "ppp_disconnecting" : (B(o), n({
result: !1
return s(arguments, {}, r, _, null, !0)
function an(e, t) {
function n(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: 1,
cmd: "sntp_year,sntp_month_temp,sntp_day,sntp_hour,sntp_minute,sntp_second,sntp_time_set_mode,sntp_server_list1,sntp_server_list2,sntp_server_list3,sntp_server_list4,sntp_server_list5,sntp_server_list6,sntp_server_list7,sntp_server_list8,sntp_server_list9,sntp_server_list10,sntp_server0,sntp_server1,sntp_server2,sntp_other_server0,sntp_other_server1,sntp_other_server2,sntp_timezone,sntp_dst_enable,ppp_status,opms_wan_mode,syn_done"
function r(e) {
if (e) {
var t = _(e);
return {
sntp_year: e.sntp_year,
sntp_month: e.sntp_month_temp,
sntp_day: e.sntp_day,
sntp_hour: e.sntp_hour,
sntp_minute: e.sntp_minute,
sntp_second: e.sntp_second,
sntp_time_set_mode: e.sntp_time_set_mode,
sntp_servers: t,
sntp_server0: e.sntp_server0,
sntp_server1: e.sntp_server1,
sntp_server2: e.sntp_server2,
sntp_other_server0: e.sntp_other_server0,
sntp_other_server1: e.sntp_other_server1,
sntp_other_server2: e.sntp_other_server2,
sntp_timezone: e.sntp_timezone,
sntp_dst_enable: e.sntp_dst_enable,
ppp_status: e.ppp_status,
opms_wan_mode: e.opms_wan_mode,
syn_done: e.syn_done
return si
function _(e) {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
var r = "sntp_server_list" + (n + 1).toString();
if ("" != e[r]) {
var _ = {}; = e[r], _.value = e[r], t.push(_)
for (var i = [{
name: "Other",
value: "Other"
}, {
name: "NONE",
value: ""
}], s = 0; s < 2; s++) t.push(i[s]);
return t
return s(arguments, {}, n, r, null, !1)
function un(e, n) {
function r(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function _(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, r, _, null, !0)
function cn(e, r) {
function _() {
url: "/goform/goform_get_cmd_process",
dataType: "json",
data: {
cmd: "syn_done,nitz_sync_flag",
multi_data: "1"
cache: !1,
async: !1,
success: function(e) {
"1" == e.syn_done || "1" == e.nitz_sync_flag ? r(!0) : "0" == e.syn_done ? r(!1) : setTimeout(_, 2e3)
error: function() {
var i = t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e);
if (i.isTest) result = simulate.simulateRequest(e, r, r, !0, !0), setTimeout(function() {
}, getRandomInt(120) + 50);
else {
var s = hex_md5(rd0 + rd1),
o = hr({
nv: "RD"
a = hex_md5(s + o);
i.AD = a
}"/goform/goform_set_cmd_process", i, function(t) {
t && "success" == t.result ? "auto" == e.manualsettime ? setTimeout(_, 2e3) : r(!0) : r(!1)
}, "json")
function dn(e, n) {
function r(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function _(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, r, _, null, !0)
function ln() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "websURLFilters"
function t(e) {
var t = [];
if (e) {
if (0 == e.websURLFilters.length) return {
urlFilterRules: []
for (var n = e.websURLFilters.split(";"), r = 0; r < n.length; r++) {
var _ = {};
_.index = r, _.url = n[r], t.push(_)
return {
urlFilterRules: t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function pn(e, n) {
function r(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function _(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, r, _, null, !0)
function mn() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: "1",
cmd: "wifi_wds_mode,wifi_wds_ssid,wifi_wds_AuthMode,wifi_wds_EncrypType,wifi_wds_WPAPSK1,RadioOff"
function t(e) {
return e ? {
currentMode: e.wifi_wds_mode,
wdsSSID: e.wifi_wds_ssid,
wdsAuthMode: e.wifi_wds_AuthMode,
wdsEncrypType: e.wifi_wds_EncrypType,
wdsWPAPSK1: e.wifi_wds_WPAPSK1,
RadioOff: e.RadioOff
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function fn(e, n) {
function r(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function _(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, r, _, null, !0)
function gn() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: "1",
cmd: "syslog_mode,debug_level"
function t(e) {
return e ? {
currentMode: e.syslog_mode,
debugLevel: e.debug_level
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function vn(e, n) {
function r(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function _(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, r, _, null, !0)
function wn() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: "1",
cmd: "tr069_ServerURL,tr069_CPEPortNo,tr069_ServerUsername,tr069_ServerPassword,tr069_ConnectionRequestUname,tr069_ConnectionRequestPassword,wan_ipaddr,tr069_PeriodicInformEnable,tr069_PeriodicInformInterval,tr069_CertEnable,tr069_DataModule,tr069_Webui_DataModuleSupport"
function t(e) {
return e ? {
serverUrl: e.tr069_ServerURL,
tr069_CPEPortNo: e.tr069_CPEPortNo,
serverUserName: e.tr069_ServerUsername,
serverPassword: e.tr069_ServerPassword,
requestUserName: e.tr069_ConnectionRequestUname,
requestPassword: e.tr069_ConnectionRequestPassword,
wanIpAddress: e.wan_ipaddr,
tr069_PeriodicInformEnable: e.tr069_PeriodicInformEnable,
tr069_PeriodicInformInterval: e.tr069_PeriodicInformInterval,
tr069_CertEnable: e.tr069_CertEnable,
tr069_DataModule: e.tr069_DataModule,
tr069_Webui_DataModuleSupport: e.tr069_Webui_DataModuleSupport
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function hn(e, n) {
function r(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function _(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, r, _, null, !0)
function Sn() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: "1",
cmd: "voip_display_name,voip_user_name,voip_authorization_user_name,voip_authorization_password,voip_registration_server,voip_registration_server_port,voip_proxy_server,voip_proxy_server_port,voip_outbound_proxy_enable,voip_outbound_proxy,voip_outbound_proxy_port,voip_register_status"
function t(e) {
return e ? {
display_name: e.voip_display_name,
user_name: e.voip_authorization_user_name,
authorization_user_name: e.voip_user_name,
authorization_password: e.voip_authorization_password,
registration_server: e.voip_registration_server,
registration_server_port: e.voip_registration_server_port,
proxy_server: e.voip_proxy_server,
proxy_server_port: e.voip_proxy_server_port,
outboundEnable: e.voip_outbound_proxy_enable,
outboundServer: e.voip_outbound_proxy,
outboundPort: e.voip_outbound_proxy_port,
voip_register_status: e.voip_register_status
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Tn(e, n) {
function r(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function _(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, r, _, null, !0)
function Pn() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: "1",
cmd: "voip_sip_register_server1,voip_sip_domain1,voip_sip_realm1,voip_sip_proxy_enable1,voip_sip_proxy_server1,voip_account_display_account1,voip_account_auth1,voip_account_password1,voip_user1_register_status"
function t(e) {
return e ? {
sipRegisterServer: e.voip_sip_register_server1,
sipDomain: e.voip_sip_domain1,
sipRealm: e.voip_sip_realm1,
sipProxyMode: e.voip_sip_proxy_enable1,
voipSipProxyServer: e.voip_sip_proxy_server1,
displayName: e.voip_account_display_account1,
authorizedUserName: e.voip_account_auth1,
authorizedPassword: e.voip_account_password1,
voipRegisterStatus: e.voip_user1_register_status
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function In() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "voip_user1_register_status"
function t(e) {
return e ? {
voipRegisterStatus: e.voip_user1_register_status
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function bn() {
function e(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function n(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function An() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: "1",
cmd: "voip_sip_t38_enable1,voip_sip_dtmf_method,voip_sip_encoder1,voip_sip_vad_enable1,voip_sip_cng_enable1"
function t(e) {
return e ? {
sipT38Mode: e.voip_sip_t38_enable1,
currentDtmfMethod: e.voip_sip_dtmf_method,
