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The Package (dot) JSON: A story of love, triumph, and general witchcraft/wizardry - InitFields: Install Config
"npm:current": {
"ref": "",
"source": [
"npm:legacy": {
"ref": "",
"source": [
"yarn:current": {
"ref": "",
"source": [
"This field contains various settings that alter how the workspace is installed.",
"('hoistingLimits') Defines the highest point where packages can be hoisted, overriding for the current workspace the value initially set for 'nmHoistingLimits'. Valid values are 'workspaces', 'dependencies' and 'none'",
"_example_:{ \n \"installConfig\": { \n \"hoistingLimits\": \"none\" \n }:_example_"
"yarn:legacy": {
"ref": "null",
"source": "null"
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