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mdgrs-mei / TerminalCats.ps1
Last active April 22, 2024 11:12
Cats on the terminal titles
#Requires -Modules DynamicTitle
$promptJob = Start-DTJobPromptCallback {
if ($null -eq $script:terminalCatPromptFrame) {
$script:terminalCatPromptFrame = 0
$isInError = $false
if ($Error[0]) {
rbleattler / Find-ChocoApp.ps1
Last active January 25, 2024 18:39
A command which will search chocolatey for a given package, and return a PowerShell object.
.VERSION 1.0.1
.GUID d8d8b0bc-d1dd-4138-9166-dab64a38e8f6
.AUTHOR Robert Bleattler
.COMPANYNAME Coast Technologies LLC