currentVoipSipEncoderMethod: e.voip_sip_encoder1,
sipVadMode: e.voip_sip_vad_enable1,
sipCngMode: e.voip_sip_cng_enable1
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function yn() {
function e(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function n(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function En() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: "1",
cmd: "voip_call_waiting_enable,voip_call_hold_enable,voip_three_way_talking_enable,voip_call_transfer_enable,voip_call_fwd_unconditional_enable,voip_call_fwd_unconditional_number,voip_call_fwd_busy_enable,voip_call_fwd_busy_number,voip_call_fwd_no_answer_enable,voip_call_fwd_no_answer_number"
function t(e) {
return e ? {
voip_call_waiting_enable: e.voip_call_waiting_enable,
voip_call_hold_enable: e.voip_call_hold_enable,
voip_three_way_talking_enable: e.voip_three_way_talking_enable,
voip_call_transfer_enable: e.voip_call_transfer_enable,
voip_call_fwd_unconditional_enable: e.voip_call_fwd_unconditional_enable,
voip_call_fwd_unconditional_number: e.voip_call_fwd_unconditional_number,
voip_call_fwd_busy_enable: e.voip_call_fwd_busy_enable,
voip_call_fwd_busy_number: e.voip_call_fwd_busy_number,
voip_call_fwd_no_answer_enable: e.voip_call_fwd_no_answer_enable,
voip_call_fwd_no_answer_number: e.voip_call_fwd_no_answer_number,
selectedMode: "1" == e.voip_call_fwd_unconditional_enable ? 1 : 0
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Rn() {
function e(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function n(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function Nn() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: "1",
cmd: "ACL_mode,wifi_mac_black_list,wifi_hostname_black_list,RadioOff,user_ip_addr"
function t(e) {
return e ? {
ACL_mode: e.ACL_mode,
wifi_mac_black_list: e.wifi_mac_black_list,
wifi_hostname_black_list: e.wifi_hostname_black_list,
RadioOff: e.RadioOff,
user_ip_addr: e.user_ip_addr
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Mn() {
function e(e) {
return {
goformId: "WIFI_MAC_FILTER",
isTest: oi,
ACL_mode: e.ACL_mode,
macFilteringMode: e.ACL_mode,
wifi_hostname_black_list: e.wifi_hostname_black_list,
wifi_mac_black_list: e.wifi_mac_black_list
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Dn() {
function e(e) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "mgmt_quicken_power_on,need_hard_reboot",
multi_data: 1
function t(e) {
return {
fastbootEnabled: "1" == e.mgmt_quicken_power_on ? "1" : "0",
need_hard_reboot: e.need_hard_reboot
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Cn() {
function e(e) {
return {
isTest: oi,
mgmt_quicken_power_on: e.fastbootEnabled,
need_hard_reboot: e.need_hard_reboot
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function kn() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "REBOOT_DEVICE", n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Fn() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "SHUTDOWN_DEVICE", n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Wn() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "new_version_state", n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = "1" == e.new_version_state || "version_has_new_critical_software" == e.new_version_state || "version_has_new_optional_software" == e.new_version_state;
return e.hasNewVersion = t, e
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function xn() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "dm_new_version", n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Ln() {
function e(e, t) {
var r = {};
return r.isTest = oi, "OTA" == n.UPGRADE_TYPE ? r.cmd = "is_mandatory" : r.cmd = "new_version_state", r
function t(e) {
return e ? "OTA" == n.UPGRADE_TYPE ? {
is_mandatory: "1" == e.is_mandatory
} : {
is_mandatory: "version_has_new_critical_software" == e.new_version_state
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function On() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "upgrade_result", n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Un() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "current_upgrade_state", n
function t(e) {
return e ? ("downloading" == e.current_upgrade_state && (e.current_upgrade_state = "upgrading"), e) : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Bn() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "dm_update_package_file_exist", n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Vn() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "pack_size_info", n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Hn() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "if_has_select", n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Gn() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.goformId = "IF_UPGRADE", n.isTest = oi, n.select_op = e.selectOp, "check" == n.select_op && (n.ota_manual_check_roam_state = 1), n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Kn() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "GetUpgAutoSetting", n
function t(e) {
return e ? {
updateMode: e.UpgMode,
updateIntervalDay: e.UpgIntervalDay,
allowRoamingUpdate: e.UpgRoamPermission
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function zn() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "SetUpgAutoSetting", n.UpgMode = e.updateMode, n.UpgIntervalDay = e.updateIntervalDay, n.UpgRoamPermission = e.allowRoamingUpdate, n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Xn() {
return hr({
nv: ["dm_last_check_time"]
}, arguments[1], arguments[2])
function jn() {
return hr({
nv: ["dm_update_successful_time"]
}, arguments[1], arguments[2])
function qn() {
return hr({
nv: ["network_type", "rssi", "rscp", "lte_rsrp", "Z5g_snr", "Z5g_rsrp", "ZCELLINFO_band", "Z5g_dlEarfcn", "lte_ca_pcell_arfcn", "lte_ca_pcell_band", "lte_ca_scell_band", "lte_ca_pcell_bandwidth", "lte_ca_scell_info", "lte_ca_scell_bandwidth", "wan_lte_ca", "lte_pci", "Z5g_CELL_ID", "Z5g_SINR", "cell_id", "wan_lte_ca", "lte_ca_pcell_band", "lte_ca_pcell_bandwidth", "lte_ca_scell_band", "lte_ca_scell_bandwidth", "lte_ca_pcell_arfcn", "lte_ca_scell_arfcn", "lte_multi_ca_scell_info", "wan_active_band", "nr5g_pci", "nr5g_action_band", "nr5g_cell_id", "lte_snr", "ecio", "wan_active_channel", "nr5g_action_channel"]
}, arguments[1], arguments[2])
function Zn() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "RESULT_RESTORE", n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Yn() {
function e(e) {
return {
isTest: oi,
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Qn() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "CHANGE_MODE", n.change_mode = e.change_mode, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Jn() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "childGroupList"
function t(e) {
return e && (e.childGroupList || e.devices) ? oi ? e.childGroupList : e : {
devices: []
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function $n() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "ADD_DEVICE",
mac: e.macAddress
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, 0 == n.currentUserInChildGroup ? {} : {
errorType: "no_auth"
}, e, t, null, !0)
function er() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "DEL_DEVICE",
mac: e.mac
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, 0 == n.currentUserInChildGroup ? {} : {
errorType: "no_auth"
}, e, t, null, !0)
function tr(t) {
if (void 0 === n.currentUserInChildGroup) {
var r = [];
r = void 0 !== t ? t : Jn({}).devices;
var _ = sr({}).get_user_mac_addr || sr({}).user_mac_addr,
i = e.find(r, function(e) {
return e.mac == _
return n.currentUserInChildGroup = void 0 !== i, {
result: void 0 !== i
return {
result: n.currentUserInChildGroup
function nr() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "child_mac_rule_info",
mac_addr: e.mac_addr
function t(e) {
return e && void 0 !== e.child_mac_rule_info ? e : {
child_mac_rule_info: ""
