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Created June 15, 2011 00:55
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Convenience function for calculating X² for gene features.
isoDiff <- function(counts, what = c("exon", "junction", "intronic"), min.count = 0)
unknown.what <- setdiff(what, c("exon", "junction", "intronic"))
if(length(unknown.what) > 0)
stop(paste(unknown.what, collapse = ", "), " are invalid values for 'what'.")
counts.df <-
features.keep <- counts.df[, "type"] %in% what
counts.df <- counts.df[features.keep, ]
counts.cols <- metadata(counts)[["counts.cols"]] + 5 # Transform relative to all data frame columns.
n.counts.cols <- length(counts.cols)
sample.names <- colnames(counts.df)[counts.cols]
feat.indices <- unlist(split(1:nrow(counts.df), counts.df$gene))
results.list <- by(counts.df, counts.df[, "gene"], function(x)
feat.counts <- x[, counts.cols]
counts.OK <- rowSums(feat.counts) > min.count
chisq.result <- if(any(colSums(feat.counts[counts.OK, ]) == 0) || sum(counts.OK) < 2) NULL else chisq.test(x[counts.OK, counts.cols])
feat.counts.full <-, lapply(1:n.counts.cols, function(x)
expect <- s.diff <- rep(NA, nrow(feat.counts))
obs <- feat.counts[, x]
expect[counts.OK] <- chisq.result[["expected"]][, x]
s.diff <- (obs - expect)^2 / expect
sample.counts.full <- cbind(obs, expect, s.diff)
colnames(sample.counts.full) <- paste(sample.names[x],
c("Observed", "Expected", ""))
p.value <- ifelse(!is.null(chisq.result), chisq.result$p.value, 1)
list(p.value = p.value, counts = feat.counts.full)
ids <- names(results.list)
if("gene.symbol" %in% colnames(counts.df)) # Gene names not always given to rnaCounts by the user.
gene.stats <- data.frame(gene = ids, gene.symbol = counts.df[match(ids, counts.df[, "gene"]), "gene.symbol"],
p.value = sapply(results.list, "[[", 1))
gene.stats <- data.frame(gene = ids, p.value = sapply(results.list, "[[", 1))
rownames(gene.stats) <- NULL
feature.stats <- counts[features.keep]
feature.anno.cols <- colnames(counts.df) %in% c("type", "gene", "gene.symbol")
values(feature.stats) <- DataFrame(counts.df[, feature.anno.cols],, sapply(results.list, "[[", 2))[order(feat.indices), ])
list(genes = gene.stats, features = feature.stats)
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ghost commented Jun 15, 2011

You are throwing away all genes with 0 row/column counts! We should still be able to use these and test for proportionality, just by filtering out those rows, no?

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DarioS commented Jun 15, 2011

Ah OK, I've changed this now, so it keeps genes with at least some informative exons.

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DarioS commented Aug 9, 2011

Now creates a table with columns for observed and expected counts, and (O - E)² / E, which has the name 'Scaled Difference'.

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DarioS commented Aug 23, 2011

Some changes to the format of output and to how the count columns are automatically picked. The 'Scaled Difference' columns are now named Z².

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