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Last active July 13, 2024 18:03
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I'm currently trying to track down the best way to get the generated ScriptingBridge interfaces to work in objc2.

Here's the Rust code using objc2 that works with the raw events but not the calls from the generated interface:

Getting the MusicApplication does work and I can call the methods from SBApplicaiton on it and even use the sendevent command to calls the methods directly. But trying to use the methods that would normally be provided by the header aren't there.

When using objective-c directly you can just store the returned SBApplication in the MusicApplication from the generated header and use the methods defined in the interface returns invalid message send to -[SBScriptableApplication playpause]: method not found

Is there a way to just delcare an interface and use it in objc2? Or do I need to do something else here.

I've included some code below in this gist in and Music.h for how this works in objective c directly. Somehow having that interface declated seems to be doing some magic.

Below that is the code that generates the header if that's helpful but all objective c needs is the header file after that.

Apple Documentation:


Sending raw events:

Around the internet

Found a similar conversation on stack overflow about how scripting bridge works:

#import "Music.h"
MusicApplication* musicApplication = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""];
[app playpause];
sdef /System/Applications/ > Music.sdef
sdp -fh --basename Music Music.sdef
* Music.h
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#import <ScriptingBridge/ScriptingBridge.h>
@class MusicApplication, MusicItem, MusicAirPlayDevice, MusicArtwork, MusicEncoder, MusicEQPreset, MusicPlaylist, MusicAudioCDPlaylist, MusicLibraryPlaylist, MusicRadioTunerPlaylist, MusicSource, MusicSubscriptionPlaylist, MusicTrack, MusicAudioCDTrack, MusicFileTrack, MusicSharedTrack, MusicURLTrack, MusicUserPlaylist, MusicFolderPlaylist, MusicVisual, MusicWindow, MusicBrowserWindow, MusicEQWindow, MusicMiniplayerWindow, MusicPlaylistWindow, MusicVideoWindow;
enum MusicEKnd {
MusicEKndTrackListing = 'kTrk' /* a basic listing of tracks within a playlist */,
MusicEKndAlbumListing = 'kAlb' /* a listing of a playlist grouped by album */,
MusicEKndCdInsert = 'kCDi' /* a printout of the playlist for jewel case inserts */
typedef enum MusicEKnd MusicEKnd;
enum MusicEnum {
MusicEnumStandard = 'lwst' /* Standard PostScript error handling */,
MusicEnumDetailed = 'lwdt' /* print a detailed report of PostScript errors */
typedef enum MusicEnum MusicEnum;
enum MusicEPlS {
MusicEPlSStopped = 'kPSS',
MusicEPlSPlaying = 'kPSP',
MusicEPlSPaused = 'kPSp',
MusicEPlSFastForwarding = 'kPSF',
MusicEPlSRewinding = 'kPSR'
typedef enum MusicEPlS MusicEPlS;
enum MusicERpt {
MusicERptOff = 'kRpO',
MusicERptOne = 'kRp1',
MusicERptAll = 'kAll'
typedef enum MusicERpt MusicERpt;
enum MusicEShM {
MusicEShMSongs = 'kShS',
MusicEShMAlbums = 'kShA',
MusicEShMGroupings = 'kShG'
typedef enum MusicEShM MusicEShM;
enum MusicESrc {
MusicESrcLibrary = 'kLib',
MusicESrcAudioCD = 'kACD',
MusicESrcMP3CD = 'kMCD',
MusicESrcRadioTuner = 'kTun',
MusicESrcSharedLibrary = 'kShd',
MusicESrcITunesStore = 'kITS',
MusicESrcUnknown = 'kUnk'
typedef enum MusicESrc MusicESrc;
enum MusicESrA {
MusicESrAAlbums = 'kSrL' /* albums only */,
MusicESrAAll = 'kAll' /* all text fields */,
MusicESrAArtists = 'kSrR' /* artists only */,
MusicESrAComposers = 'kSrC' /* composers only */,
MusicESrADisplayed = 'kSrV' /* visible text fields */,
MusicESrANames = 'kSrS' /* track names only */
typedef enum MusicESrA MusicESrA;
enum MusicESpK {
MusicESpKNone = 'kNon',
MusicESpKFolder = 'kSpF',
MusicESpKGenius = 'kSpG',
MusicESpKLibrary = 'kSpL',
MusicESpKMusic = 'kSpZ',
MusicESpKPurchasedMusic = 'kSpM'
typedef enum MusicESpK MusicESpK;
enum MusicEMdK {
MusicEMdKSong = 'kMdS' /* music track */,
MusicEMdKMusicVideo = 'kVdV' /* music video track */,
MusicEMdKMovie = 'kVdM' /* movie track */,
MusicEMdKTVShow = 'kVdT' /* TV show track */,
MusicEMdKUnknown = 'kUnk'
typedef enum MusicEMdK MusicEMdK;
enum MusicERtK {
MusicERtKUser = 'kRtU' /* user-specified rating */,
MusicERtKComputed = 'kRtC' /* computed rating */
typedef enum MusicERtK MusicERtK;
enum MusicEAPD {
MusicEAPDComputer = 'kAPC',
MusicEAPDAirPortExpress = 'kAPX',
MusicEAPDAppleTV = 'kAPT',
MusicEAPDAirPlayDevice = 'kAPO',
MusicEAPDBluetoothDevice = 'kAPB',
MusicEAPDHomePod = 'kAPH',
MusicEAPDTV = 'kAPV',
MusicEAPDUnknown = 'kAPU'
typedef enum MusicEAPD MusicEAPD;
enum MusicEClS {
MusicEClSUnknown = 'kUnk',
MusicEClSPurchased = 'kPur',
MusicEClSMatched = 'kMat',