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function rr() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
mac_addr: e.mac
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, 0 == n.currentUserInChildGroup ? {} : {
errorType: "no_auth"
}, e, t, null, !0)
function _r() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
child_mac_rule_info: e.child_mac_rule_info
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, 0 == n.currentUserInChildGroup ? {} : {
errorType: "no_auth"
}, e, t, null, !0)
function ir() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
mac_addr: e.mac_addr,
child_mac_rule_info: e.child_mac_rule_info
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, 0 == n.currentUserInChildGroup ? {} : {
errorType: "no_auth"
}, e, t, null, !0)
function sr() {
return hr({
nv: "get_user_mac_addr"
}, arguments[1], arguments[2])
function or() {
return sr({}).get_user_mac_addr || sr({}).user_mac_addr
function ar() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "hostNameList"
function t(e) {
return e && (e.hostNameList || e.devices) ? oi ? e.hostNameList : e : {
devices: []
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function ur() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "EDIT_HOSTNAME",
mac: e.mac,
hostname: e.hostname
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function cr() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "site_white_list"
function t(e) {
return e && (e.site_white_list || e.siteList) ? oi ? e.site_white_list : e : {
siteList: []
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function dr() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
ids: e.ids.join(",")
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, 0 == n.currentUserInChildGroup ? {} : {
errorType: "no_auth"
}, e, t, null, !0)
function lr() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "ADD_WHITE_SITE",
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, 0 == n.currentUserInChildGroup ? {} : {
errorType: "no_auth"
}, e, t, null, !0)
function pr() {
function t(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "time_limited"
function n(e) {
return e ? r(e) : _
function r(t) {
if ("" == t.time_limited) return {
time_limited: []
var n = t.time_limited.split(";");
return e.each(n, function(e) {
var t = e.split("+");
2 == t.length && (_[t[0]] = t[1].split(","))
}), _
var _ = {
0: [],
1: [],
2: [],
3: [],
4: [],
5: [],
6: []
return s(arguments, {}, t, n, null, !1)
function mr() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
time_limited: e.time
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, 0 == n.currentUserInChildGroup ? {} : {
errorType: "no_auth"
}, e, t, null, !0)
function fr() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "web_wake_switch,web_sleep_switch,web_wake_time,web_sleep_time",
multi_data: "1"
function t(e) {
if (e) {
if (-1 != e.web_wake_time.indexOf(":")) {
var t = e.web_wake_time.split(":");
e.openH = leftInsert(t[0], 2, "0"), e.openM = leftInsert(t[1], 2, "0")
} else e.openH = "06", e.openM = "00";
if (-1 != e.web_sleep_time.indexOf(":")) {
var n = e.web_sleep_time.split(":");
e.closeH = leftInsert(n[0], 2, "0"), e.closeM = leftInsert(n[1], 2, "0")
} else e.closeH = "22", e.closeM = "00";
return e
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function gr() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "SAVE_TSW",
web_wake_switch: e.openEnable,
web_sleep_switch: e.closeEnable
return "1" == e.openEnable && (n.web_wake_time = e.openTime, n.web_sleep_time = e.closeTime), n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function vr() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "systime_mode,syn_done,nitz_sync_flag",
multi_data: "1"
function t(e) {
return !e || "sntp" != e.systime_mode && "nitz" != e.systime_mode && "manual" != e.systime_mode && "1" != e.syn_done && "1" != e.nitz_sync_flag ? {
result: !1
} : {
result: !0
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function wr() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
calibration_way: e.way,
time: "time" == e.way ? e.value : 0,
data: "data" == e.way ? e.value : 0
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function hr() {
function t(t, n) {
var r = {};
return r.isTest = oi, e.isArray(t.nv) ? (r.cmd = t.nv.join(","), r.multi_data = 1) : r.cmd = t.nv, r
function n(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, t, n, null, !1)
function Sr() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "vwim_mc_state,traffic_overrun,detect_new_version", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.vwim_mc_state = e.vwim_mc_state, t.traffic_overrun = e.traffic_overrun, t.detect_new_version = e.detect_new_version, t.opms_wan_mode = "AUTO" == ci.opms_wan_mode ? ci.opms_wan_auto_mode : ci.opms_wan_mode, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Tr() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "CLEAR_REDIRECT_FLAG", n.flag_id = e.redirectFlags, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Pr() {
function e(e, n) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function n(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function Ir() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "host_name_web,mac_addr_web,ip_addr_web,lan_ipaddr,lan_netmask", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.ipAddress = e.lan_ipaddr, t.subnetMask = e.lan_netmask, t.host_name_web = e.host_name_web, t.mac_addr_web = e.mac_addr_web, t.ip_addr_web = e.ip_addr_web, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function br(e, n) {
function r(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function _(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, r, _, null, !0)
function Ar() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "current_static_addr_list"
function t(e) {
var t = [];
if (e) {
if (null == e.current_static_addr_list || "" == e.current_static_addr_list) return {
StaticAddressFilterRules: []
for (var n = e.current_static_addr_list, r = 0; r < n.length; r++) {
var _ = {};
_.index = r, _.hostName = n[r].hostname, _.macAddress = n[r].mac, _.ipAddress = n[r].ip, _.domainName = n[r].domain, t.push(_)
return {
StaticAddressFilterRules: t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function yr() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "current_static_addr_list"
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
if (null == e.current_static_addr_list || "" == e.current_static_addr_list) t.bindStaticIPInfo = [];
else {
for (var n = e.current_static_addr_list, r = [], _ = 0; _ < n.length; _++) r.push(n[_].ip);
t.bindStaticIPInfo = r
return t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Er() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "mac_ip_status", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.mac_ip_status = "1" == e.mac_ip_status ? "1" : "0", t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Rr(e, n) {
function r(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function _(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, r, _, null, !0)
function Nr() {
function e(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function n(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function Mr() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: 1,
cmd: "wifi_profile,wifi_profile1,wifi_profile2,wifi_profile3,wifi_profile4,wifi_profile5,wifi_profile_num"
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Dr() {
function e(e) {
return t.extend({
goformId: "SET_NV",
isTest: oi
}, e)
function n(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function Cr() {
function e(e) {
return {
goformId: "SET_WIFI_BAND",
isTest: oi,
wifiEnabled: e.wifiEnabled,
wifi_band: e.wifi_band
function t(e) {
return e || si
Je(arguments, e, t)
