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Last active April 26, 2021 07:30
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Sudoku Solver in Haskell
-- inspired by
-- it works with the sample;
-- if it doesn't work in general... it's a pity, but I've had enough :D I prefer Scala
-- it's my first Haskell program
-- Exercises for the reader
-- change List to Sequence, it can be more efficient for index-based access
-- guarantee that the board is 9x9 via its type
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
type BoardRow = [Int]
type Board = [BoardRow]
type BoardOrError = Either String Board
greeting = "Type 81 digits (a Sudoku representation, 0 means empty): "
invalidBoard = "This string doesn't represent a board correctly"
size = 3*subGridSize
lastFieldNo = size*size
subGridSize = 3
sample :: [Char]
sample = "530070000600195000098000060800060003400803001700020006060000280000419005000080079"
sampleBrd = fromRight undefined $ stringToBoard sample
-- yup, I like Scala :) --TODO could be better, there is a function to do that OOTB I think
headOption :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a
headOption x = if null collected then Nothing else Just $ head collected
where collected = catMaybes x
-- Really suboptimal for lists, u know? This is why a set would be better
replaceNth :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
replaceNth _ _ [] = []
replaceNth n newVal (x:xs)
| n == 0 = newVal:xs
| otherwise = x:replaceNth (n-1) newVal xs
updateBoard :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
updateBoard x y val brd = replaceNth x (replaceNth y val $ brd!!x) brd
partitionByN :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
partitionByN _ [] = []
partitionByN n l
| n > 0 = (take n l) : (partitionByN n (drop n l))
| otherwise = error "Negative or zero n"
isBoard :: String -> Bool
isBoard str = onlyDigits && (length str) == lastFieldNo
where onlyDigits = isNothing $ find notADigit str
notADigit c = not ('0' <= c && c <= '9')
stringToBoard :: String -> BoardOrError
stringToBoard str
| isBoard str = Right (partitionByN size $ conv str)
| otherwise = Left invalidBoard
where conv xs = map (read . (:"")) xs
boardToString :: Board -> String
boardToString = g.u.d
where g = unlines
d = map (map show)
u = map $ intercalate " "
solve :: Board -> BoardOrError
solve brd = f $ solve' brd 0
where f Nothing = Left "Unsolvable"
f (Just x) = Right x
solve' :: Board -> Int -> Maybe Board
solve' brd n
| (n == lastFieldNo) = Just brd
| (brd!!row!!col > 0) = solve' brd (n+1)
| otherwise = headOption $ map (\a -> solve' (brdUpdatedWith a) (n+1) ) available
where col = n `mod` size
row = n `div` size
available = [1..size]\\(used brd col row)
brdUpdatedWith x = updateBoard row col x brd
coordsToCheck :: Int -> [Int]
coordsToCheck n = [x+q|q<-[0..(subGridSize-1)]]
where x = n - (n `mod` subGridSize)
-- gets numbers used in the same row/col/subgrid
used :: Board -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
used brd x y = sameRow++sameColumn++sameSubgrid
where sameRow = brd!!y
sameColumn = map (!!x) brd
sameSubgrid = map (\(x,y)->brd!!y!!x) $ sgridCoords x y
where sgridCoords a b = [(x,y)| x <- coordsToCheck a, y <- coordsToCheck b]
main = do
putStrLn greeting
line <- getLine
boardOrError <- return $ stringToBoard line
solvedOrError <- return $ boardOrError >>= solve
putStrLn $ either id boardToString solvedOrError
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