MusicEClSUploaded = 'kUpl',
MusicEClSIneligible = 'kRej',
MusicEClSRemoved = 'kRem',
MusicEClSError = 'kErr',
MusicEClSDuplicate = 'kDup',
MusicEClSSubscription = 'kSub',
MusicEClSPrerelease = 'kPrR',
MusicEClSNoLongerAvailable = 'kRev',
MusicEClSNotUploaded = 'kUpP'
typedef enum MusicEClS MusicEClS;
enum MusicEExF {
MusicEExFPlainText = 'kTXT',
MusicEExFUnicodeText = 'kUCT',
MusicEExFXML = 'kXML',
MusicEExFM3U = 'kM3U',
MusicEExFM3U8 = 'kM38'
typedef enum MusicEExF MusicEExF;
@protocol MusicGenericMethods
- (void) printPrintDialog:(BOOL)printDialog withProperties:(NSDictionary *)withProperties kind:(MusicEKnd)kind theme:(NSString *)theme; // Print the specified object(s)
- (void) close; // Close an object
- (void) delete; // Delete an element from an object
- (SBObject *) duplicateTo:(SBObject *)to; // Duplicate one or more object(s)
- (BOOL) exists; // Verify if an object exists
- (void) open; // Open the specified object(s)
- (void) save; // Save the specified object(s)
- (void) playOnce:(BOOL)once; // play the current track or the specified track or file.
- (void) select; // select the specified object(s)
* Music Suite
// The application program
@interface MusicApplication : SBApplication
- (SBElementArray<MusicAirPlayDevice *> *) AirPlayDevices;
- (SBElementArray<MusicBrowserWindow *> *) browserWindows;
- (SBElementArray<MusicEncoder *> *) encoders;
- (SBElementArray<MusicEQPreset *> *) EQPresets;
- (SBElementArray<MusicEQWindow *> *) EQWindows;
- (SBElementArray<MusicMiniplayerWindow *> *) miniplayerWindows;
- (SBElementArray<MusicPlaylist *> *) playlists;
- (SBElementArray<MusicPlaylistWindow *> *) playlistWindows;
- (SBElementArray<MusicSource *> *) sources;
- (SBElementArray<MusicTrack *> *) tracks;
- (SBElementArray<MusicVideoWindow *> *) videoWindows;
- (SBElementArray<MusicVisual *> *) visuals;
- (SBElementArray<MusicWindow *> *) windows;
@property (readonly) BOOL AirPlayEnabled; // is AirPlay currently enabled?
@property (readonly) BOOL converting; // is a track currently being converted?
@property (copy) NSArray<MusicAirPlayDevice *> *currentAirPlayDevices; // the currently selected AirPlay device(s)
@property (copy) MusicEncoder *currentEncoder; // the currently selected encoder (MP3, AIFF, WAV, etc.)
@property (copy) MusicEQPreset *currentEQPreset; // the currently selected equalizer preset
@property (copy, readonly) MusicPlaylist *currentPlaylist; // the playlist containing the currently targeted track
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *currentStreamTitle; // the name of the current track in the playing stream (provided by streaming server)
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *currentStreamURL; // the URL of the playing stream or streaming web site (provided by streaming server)
@property (copy, readonly) MusicTrack *currentTrack; // the current targeted track
@property (copy) MusicVisual *currentVisual; // the currently selected visual plug-in
@property BOOL EQEnabled; // is the equalizer enabled?
@property BOOL fixedIndexing; // true if all AppleScript track indices should be independent of the play order of the owning playlist.
@property BOOL frontmost; // is this the active application?
@property BOOL fullScreen; // is the application using the entire screen?
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *name; // the name of the application
@property BOOL mute; // has the sound output been muted?
@property double playerPosition; // the player’s position within the currently playing track in seconds.
@property (readonly) MusicEPlS playerState; // is the player stopped, paused, or playing?
@property (copy, readonly) SBObject *selection; // the selection visible to the user
@property BOOL shuffleEnabled; // are songs played in random order?
@property MusicEShM shuffleMode; // the playback shuffle mode
@property MusicERpt songRepeat; // the playback repeat mode
@property NSInteger soundVolume; // the sound output volume (0 = minimum, 100 = maximum)
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *version; // the version of the application
@property BOOL visualsEnabled; // are visuals currently being displayed?
- (void) printPrintDialog:(BOOL)printDialog withProperties:(NSDictionary *)withProperties kind:(MusicEKnd)kind theme:(NSString *)theme; // Print the specified object(s)
- (void) run; // Run the application
- (void) quit; // Quit the application
- (MusicTrack *) add:(NSArray<NSURL *> *)x to:(SBObject *)to; // add one or more files to a playlist
- (void) backTrack; // reposition to beginning of current track or go to previous track if already at start of current track
- (MusicTrack *) convert:(NSArray<SBObject *> *)x; // convert one or more files or tracks