function kr() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "stk_write_flag", n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.stk_write_flag = e.stk_write_flag, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Fr() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "stk", n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.stk = e.stk, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Wr() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "stk_menu", n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.stk_menu = e.stk_menu, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function xr() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.goformId = "STK_PROCESS", n.isTest = oi, n.operator = e.operator, n.item_no = e.item_no, n.stk_content = e.stk_content, n.stk_encode_type = e.stk_encode_type, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Lr(e, n) {
function r(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function _(e) {
return e ? {
sntp_dst_start: e.sntp_dst_start,
sntp_dst_end: e.sntp_dst_end,
sntp_dst_bias: e.sntp_dst_bias
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, r, _, null, !0)
function Or(e, n) {
function r(e, n) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function _(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, r, _, null, !0)
function Ur() {
function e(e) {
return {
function t(e) {
return e || si
Je(arguments, e, t)
function Br() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "SleepStatusForSingleChipCpe", n
function t(e) {
return e ? (e.curSleepStatus = "1" == e.SleepStatusForSingleChipCpe ? "1" : "2", e) : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Vr() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "SET_PRIVACY_NOTICE", n.privacy_read_flag = e.privacy_read_flag, n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Hr() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "modem_main_state,ppp_status,ipsec_status,RadioOff,puknumber,pinnumber,m_ssid_enable,HideSSID,m_HideSSID,wifi_start_fail,wifi_chip1_ssid1_wifi_coverage,NoForwarding,m_NoForwarding,wan_apn,monthly_tx_bytes,monthly_rx_bytes,station_mac,opms_wan_mode,opms_wan_auto_mode,ACL_mode,network_type,ppp_dial_fail_times,RemoteManagement,WANPingFilter,dhcpEnabled,pdp_type,prefer_dns_manual,standby_dns_manual,ipv6_prefer_dns_manual,ipv6_standby_dns_manual,web_wake_switch,upnpEnabled,prefer_dns_auto,standby_dns_auto,static_wan_primary_dns,static_wan_secondary_dns,apn_mode,ipv6_prefer_dns_auto,ipv6_standby_dns_auto,IPPortFilterEnable,DefaultFirewallPolicy,PortForwardEnable,wifi_anti_brute_force_attack_func,guest_ssid_router_enable,dns_mode,ipv6_dns_mode", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
return "" == e || "" == e || "::0" == e
function n(e) {
if (e) {
var n = {};
return n.simCardStatus = e.modem_main_state, n.networkStatus = e.ppp_status, n.wifiSwitch = e.RadioOff, n.puknumber = e.puknumber, n.pinnumber = e.pinnumber, n.m_ssid_enable = e.m_ssid_enable, n.HideSSID = e.HideSSID, n.m_HideSSID = e.m_HideSSID, n.wifiDriverNormal = e.wifi_start_fail, n.wifi_coverage = e.wifi_chip1_ssid1_wifi_coverage, n.NoForwarding = e.NoForwarding, n.m_NoForwarding = e.m_NoForwarding, n.wanAPN = e.wan_apn, n.monthlySent = "" == e.monthly_tx_bytes ? 0 : e.monthly_tx_bytes, n.monthlyReceived = "" == e.monthly_rx_bytes ? 0 : e.monthly_rx_bytes, n.curr_connected_devices = e.station_mac && "" != e.station_mac ? e.station_mac.split(";") : [], n.currMode = e.opms_wan_mode, n.networkType = e.network_type, n.ACL_mode = e.ACL_mode, -1 != n.networkType.toLowerCase().indexOf("limited_service") || -1 != n.networkType.toLowerCase().indexOf("limited service") ? n.networkType = "limited_service" : -1 == n.networkType.toLowerCase().indexOf("no_service") && -1 == n.networkType.toLowerCase().indexOf("no service") || (n.networkType = "no_service"), n.connectFailCount = e.ppp_dial_fail_times, n.remoteFlag = e.RemoteManagement, n.pingFlag = e.WANPingFilter, n.dhcpEnabled = e.dhcpEnabled, "PPP" == e.opms_wan_mode || "AUTO" == e.opms_wan_mode && "AUTO_LTE_GATEWAY" == e.opms_wan_auto_mode ? "ip" == e.pdp_type.toLowerCase() ? "auto" == e.dns_mode ? n.dnsDataIsError = t(e.prefer_dns_auto) && t(e.standby_dns_auto) : n.dnsDataIsError = !1 : "ipv6" == e.pdp_type.toLowerCase() ? "auto" == e.ipv6_dns_mode ? n.dnsDataIsError = t(e.ipv6_prefer_dns_auto) && t(e.ipv6_standby_dns_auto) : n.dnsDataIsError = !1 : "auto" == e.dns_mode ? n.dnsDataIsError = t(e.prefer_dns_auto) && t(e.standby_dns_auto) && t(e.ipv6_prefer_dns_auto) && t(e.ipv6_standby_dns_auto) : n.dnsDataIsError = !1 : "DHCP" == e.opms_wan_mode || "AUTO" == e.opms_wan_mode && "AUTO_DHCP" == e.opms_wan_auto_mode ? n.dnsDataIsError = t(e.prefer_dns_auto) && t(e.standby_dns_auto) : "PPPOE" == e.opms_wan_mode || "AUTO" == e.opms_wan_mode && "AUTO_PPPOE" == e.opms_wan_auto_mode ? n.dnsDataIsError = t(e.prefer_dns_auto) && t(e.standby_dns_auto) : n.dnsDataIsError = !1, n.wifiAwakeSwitch = "" == e.web_wake_switch ? "0" : e.web_wake_switch, n.upnpSwitch = e.upnpEnabled, n.portFilterEnable = e.IPPortFilterEnable, n.defaultPolicy = e.DefaultFirewallPolicy, n.PortForwardEnable = e.PortForwardEnable, n.antiVioCraEnable = e.wifi_anti_brute_force_attack_func, n.guestRouterEnable = e.guest_ssid_router_enable, n
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !1)
function Gr() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "queryDeviceAccessControlList"
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.aclMode = e.AclMode, t.WhiteMacList = e.WhiteMacList, t.BlackMacList = e.BlackMacList, t.WhiteNameList = e.WhiteNameList, t.BlackNameList = e.BlackNameList, t.wifiMacWhiteList = e.WhiteMacList, t.wifiMacBlackList = e.BlackMacList, t.wifiHostnameWhiteList = e.WhiteNameList, t.wifiHostnameBlackList = e.BlackNameList, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Kr() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "thermal_control_enable,thermal_led_enable", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.thermal_control_enable = "1" == e.thermal_control_enable ? "1" : "0", t.thermal_led_enable = e.thermal_led_enable, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function zr() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "SET_THERMAL_CONTROL", n.thermal_control_enable = e.thermal_control_enable, n.thermal_led_enable = e.thermal_led_enable, n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Xr() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: "1",
cmd: "DIAG_URL,DIAG_CHECK,traceroute_flag"
function t(e) {
return e ? {
IpUrl: e.DIAG_URL,
CheckPingMode: e.DIAG_CHECK,
traceroute_flag: e.traceroute_flag
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function jr(e, n) {
function r(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function _(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, r, _, null, !0)
function qr() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "night_mode_switch,night_mode_start_time,night_mode_end_time,night_mode_close_all_led",
multi_data: "1"
function t(e) {
if (e) {
if (-1 != e.night_mode_start_time.indexOf(":")) {
var t = e.night_mode_start_time.split(":");
e.openH = leftInsert(t[0], 2, "0"), e.openM = leftInsert(t[1], 2, "0")
} else e.openH = "22", e.openM = "00";
if (-1 != e.night_mode_end_time.indexOf(":")) {
var n = e.night_mode_end_time.split(":");
e.closeH = leftInsert(n[0], 2, "0"), e.closeM = leftInsert(n[1], 2, "0")
} else e.closeH = "07", e.closeM = "00";
return e
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Zr() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "SET_DEVICE_LED",
night_mode_switch: e.sleepProtectionEnable
return "1" == e.sleepProtectionEnable && (n.night_mode_start_time = e.openTime, n.night_mode_end_time = e.closeTime, n.night_mode_close_all_led = e.night_mode_close_all_led), n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Yr() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: "1",
cmd: "reboot_timeframe_hours1,reboot_timeframe_hours2,reboot_dow,reboot_dod,reboot_schedule_enable,reboot_schedule_mode,reboot_hour1,reboot_min1,reboot_hour2,reboot_min2"
