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mLuby / .eslintrc.json
Last active January 29, 2017 03:58
Comprehensive JS lint file (+ es6, react)
"rules": { // And why they're best practice (alphabetized).
"accessor-pairs": [2, {"getWithoutSet": true}], // omission is usually by mistake.
"array-bracket-spacing": 2, // spaces can make arrays take up a lot of space, and concise code allows for more reading context.
"array-callback-return": 2, // omission is usually by mistake.
"arrow-body-style": [2, "as-needed"], // improves consistency and readability.
// "arrow-parens": [2, "as-needed"], // allows for concise arrows while improving consistency.
"arrow-spacing": 2, // improves consistency and readability.
"block-scoped-var": 2, // can behave unexpectedly due to variable hoisting.
"block-spacing": 2, // helps differentiate blocks (spaced) from objects (not spaced).

System Design Cheatsheet

Step One: Framing The Problem a.k.a get the MVP

  • Identify the use cases that are in scope
  • Determine constraints based on scoped use cases

use case : the things your system needs to be do.

constraints : the things your system will have to consider to be able to do stuff

DarrenN / get-npm-package-version
Last active September 14, 2024 15:36 — forked from yvele/
Extract version from package.json (NPM) using bash / shell
# Version key/value should be on his own line
PACKAGE_VERSION=$(cat package.json \
| grep version \
| head -1 \
| awk -F: '{ print $2 }' \
| sed 's/[",]//g')
cletusw / .eslintrc
Last active February 29, 2024 20:24
ESLint Reset - A starter .eslintrc file that resets all rules to off and includes a description of what each rule does. From here, enable the rules that you care about by changing the 0 to a 1 or 2. 1 means warning (will not affect exit code) and 2 means error (will affect exit code).
"ecmaFeatures": {
"binaryLiterals": false, // enable binary literals
"blockBindings": false, // enable let and const (aka block bindings)
"defaultParams": false, // enable default function parameters
"forOf": false, // enable for-of loops
"generators": false, // enable generators
"objectLiteralComputedProperties": false, // enable computed object literal property names
MohamedAlaa / tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
Last active September 22, 2024 08:03
tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

start new:


start new with session name:

tmux new -s myname
ssp / git-extract-file.markdown
Created January 23, 2012 13:21
Extract a single file from a git repository

How to extract a single file with its history from a git repository

These steps show two less common interactions with git to extract a single file which is inside a subfolder from a git repository. These steps essentially reduce the repository to just the desired files and should performed on a copy of the original repository (1.).

First the repository is reduced to just the subfolder containing the files in question using git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter (2.) which is a useful step by itself if just a subfolder needs to be extracted. This step moves the desired files to the top level of the repository.

Finally all remaining files are listed using git ls, the files to keep are removed from that using grep -v and the resulting list is passed to git rm which is invoked by git filter-branch --index-filter (3.). A bit convoluted but it does the trick.

1. copy the repository to extract the file from and go to the desired branch