- (void) fastForward; // skip forward in a playing track
- (void) nextTrack; // advance to the next track in the current playlist
- (void) pause; // pause playback
- (void) playOnce:(BOOL)once; // play the current track or the specified track or file.
- (void) playpause; // toggle the playing/paused state of the current track
- (void) previousTrack; // return to the previous track in the current playlist
- (void) resume; // disable fast forward/rewind and resume playback, if playing.
- (void) rewind; // skip backwards in a playing track
- (void) stop; // stop playback
- (void) openLocation:(NSString *)x; // Opens an iTunes Store or audio stream URL
// an item
@interface MusicItem : SBObject <MusicGenericMethods>
@property (copy, readonly) SBObject *container; // the container of the item
- (NSInteger) id; // the id of the item
@property (readonly) NSInteger index; // the index of the item in internal application order
@property (copy) NSString *name; // the name of the item
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *persistentID; // the id of the item as a hexadecimal string. This id does not change over time.
@property (copy) NSDictionary *properties; // every property of the item
- (void) download; // download a cloud track or playlist
- (NSString *) exportAs:(MusicEExF)as to:(NSURL *)to; // export a source or playlist
- (void) reveal; // reveal and select a track or playlist
// an AirPlay device
@interface MusicAirPlayDevice : MusicItem
@property (readonly) BOOL active; // is the device currently being played to?
@property (readonly) BOOL available; // is the device currently available?
@property (readonly) MusicEAPD kind; // the kind of the device
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *networkAddress; // the network (MAC) address of the device
- (BOOL) protected; // is the device password- or passcode-protected?
@property BOOL selected; // is the device currently selected?
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsAudio; // does the device support audio playback?
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsVideo; // does the device support video playback?
@property NSInteger soundVolume; // the output volume for the device (0 = minimum, 100 = maximum)
// a piece of art within a track or playlist
@interface MusicArtwork : MusicItem
@property (copy) NSImage *data; // data for this artwork, in the form of a picture
@property (copy) NSString *objectDescription; // description of artwork as a string
@property (readonly) BOOL downloaded; // was this artwork downloaded by Music?
@property (copy, readonly) NSNumber *format; // the data format for this piece of artwork
@property NSInteger kind; // kind or purpose of this piece of artwork
@property (copy) id rawData; // data for this artwork, in original format
// converts a track to a specific file format
@interface MusicEncoder : MusicItem
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *format; // the data format created by the encoder
// equalizer preset configuration
@interface MusicEQPreset : MusicItem
@property double band1; // the equalizer 32 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@property double band2; // the equalizer 64 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@property double band3; // the equalizer 125 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@property double band4; // the equalizer 250 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@property double band5; // the equalizer 500 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@property double band6; // the equalizer 1 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@property double band7; // the equalizer 2 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@property double band8; // the equalizer 4 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@property double band9; // the equalizer 8 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@property double band10; // the equalizer 16 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@property (readonly) BOOL modifiable; // can this preset be modified?
@property double preamp; // the equalizer preamp level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@property BOOL updateTracks; // should tracks which refer to this preset be updated when the preset is renamed or deleted?
// a list of tracks/streams
@interface MusicPlaylist : MusicItem
- (SBElementArray<MusicTrack *> *) tracks;
- (SBElementArray<MusicArtwork *> *) artworks;
@property (copy) NSString *objectDescription; // the description of the playlist
@property BOOL disliked; // is this playlist disliked?
@property (readonly) NSInteger duration; // the total length of all tracks (in seconds)