function t(e) {
return e ? {
reboot_dow: e.reboot_dow,
reboot_dod: e.reboot_dod,
reboot_schedule_enable: e.reboot_schedule_enable,
reboot_schedule_mode: e.reboot_schedule_mode,
reboot_hour1: e.reboot_hour1,
reboot_min1: e.reboot_min1,
reboot_hour2: e.reboot_hour2,
reboot_min2: e.reboot_min2,
reboot_threshold_hours1: e.reboot_timeframe_hours1,
reboot_threshold_hours2: e.reboot_timeframe_hours2
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Qr(e, n) {
function r(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function _(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, r, _, null, !0)
function Jr() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "queryWiFiModuleSwitch", n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.WiFiModuleSwitch = "" == e.WiFiModuleSwitch ? "0" : e.WiFiModuleSwitch, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function $r() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "queryAccessPointInfo", n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
return e.ResponseList
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function e_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "queryWiFiGuestLeftTime", n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.WiFiGuestLeftTime = e.WiFiGuestLeftTime, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function t_() {
function t(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "queryWpsStatus", n
function n(t) {
if (t) {
var n = t.ResponseList;
return, function(e, t) {
e.ChipIndex = e.ChipIndex, e.ActiveWpsAccessPointIndex = e.ActiveWpsAccessPointIndex, e.WpsStatus = e.WpsStatus, e.WpsMode = e.WpsMode
}), n
return si
return s(arguments, {}, t, n, null, !1)
function n_() {
function e(e) {
var r = {
goformId: void 0 !== e.goformId ? e.goformId : "setAccessPointInfo",
isTest: oi,
ChipIndex: e.ChipIndex,
AccessPointIndex: e.AccessPointIndex,
QrImageShow: e.QrImageShow,
lan_sec_ssid_control: e.lan_sec_ssid_control,
wifi_syncparas_flag: e.wifi_syncparas_flag
return 0 == e.ChipIndex && 1 == e.AccessPointIndex && (r = t.extend(r, {
GuestSSIDActiveTime: e.GuestSSIDActiveTime
})), e.AccessPointSwitchStatus != e.originAccessPointSwitchStatus ? r = t.extend(r, {
AccessPointSwitchStatus: e.AccessPointSwitchStatus
}) : (r = t.extend(r, {
AccessPointSwitchStatus: e.AccessPointSwitchStatus,
ApIsolate: e.ApIsolate,
AuthMode: e.AuthMode,
ApBroadcastDisabled: e.ApBroadcastDisabled
}), "WPAPSKWPA2PSK" == e.AuthMode || "WPA2PSK" == e.AuthMode ? (r.EncrypType = e.cipher, r.Password = n.PASSWORD_ENCODE ? Base64.encode(e.Password) : e.Password) : r.EncrypType = "NONE", "setAccessPointInfo_24G_5G" == r.goformId && (r.SSID_CHIP1 = e.SSID + "_5G", r.wifi_syncparas_flag = e.wifi_syncparas_flag)), r
function r(e) {
return e || si
Je(arguments, e, r)
function r_() {
function e(e) {
return {
goformId: "switchWiFiModule",
isTest: oi,
SwitchOption: "" == e.SwitchOption ? "0" : e.SwitchOption
function t(e) {
return e || si
Je(arguments, e, t)
function __() {
function e(e) {
var t = {
goformId: "setWiFiChipAdvancedInfo24G_5G",
isTest: oi,
ChipIndex: e.ChipIndex,
WirelessMode: e.WirelessMode,
CountryCode: e.CountryCode,
Channel: e.Channel,
WirelessMode_5G: e.WirelessMode_5G,
CountryCode_5G: e.CountryCode_5G,
Channel_5G: e.Channel_5G,
ApMaxStationNumber: e.ApMaxStationNumber
return n.WIFI_BANDWIDTH_SUPPORT && (t.BandWidth = e.BandWidth, t.BandWidth_5G = e.BandWidth_5G), n.WIFI_BAND_SUPPORT && (t.Band = e.Band, t.Band_5G = e.Band_5G), n.WIFI_BAND_SUPPORT && "a" == e.wifiBand || (t.abg_rate = e.rate), t
function t(e) {
return e || si
Je(arguments, e, t)
function i_() {
function e(e) {
var t = {
goformId: "setWiFiChipAdvancedInfo",
isTest: oi,
ChipIndex: e.ChipIndex,
WirelessMode: e.WirelessMode,
CountryCode: e.CountryCode,
Channel: e.Channel
return n.WIFI_BANDWIDTH_SUPPORT && (t.BandWidth = e.BandWidth), n.WIFI_BAND_SUPPORT && (t.Band = e.Band), n.WIFI_BAND_SUPPORT && "a" == e.wifiBand || (t.abg_rate = e.rate), t
function t(e) {
return e || si
Je(arguments, e, t)
function s_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "startWps", n.ChipIndex = e.ChipIndex, n.ActiveWpsAccessPointIndex = e.ActiveWpsAccessPointIndex, n.WpsMode = e.WpsMode, "PIN" == n.WpsMode && (n.WpsPin = e.WpsPin), n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function o_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "queryDeviceAccessControlList", n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.aclMode = e.AclMode, t.wifiMacWhiteList = e.WhiteMacList, t.wifiMacBlackList = e.BlackMacList, t.wifiHostnameWhiteList = e.WhiteNameList, t.wifiHostnameBlackList = e.BlackNameList, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function a_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "wifi_anti_brute_force_attack_func", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.prevent_attack_enable = e.wifi_anti_brute_force_attack_func, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function u_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "setDeviceAccessControlList", n.AclMode = e.aclMode, n.WhiteMacList = e.wifiMacWhiteList, n.BlackMacList = e.wifiMacBlackList, n.WhiteNameList = e.wifiHostnameWhiteList, n.BlackNameList = e.wifiHostnameBlackList, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function c_() {
return hr({
nv: ["user_ip_addr"]
}, arguments[1], arguments[2])
function d_() {
function e(e) {
return {
goformId: "setDeviceAccessControlList",
isTest: oi,
AclMode: e.AclMode,
WhiteMacList: e.WhiteMacList,
BlackMacList: e.BlackMacList,
WhiteNameList: e.WhiteNameList,
BlackNameList: e.BlackNameList
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function l_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "vpn_type,vpn_l2tp_passwd,vpn_account,vpn_passwd,vpn_server_ip,vpn_conn_status,vpn_auto_start,vpn_remote_ip,vpn_local_ip", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
return e ? {
vpn_type: e.vpn_type,
vpn_l2tp_passwd: e.vpn_l2tp_passwd,
vpn_account: e.vpn_account,
vpn_passwd: e.vpn_passwd,
vpn_server_ip: e.vpn_server_ip,
vpn_conn_status: e.vpn_conn_status,
vpn_auto_start: e.vpn_auto_start,
vpn_remote_ip: e.vpn_remote_ip,
vpn_local_ip: e.vpn_local_ip
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function p_() {
function e(e, n) {
var r = {
goformId: "VPN_CLIENT_SET",
vpn_type: e.vpn_type,
vpn_account: e.vpn_account,
vpn_passwd: e.vpn_passwd,
vpn_server_ip: e.vpn_server_ip,
vpn_auto_start: e.vpn_auto_start,
isTest: oi
return "L2TP" == e.vpn_type && t.extend(r, {
vpn_l2tp_passwd: e.vpn_l2tp_passwd
}), r
function n(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function m_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.notCallback = !0, n.goformId = "VPN_CONNECT", n
function t(e) {
"success" == e.result ? (_ = (new Date).getTime(), U(n)) : r({
result: !1
function n(e) {
"connecting" == e.vpn_conn_status ? ci.vpn_conn_status = "connecting" : checkVpnConnectedStatus(e.vpn_conn_status) ? (B(n), ci.vpn_conn_status = "connected", r({
result: !0,
status: ci.connectStatus
})) : (new Date).getTime() - _ < 1e4 ? ci.vpn_conn_status = "connecting" : (B(n), r({
result: !1
var r = arguments[1],
_ = 0;
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function f_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.notCallback = !0, n.goformId = "VPN_DISCONNECT", n
function t(e) {
"success" == e.result ? (_ = (new Date).getTime(), U(n)) : r({
result: !1
function n(e) {
"disconnecting" == e.vpn_conn_status ? ci.vpn_conn_status = "disconnecting" : "disconnected" == e.vpn_conn_status ? (B(n), ci.vpn_conn_status = "disconnected", r({
result: !0,
status: ci.vpn_conn_status
})) : (new Date).getTime() - _ < 1e4 ? ci.vpn_conn_status = "disconnecting" : (B(n), r({
result: !1
var r = arguments[1],
_ = 0;
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function g_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "voice_work_type", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
