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Created May 1, 2024 21:16
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Rutina para crear archivos planos de carga SAP
Sub SplitExcelFile()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim chunkSize As Long
Dim outputFolder As String
Dim outputFileName As String
Dim totalValues As Long
Dim chunkCounter As Long
Dim chunkValues As Long
Dim rowData As String
Dim fileNum As Integer
Dim headerWritten As Boolean
' Define the worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Plantilla") ' Change "Sheet1" to your actual sheet name
' Define the last non-empty row in column A
lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
' Define the total count of values excluding the header
' In the model the header rows can contain unpto 81 values including blanks
totalValues = (lastRow - 5) * 81 ' Total values in data rows
' Define the chunk size based on the total count of values
' The SAP tcode doesn't allow more than 999 rows in the plain txt file
chunkSize = 996 ' Total chunk size including header
' Initialize chunk counter
chunkCounter = 1
' Initialize file number for writing to text file
fileNum = FreeFile
' Open new text file for the first chunk
outputFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "piece" & chunkCounter & ".txt"
Open outputFileName For Output As #fileNum
' Write header to the first file
Dim headerData As Range
Set headerData = ws.Rows("1:5")
For Each headerRow In headerData.Rows
For Each cell In headerRow.Cells
If Not IsEmpty(cell.Value) Then
Print #fileNum, cell.Value & vbTab; ' Append tab character after each value
chunkValues = chunkValues + 1 ' Increment chunk values by 1 for each non-empty cell in the header
End If
Next cell
Print #fileNum, ' Print newline after header row values
Next headerRow
headerWritten = True
' Write data rows to text files beginning from row 6 and beyond
For i = 6 To lastRow
' Calculate the number of values in the current row
Dim rowValues As Long
rowValues = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ws.Rows(i))
' Check if adding this row exceeds the chunk size
If chunkValues + rowValues > chunkSize Then
' Close the current text file
Close #fileNum
' Reset chunk values for the next chunk
chunkCounter = chunkCounter + 1
chunkValues = 0
' Open new text file for the next chunk
outputFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "piece" & chunkCounter & ".txt"
fileNum = FreeFile
Open outputFileName For Output As #fileNum
' Write header to the new file
For Each headerRow In headerData.Rows
For Each cell In headerRow.Cells
If Not IsEmpty(cell.Value) Then
Print #fileNum, cell.Value & vbTab; ' Append tab character after each value
chunkValues = chunkValues + 1 ' Increment chunk values by 1 for each non-empty cell in the header
End If
Next cell
Print #fileNum, ' Print newline after header row values
Next headerRow
headerWritten = True
End If
' Copy only the values from the row to the text file
Dim valuesArray As Variant
valuesArray = ws.Rows(i).Value
Dim k As Long
For k = 1 To UBound(valuesArray, 2)
If Not IsEmpty(valuesArray(1, k)) Then
Print #fileNum, valuesArray(1, k) & vbTab; ' Append tab character after each value
chunkValues = chunkValues + 1 ' Increment chunk values by 1 for each non-empty cell in the row
End If
Next k
Print #fileNum, ' Print newline after row values
Next i
' Close the last text file
Close #fileNum
End Sub
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