@property (copy) NSString *name; // the name of the playlist
@property BOOL favorited; // is this playlist favorited?
@property (copy, readonly) MusicPlaylist *parent; // folder which contains this playlist (if any)
@property (readonly) NSInteger size; // the total size of all tracks (in bytes)
@property (readonly) MusicESpK specialKind; // special playlist kind
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *time; // the length of all tracks in MM:SS format
@property (readonly) BOOL visible; // is this playlist visible in the Source list?
- (void) moveTo:(SBObject *)to; // Move playlist(s) to a new location
- (MusicTrack *) searchFor:(NSString *)for_ only:(MusicESrA)only; // search a playlist for tracks matching the search string. Identical to entering search text in the Search field.
// a playlist representing an audio CD
@interface MusicAudioCDPlaylist : MusicPlaylist
- (SBElementArray<MusicAudioCDTrack *> *) audioCDTracks;
@property (copy) NSString *artist; // the artist of the CD
@property BOOL compilation; // is this CD a compilation album?
@property (copy) NSString *composer; // the composer of the CD
@property NSInteger discCount; // the total number of discs in this CD’s album
@property NSInteger discNumber; // the index of this CD disc in the source album
@property (copy) NSString *genre; // the genre of the CD
@property NSInteger year; // the year the album was recorded/released
// the main library playlist
@interface MusicLibraryPlaylist : MusicPlaylist
- (SBElementArray<MusicFileTrack *> *) fileTracks;
- (SBElementArray<MusicURLTrack *> *) URLTracks;
- (SBElementArray<MusicSharedTrack *> *) sharedTracks;
// the radio tuner playlist
@interface MusicRadioTunerPlaylist : MusicPlaylist
- (SBElementArray<MusicURLTrack *> *) URLTracks;
// a media source (library, CD, device, etc.)
@interface MusicSource : MusicItem
- (SBElementArray<MusicAudioCDPlaylist *> *) audioCDPlaylists;
- (SBElementArray<MusicLibraryPlaylist *> *) libraryPlaylists;
- (SBElementArray<MusicPlaylist *> *) playlists;
- (SBElementArray<MusicRadioTunerPlaylist *> *) radioTunerPlaylists;
- (SBElementArray<MusicSubscriptionPlaylist *> *) subscriptionPlaylists;
- (SBElementArray<MusicUserPlaylist *> *) userPlaylists;
@property (readonly) long long capacity; // the total size of the source if it has a fixed size
@property (readonly) long long freeSpace; // the free space on the source if it has a fixed size
@property (readonly) MusicESrc kind;
// a subscription playlist from Apple Music
@interface MusicSubscriptionPlaylist : MusicPlaylist
- (SBElementArray<MusicFileTrack *> *) fileTracks;
- (SBElementArray<MusicURLTrack *> *) URLTracks;
// playable audio source
@interface MusicTrack : MusicItem
- (SBElementArray<MusicArtwork *> *) artworks;
@property (copy) NSString *album; // the album name of the track
@property (copy) NSString *albumArtist; // the album artist of the track
@property BOOL albumDisliked; // is the album for this track disliked?
@property BOOL albumFavorited; // is the album for this track favorited?
@property NSInteger albumRating; // the rating of the album for this track (0 to 100)
@property (readonly) MusicERtK albumRatingKind; // the rating kind of the album rating for this track
@property (copy) NSString *artist; // the artist/source of the track
@property (readonly) NSInteger bitRate; // the bit rate of the track (in kbps)
@property double bookmark; // the bookmark time of the track in seconds
@property BOOL bookmarkable; // is the playback position for this track remembered?
@property NSInteger bpm; // the tempo of this track in beats per minute
@property (copy) NSString *category; // the category of the track
@property (readonly) MusicEClS cloudStatus; // the iCloud status of the track
@property (copy) NSString *comment; // freeform notes about the track
@property BOOL compilation; // is this track from a compilation album?
@property (copy) NSString *composer; // the composer of the track
@property (readonly) NSInteger databaseID; // the common, unique ID for this track. If two tracks in different playlists have the same database ID, they are sharing the same data.
@property (copy, readonly) NSDate *dateAdded; // the date the track was added to the playlist
@property (copy) NSString *objectDescription; // the description of the track
@property NSInteger discCount; // the total number of discs in the source album
@property NSInteger discNumber; // the index of the disc containing this track on the source album
@property BOOL disliked; // is this track disliked?
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *downloaderAppleID; // the Apple ID of the person who downloaded this track
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *downloaderName; // the name of the person who downloaded this track