return e ? {
voice_work_type: e.voice_work_type
} : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function v_() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
voice_work_type: e.voice_work_type,
isTest: oi
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function w_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "TR069_MODULE_SET", n.tr069_DataModule = e.tr069_DataModule, n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function h_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "SIGNAL_QUALITY_DETECT_START", n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function S_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "SIGNAL_QUALITY_DETECT_CANCEL", n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function T_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "signal_detect_progress", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.signal_detect_progress = e.signal_detect_progress, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function P_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "signal_detect_quality", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.signal_detect_quality = e.signal_detect_quality, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function I_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "signal_detect_record_0,signal_detect_record_1,signal_detect_record_2,signal_detect_record_3,signal_detect_record_4,signal_detect_record_5,signal_detect_record_6,signal_detect_record_7,signal_detect_record_8,signal_detect_record_9", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function b_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "SIGNAL_QUALITY_RECORD_ADD", n.index = e.index, =, n.location = e.location, n.quality = e.quality, n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function A_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "SIGNAL_QUALITY_RECORD_DEL", n.index = e.index, n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function y_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "SIGNAL_QUALITY_RECORD_CLEAR", n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function E_() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "wifi_chip_temp,therm_pa_level,therm_pa_frl_level,therm_tj_level,pm_sensor_pa1,pm_sensor_mdm,pm_modem_5g",
multi_data: 1
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function R_() {
function e(e) {
var r = {
goformId: e.goformId,
isTest: oi,
ChipIndex: e.ChipIndex,
AccessPointIndex: e.AccessPointIndex,
QrImageShow: e.QrImageShow,
QrImageShow_5G: e.QrImageShow_5G,
lan_sec_ssid_control: e.lan_sec_ssid_control,
wifi_syncparas_flag: e.wifi_syncparas_flag
return e.AccessPointSwitchStatus != e.originAccessPointSwitchStatus ? r = t.extend(r, {
AccessPointSwitchStatus: e.AccessPointSwitchStatus
}) : (r = t.extend(r, {
AccessPointSwitchStatus: e.AccessPointSwitchStatus,
ApIsolate: e.ApIsolate,
AuthMode: e.AuthMode,
ApBroadcastDisabled: e.ApBroadcastDisabled
}), "WPAPSKWPA2PSK" == e.AuthMode || "WPA2PSK" == e.AuthMode ? (r.EncrypType = e.cipher, r.Password = n.PASSWORD_ENCODE ? Base64.encode(e.Password) : e.Password) : r.EncrypType = "NONE"), e.AccessPointSwitchStatus_5G != e.originAccessPointSwitchStatus_5G ? r = t.extend(r, {
AccessPointSwitchStatus_5G: e.AccessPointSwitchStatus_5G
}) : (r = t.extend(r, {
AccessPointSwitchStatus_5G: e.AccessPointSwitchStatus_5G,
ApIsolate_5G: e.ApIsolate_5G,
AuthMode_5G: e.AuthMode_5G,
ApBroadcastDisabled_5G: e.ApBroadcastDisabled_5G
}), "WPAPSKWPA2PSK" == e.AuthMode_5G || "WPA2PSK" == e.AuthMode_5G ? (r.EncrypType_5G = e.cipher_5G, r.Password_5G = n.PASSWORD_ENCODE ? Base64.encode(e.Password_5G) : e.Password_5G) : r.EncrypType_5G = "NONE"), r
function r(e) {
return e || si
Je(arguments, e, r)
function N_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "ant_switch_enable", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.ant_switch_enable = "1" == e.ant_switch_enable ? "1" : "0", t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function M_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "WAN_ANT_SWITCH_SET", n.ant_switch_enable = e.ant_switch_enable, n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function D_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "lte_band_lock,operate_mode,zte_voice_debug_ims_set,zte_voice_debug_voice_set,wifi_tputs_test_ip,wifi_tputs_test_mode,rf_mmw_status,mec_url,mec_port,mec_username,mec_password,mec_groupid,mec_alivePeriod,mec_status,mec_tls_en,mec_aes_key,mec_aes_iv,mec_enable,mec_sim_num,lte_band_lock,lte_freq_lock,lte_pci_lock,lte_earfcn_lock", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function C_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "BAND_SELECT", n.is_gw_band = e.is_gw_band, n.gw_band_mask = e.gw_band_mask, n.is_lte_band = e.is_lte_band, n.lte_band_mask = e.lte_band_mask, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function k_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "WAN_OPERATE_MODE_SET", n.operate_mode = e.operate_mode, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function F_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "VOICE_DEBUG_IMS_SET", n.zte_voice_debug_ims_set = e.zte_voice_debug_ims_set, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function W_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "VOICE_DEBUG_VOICE_SET", n.zte_voice_debug_voice_set = e.zte_voice_debug_voice_set, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function x_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "WLAN_TEST_TPUTS_SET", n.wifi_tputs_test_ip = e.wifi_tputs_test_ip, n.wifi_tputs_test_mode = e.wifi_tputs_test_mode, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function L_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "WAN_PERFORM_NR5G_BAND_LOCK", n.nr5g_band_mask = e.nr5g_band_mask, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function O_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "BSP_ANTENNA_STATE_SET", n.antenna_name = e.antenna_name, n.state = e.state, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function U_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "RF_MMW_DISABLE_SET", n.rf_mmw_status = e.rf_mmw_status, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function B_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "WAN_MBN_MODE_SET", n.mbn_mode = e.mbn_mode, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function V_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "MQTT_MEC_AES_SET", n.mec_enable = e.mec_enable, "1" == e.mec_enable && (n.mec_url = e.mec_url, n.mec_port = e.mec_port, n.mec_username = e.mec_username, n.mec_password = e.mec_password, n.mec_groupid = e.mec_groupid, n.mec_alivePeriod = e.mec_alivePeriod, n.mec_tls_en = e.mec_tls_en, n.mec_aes_key = e.mec_aes_key, n.mec_aes_iv = e.mec_aes_iv, n.mec_sim_num = e.mec_sim_num), n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function H_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "net_link_detect_enable,net_link_detect_url,net_link_detect_time_gap,net_link_detect_ping_times,net_link_detect_timeout,watch_dog_reboot_enable", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.watchDogSetting = "1" == e.net_link_detect_enable ? "1" : "0", t.linkUrl = e.net_link_detect_url, t.net_link_detect_time_gap = e.net_link_detect_time_gap, t.net_link_detect_ping_times = e.net_link_detect_ping_times, t.net_link_detect_timeout = e.net_link_detect_timeout, t.watch_dog_reboot_enable = e.watch_dog_reboot_enable, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function G_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.notCallback = !0, n.goformId = "WATCH_DOG_SWITCH", n.isTest = oi, n.net_link_detect_enable = e.net_link_detect_enable, r = e.net_link_detect_enable, "1" == n.net_link_detect_enable && (n.net_link_detect_url = e.net_link_detect_url, n.net_link_detect_ping_times = e.net_link_detect_ping_times, n.net_link_detect_time_gap = e.net_link_detect_time_gap), n
function t(e) {
e && "success" == e.result && "1" == r ? L("check_watchdog_urlip_valid", n) : _(e)
function n(e) {
K_(e, _, K_)
var r, _ = arguments[1];
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function K_(e, t, n) {
"valid" == e.check_watchdog_urlip_valid ? (O("check_watchdog_urlip_valid", n), t({
result: "success"
})) : "invalid" == e.check_watchdog_urlip_valid && (O("check_watchdog_urlip_valid", n), t({
result: "failure"
function z_() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "nr5g_band_lock",
multi_data: 1
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function X_() {
function e(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function n(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function j_() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "device_mode_get"
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.portMode = "0" == e.device_mode ? "NORMAL" : "DEBUG", t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function q_() {
function e(e) {
return t.extend({
goformId: "DEVICE_MODE_SET",
isTest: oi
}, e)
function n(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function E_() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
cmd: "wifi_chip_temp,therm_pa_level,therm_pa_frl_level,therm_tj_level,pm_sensor_pa1,pm_sensor_mdm,pm_modem_5g,wifi_temp_level_1,wifi_temp_level_2",
multi_data: 1
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function Z_() {
function e(e) {
return t.extend({
isTest: oi
}, e)
function n(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, n, null, !0)
function Y_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "USER_IMPROV_SET", n.tr069_user_improv_flag = e.tr069_user_improv_flag, n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function Q_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "dm_new_version,dm_description,ota_pkg_total_size", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.dm_new_version = e.dm_new_version, t.dm_description = e.dm_description, t.ota_pkg_total_size = e.ota_pkg_total_size, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function J_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "wifi_pcie_powersave_enable", n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.wifi_pcie_powersave_enable = "1" == e.wifi_pcie_powersave_enable ? "1" : "0", t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function $_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.goformId = "PCIE_POWERSAVE_SWITCH", n.isTest = oi, n.wifi_pcie_powersave_enable = e.wifi_pcie_powersave_enable, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function ei() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "BSP_THERMAL_THERSH_SET", n.sensor_id = e.sensor_id, n.thermal_type = e.thermal_type, n.v1 = 1e3 * e.v1, n.v2 = 1e3 * e.v2, n.v3 = 1e3 * e.v3, n
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function ti() {
function e(e, t) {
return {
isTest: oi,
multi_data: 1,
cmd: "bsp_thermal_thersh_1,bsp_thermal_thersh_2,bsp_thermal_thersh_3,bsp_thermal_thersh_4,bsp_thermal_thersh_5,bsp_thermal_thersh_6,bsp_thermal_thersh_7,bsp_thermal_thersh_8,bsp_thermal_thersh_9"
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = [],
r = [];
"" != e.bsp_thermal_thersh_1 && r.push(e.bsp_thermal_thersh_1), "" != e.bsp_thermal_thersh_2 && r.push(e.bsp_thermal_thersh_2), "" != e.bsp_thermal_thersh_3 && r.push(e.bsp_thermal_thersh_3), "" != e.bsp_thermal_thersh_4 && r.push(e.bsp_thermal_thersh_4), "" != e.bsp_thermal_thersh_5 && r.push(e.bsp_thermal_thersh_5), "" != e.bsp_thermal_thersh_6 && r.push(e.bsp_thermal_thersh_6), "" != e.bsp_thermal_thersh_7 && r.push(e.bsp_thermal_thersh_7), "" != e.bsp_thermal_thersh_8 && r.push(e.bsp_thermal_thersh_8), "" != e.bsp_thermal_thersh_9 && r.push(e.bsp_thermal_thersh_9);
return t = n(r.join(";")), {
bspTcInfo: t
return si
function n(e) {
for (var t, n = /([^,;]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,;]*),([^,;]*)/g, r = []; t = n.exec(e);) null != t && r.push({
sensorId: t[1].replace(/\"/g, ""),
thermalType: t[2].replace(/\D/g, ""),
v1: parseInt(t[3], 10) / 1e3,
v2: parseInt(t[4], 10) / 1e3,
v3: parseInt(t[5], 10) / 1e3
return r
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
function O_() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "BSP_ANTENNA_STATE_SET", n.antenna_name = e.antenna_name, n.state = e.state, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function ni() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.goformId = "PS_NO_SERVICE_RESTART_SET", n.ps_no_service_restart_flag = e.ps_no_service_restart_flag, n
function t(e) {
return e || si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function ri() {
function e(e) {
return {
isTest: oi,
goformId: "LTE_LOCK_CELL_SET",
lte_pci_lock: e.lte_pci_lock,
lte_earfcn_lock: e.lte_earfcn_lock
function t(e) {
return e && "success" == e.result ? e : si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !0)
function _i() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n.isTest = oi, n.cmd = "wifi_chip1_wps_state,wifi_chip2_wps_state", n.multi_data = 1, n
function t(e) {
if (e) {
var t = {};
return t.wifi_chip1_wps_state = e.wifi_chip1_wps_state, t.wifi_chip2_wps_state = e.wifi_chip2_wps_state, t
return si
return s(arguments, {}, e, t, null, !1)
var ii = window,
si = {
errorType: "UnknownError",
errorId: "123",
errorText: "UnknownError"
oi = n.IS_TEST,
ai = !0,
ui = 0,
ci = {
networkType: "",
signalImg: "0",
spn_b1_flag: "1",
spn_name_data: "",
spn_b2_flag: "1",
networkOperator: "",
connectStatus: "ppp_disconnected",
attachedDevices: [],
curr_connected_devices: [],
wifiSwitchStatus: "",
data_counter: {
uploadRate: 0,
downloadRate: 0,
totalSent: 0,
totalReceived: 0,
totalConnectedTime: 0,
currentSent: 0,
currentReceived: 0,
currentConnectedTime: 0,
monthlySent: 0,
monthlyReceived: 0,
monthlyConnectedTime: 0,
month: ""
newSmsReceived: !1,
smsReportReceived: !1,
smsUnreadCount: "0",
isLoggedIn: void 0,
limitVolumeEnable: !1,
limitVolumeType: "1",
limitVolumePercent: "100",
limitVolumeSize: "0",
limitVolumeSizeSource: "0",
allowRoamingUpdate: "0",
opms_wan_mode: "",
ap_station_enable: void 0,
ap_station_mode: void 0,
dialMode: "",
is_night_mode: "0",
wan_connect_status: "",
battery_charg_type: "",
external_charging_flag: "",
mode_main_state: ""
di = ["modem_main_state", "pin_status", "opms_wan_mode", "opms_wan_auto_mode", "loginfo", "new_version_state", "current_upgrade_state", "is_mandatory", "wifi_dfs_status", "battery_value", "ppp_dial_conn_fail_counter", "dhcp_wan_status", "mdm_mcc", "mdm_mnc"],
li = ["signalbar", "network_type", "network_provider", "battery_charg_type", "external_charging_flag", "mode_main_state", "battery_temp", "ppp_status", "EX_SSID1", "sta_ip_status", "EX_wifi_profile", "m_ssid_enable", "RadioOff", "wifi_onoff_state", "wifi_chip1_ssid1_ssid", "wifi_chip2_ssid1_ssid", "wifi_chip1_ssid1_access_sta_num", "wifi_chip2_ssid1_access_sta_num", "simcard_roam", "lan_ipaddr", "station_mac", "wifi_access_sta_num", "battery_charging", "battery_vol_percent", "battery_pers", "spn_name_data", "spn_b1_flag", "spn_b2_flag", "realtime_tx_bytes", "realtime_rx_bytes", "realtime_time", "realtime_tx_thrpt", "realtime_rx_thrpt", "monthly_rx_bytes", "monthly_tx_bytes", "monthly_time", "date_month", "data_volume_limit_switch", "data_volume_limit_size", "data_volume_alert_percent", "data_volume_limit_unit", "roam_setting_option", "upg_roam_switch", "ssid", "wifi_enable", "wifi_5g_enable", "check_web_conflict", "dial_mode", "ppp_dial_conn_fail_counter", "wan_lte_ca", "privacy_read_flag", "is_night_mode", "pppoe_status", "dhcp_wan_status", "static_wan_status", "vpn_conn_status", "wan_connect_status"];
n.HAS_SMS && t.merge(li, ["sms_received_flag", "sts_received_flag", "sms_unread_num"]), n.HAS_MULTI_SSID && t.merge(li, ["wifi_chip1_ssid2_access_sta_num", "wifi_chip2_ssid2_access_sta_num"]);
var pi = [],
mi = [G];
t(document).ready(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, n.IS_TEST ? 1e3 : 0)
var fi = {
apn_interface_version: "",
wifi_coverage: "",
m_ssid_enable: "",
imei: "",
network_type: "",
rssi: "",
rscp: "",
imsi: "",
sim_imsi: "",
cr_version: "",
wa_version: "",
hardware_version: "",
web_version: "",
wa_inner_version: "",
MAX_Access_num: "",
SSID1: "",
AuthMode: "",
WPAPSK1_encode: "",
m_SSID: "",
m_AuthMode: "",
m_HideSSID: "",
m_WPAPSK1_encode: "",
m_MAX_Access_num: "",
lan_ipaddr: "",
mac_address: "",
msisdn: "",
LocalDomain: "",
wan_ipaddr: "",
static_wan_ipaddr: "",
ipv6_wan_ipaddr: "",
ipv6_pdp_type: "",
ipv6_pdp_type_ui: "",
pdp_type: "",
pdp_type_ui: "",
opms_wan_mode: "",
ppp_status: "",
wan_lte_ca: "",
lte_ca_pcell_band: "",
lte_ca_pcell_bandwidth: "",
lte_ca_scell_band: "",
lte_ca_scell_bandwidth: "",
lte_ca_scell_freq: "",
cell_id: "",
lte_snr: "",
wan_active_band: "",
lte_ca_pcell_freq: "",
lte_rsrq: "",
lte_rsrp: ""
return {
setCellLockSetting: ri,
setPsRestart: ni,
setAntennaState: O_,
getBspTemperatureControlInfo: ti,
setBspTemperatureControlInfo: ei,
getPciePowersaveSetting: J_,
getNewVersionSizeAnddescription: Q_,
setPciePowersaveSetting: $_,
setUserImprovNote: Y_,
closeTemperatureControl: Z_,
getTempStatus: E_,
getPortsMode: j_,
setPortsMode: q_,
getFrequencyInfo: z_,
setFrequencyInfo: X_,
setDeviceAccessControlList: d_,
getUserIPAddr: c_,
setMacFilterStatus: u_,
getAntiVioCraSetting: a_,
getMacFilterStatus: o_,
setWifiWpsStart: s_,
setWifiChipAdvanceInfo: i_,
setWifiModuleSwitchStatus: r_,
setWifiAccessPointInfo: n_,
getWifiWpsStatus: t_,
getWifiAccessPointInfo: $r,
getWifiModuleSwitchStatus: Jr,
getSleepModeStatus: Br,
setRedirectOff: Ur,
setBindMacIpSwitch: Or,
clearRedirectFlag: Tr,
getRedirectData: Sr,
getSntpDSTByTimeZone: Lr,
getBindIPInfo: Ir,
setBindIPInfo: Pr,
delStaticAddrRules: br,
addStaticAddress: Rr,
getStaticMacIpAddressList: Ar,
getStaticIpAddrList: yr,
getWifiBasic: o,
setWifiBasicSync: a,
setWifiBasic: u,
setWifiBasic4SSID2: c,
setWifiBasicMultiSSIDSwitch: m,
getSecurityInfo: f,
setSecurityInfo: g,
getCurrentlyAttachedDevicesInfo: v,
getAttachedCableDevices: w,
getLanguage: h,
setLanguage: S,
getNetSelectInfo: T,
setBearerPreference: P,
scanForNetwork: I,
getConnectionInfo: A,
getStatusInfo: b,
connect: N,
disconnect: M,
setNetwork: X,
getCurrentNetwork: j,
savePhoneBook: q,
deletePhoneBooks: Y,
deleteAllPhoneBooks: Q,
deleteAllPhoneBooksByGroup: J,
getDevicePhoneBooks: re,
getSIMPhoneBooks: _e,
getPhoneBooks: ie,
getPhoneBookReady: se,
getPhoneBooksByGroup: ne,
getConnectionMode: ee,
setConnectionMode: $,
getApnSettings: D,
deleteApn: C,
setDefaultApn: k,
addOrEditApn: F,
getSIMPhoneBookCapacity: ae,
getDevicePhoneBookCapacity: ue,
getLoginData: ce,
login: de,
logout: ye,
getLoginStatus: le,
enterPIN: pe,
enterPUK: me,
getSMSReady: Ie,
getSMSMessages: fe,
sendSMS: we,
saveSMS: he,
deleteAllMessages: Se,
deleteMessage: Te,
setSmsRead: be,
resetNewSmsReceivedVar: y,
resetSmsReportReceivedVar: E,
getSMSDeliveryReport: Ae,
getSmsCapability: R,
changePassword: Ee,
getPinData: Re,
enablePin: Ne,
disablePin: Me,
changePin: De,
getLanInfo: Ce,
setLanInfo: ke,
getSmsSetting: We,
setSmsSetting: xe,
restoreFactorySettings: Le,
checkRestoreStatus: Oe,
getWpsInfo: Ue,
openWps: Be,
getSleepMode: Ve,
setSleepMode: He,
getSysSecurity: Ge,
setSysSecurity: Ke,
getPortForward: ze,
setPortForward: Xe,
deleteForwardRules: je,
enableVirtualServer: qe,
getSDConfiguration: $e,
setSdCardMode: et,
checkFileExists: tt,
getFileList: nt,
fileRename: rt,
getSdMemorySizes: _t,
deleteFilesAndFolders: it,
createFolder: st,
checkUploadFileStatus: ot,
setSdCardSharing: at,
getQuickSettingInfo: Ze,
setQuickSetting: Ye,
setQuickSetting4IPv6: Qe,
getPortFilter: ut,
setPortFilterBasic: ct,
setPortFilter: dt,
deleteFilterRules: lt,
getWifiAdvance: pt,
setWifiAdvance: ft,
getWifiRange: vt,
getWifiCoverageInfo: ht,
setWifiRange: wt,
setWifiCoverageInfo: St,
getUpnpSetting: It,
setUpnpSetting: bt,
getDmzSetting: At,
setDmzSetting: yt,
getDeviceInfo: gt,
getPortMap: Et,
setPortMap: Rt,
enablePortMap: Nt,
deleteMapRules: Mt,
getTrafficAlertInfo: Dt,
setTrafficAlertInfo: Ct,
getDlnaSetting: xt,
setDlnaSetting: Lt,
rescanDlna: Ot,
getUSSDResponse: kt,
USSDReplyCancel: Wt,
getNetworkUnlockTimes: Vt,
unlockNetwork: Bt,
setUpdateInfoWarning: Ht,
getUpdateInfoWarning: Gt,
getAPStationBasic: Kt,
setAPStationBasic: zt,
getHotspotList: jt,
searchHotspot: qt,
getSearchHotspotList: Zt,
saveHotspot: Jt,
deleteHotspot: $t,
connectHotspot: en,
disconnectHotspot: tn,
getOpMode: nn,
SetOperationMode: rn,
SendUpgradeMessage: _n,
getPppoeParams: sn,
setPppoeDialMode: on,
getSntpParams: an,
setSntpSetting: cn,
setSNTPDate: un,
addUrlFilterRule: dn,
getUrlFilterList: ln,
deleteSelectedRules: pn,
getWdsInfo: mn,
setWDS: fn,
getSyslogInfo: gn,
setSysLog: vn,
getTR069Config: wn,
setTR069Configuration: hn,
getVoipSettings: Sn,
setVoipSettings: Tn,
getVoipUserDetails: Pn,
getVoipUserRegisterStatus: In,
setVoipUserDetails: bn,
setVoipAdvancedSettings: yn,
getVoipAdvancedSettings: An,
getVoipSupplementaryService: En,
setVoipSupplementaryService: Rn,
getMacFilterInfo: Nn,
setMacFilter: Mn,
getFastbootSetting: Dn,
setFastbootSetting: Cn,
restart: kn,
shutdown: Fn,
timerUpdaterEnable: ai,
clearTraffic: Yn,
switchPortForLog: Qn,
childGroupList: Jn,
addChildGroup: $n,
removeChildGroup: er,
checkCurrentUserInChildGroup: tr,
getChildMacRuleInfo: nr,
removeChildMacRule: rr,
addChildAccessTimeRule: _r,
updateChildAccessTimeRule: ir,
getCurretnMAC: or,
editHostName: ur,
getSiteWhiteList: cr,
removeSiteWhite: dr,
saveSiteWhite: lr,
getTimeLimited: pr,
saveTimeLimited: mr,
getHostNameList: ar,
getTsw: fr,
saveTsw: gr,
getSysTimeMode: vr,
trafficCalibration: wr,
getParams: hr,
getNewVersionState: Wn,
getUpgradeResult: On,
getCurrentUpgradeState: Un,
dmUpdatePackageExit: Bn,
setUpgradeSelectOp: Gn,
addTimerThings: L,
removeTimerThings: O,
getPackSizeInfo: Vn,
getNewVersionInfo: xn,
getMandatory: Ln,
getUserChoice: Hn,
getOTAUpdateSetting: Kn,
setOTAUpdateSetting: zn,
getSignalStrength: qn,
getOTAlastCheckTime: Xn,
getOTASuccessTime: jn,
clearUpdateResult: Zn,
getSearchHotspotListWithoutScanFinish: Yt,
setHotspotListSpan: Nr,
getHotspotListSort: Mr,
setNV: Dr,
setWifiBand: Cr,
refreshAPStationStatus: Xt,
getSTKFlagInfo: kr,
getSTKInfo: Fr,
getSTKMenuInfo: Wr,
setSTKMenuInfo: xr,
getAutoPowerSave: Tt,
setAutoPowerSave: Pt,
getDHCPStaticAddressRules: Er,
setMtuMss: Fe,
setHaveReadPrivacyNote: Vr,
setWifiFrequency: p,
setWifiAdvanceGuest: l,
setSkipSetting: d,
setWifiAdvance24G5G: mt,
diagnosisSettings: Hr,
getDeviceAccessControlList: Gr,
getThermalControlSetting: Kr,
setThermalControlSetting: zr,
getPinglogInfo: Xr,
setPinglogInfo: jr,
getsleepProtection: qr,
saveSleepProtection: Zr,
getRebootInfo: Yr,
setRebootScheduleFixTime: Qr,
getVPNClientSetting: l_,
setVPNClientSetting: p_,
vpnConnect: m_,
vpnDisconnect: f_,
setWifiWholeChipAdvanceInfo: __,
getVoipVolteSetting: g_,
setVoipVolteSetting: v_,
setTr069Module: w_,
setSuggestedPositionDetect: h_,
setSuggestedPositionCancel: S_,
getSuggestedPositionDetectProgress: T_,
getSuggestedPositionDetectResult: P_,
getSuggestedPositionDetectRecord: I_,
addSuggestedPositionRecord: b_,
deleteSingleSuggestedPositionRecord: A_,
deleteAllSuggestedPositionRecord: y_,
getTempStatus: E_,
setWifiAccessPointInfo_24G5G: R_,
getAntennaControlSetting: N_,
setAntennaControlSetting: M_,
getDebugInfo: D_,
setBandSelect: C_,
setOnlineLpm: k_,
setIMS: F_,
setVOICE: W_,
setWlanTputs: x_,
setNr5gBandSelect: L_,
setRFMMW: U_,
setMbnMode: B_,
setMqttMecAes: V_,
getWiFiGuestLeftTime: e_,
getWatchDogSetting: H_,
setWatchDogSetting: G_,
getWifiWpsFailReason: _i
//# sourceMappingURL=../sourcemaps/
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