@property (readonly) double duration; // the length of the track in seconds
@property BOOL enabled; // is this track checked for playback?
@property (copy) NSString *episodeID; // the episode ID of the track
@property NSInteger episodeNumber; // the episode number of the track
@property (copy) NSString *EQ; // the name of the EQ preset of the track
@property double finish; // the stop time of the track in seconds
@property BOOL gapless; // is this track from a gapless album?
@property (copy) NSString *genre; // the music/audio genre (category) of the track
@property (copy) NSString *grouping; // the grouping (piece) of the track. Generally used to denote movements within a classical work.
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *kind; // a text description of the track
@property (copy) NSString *longDescription; // the long description of the track
@property BOOL favorited; // is this track favorited?
@property (copy) NSString *lyrics; // the lyrics of the track
@property MusicEMdK mediaKind; // the media kind of the track
@property (copy, readonly) NSDate *modificationDate; // the modification date of the content of this track
@property (copy) NSString *movement; // the movement name of the track
@property NSInteger movementCount; // the total number of movements in the work
@property NSInteger movementNumber; // the index of the movement in the work
@property NSInteger playedCount; // number of times this track has been played
@property (copy) NSDate *playedDate; // the date and time this track was last played
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *purchaserAppleID; // the Apple ID of the person who purchased this track
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *purchaserName; // the name of the person who purchased this track
@property NSInteger rating; // the rating of this track (0 to 100)
@property (readonly) MusicERtK ratingKind; // the rating kind of this track
@property (copy, readonly) NSDate *releaseDate; // the release date of this track
@property (readonly) NSInteger sampleRate; // the sample rate of the track (in Hz)
@property NSInteger seasonNumber; // the season number of the track
@property BOOL shufflable; // is this track included when shuffling?
@property NSInteger skippedCount; // number of times this track has been skipped
@property (copy) NSDate *skippedDate; // the date and time this track was last skipped
@property (copy) NSString *show; // the show name of the track
@property (copy) NSString *sortAlbum; // override string to use for the track when sorting by album
@property (copy) NSString *sortArtist; // override string to use for the track when sorting by artist
@property (copy) NSString *sortAlbumArtist; // override string to use for the track when sorting by album artist
@property (copy) NSString *sortName; // override string to use for the track when sorting by name
@property (copy) NSString *sortComposer; // override string to use for the track when sorting by composer
@property (copy) NSString *sortShow; // override string to use for the track when sorting by show name
@property (readonly) long long size; // the size of the track (in bytes)
@property double start; // the start time of the track in seconds
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *time; // the length of the track in MM:SS format
@property NSInteger trackCount; // the total number of tracks on the source album
@property NSInteger trackNumber; // the index of the track on the source album
@property BOOL unplayed; // is this track unplayed?
@property NSInteger volumeAdjustment; // relative volume adjustment of the track (-100% to 100%)
@property (copy) NSString *work; // the work name of the track
@property NSInteger year; // the year the track was recorded/released
// a track on an audio CD
@interface MusicAudioCDTrack : MusicTrack
@property (copy, readonly) NSURL *location; // the location of the file represented by this track
// a track representing an audio file (MP3, AIFF, etc.)
@interface MusicFileTrack : MusicTrack
@property (copy) NSURL *location; // the location of the file represented by this track
- (void) refresh; // update file track information from the current information in the track’s file
// a track residing in a shared library
@interface MusicSharedTrack : MusicTrack
// a track representing a network stream
@interface MusicURLTrack : MusicTrack
@property (copy) NSString *address; // the URL for this track
// custom playlists created by the user
@interface MusicUserPlaylist : MusicPlaylist
- (SBElementArray<MusicFileTrack *> *) fileTracks;
- (SBElementArray<MusicURLTrack *> *) URLTracks;
- (SBElementArray<MusicSharedTrack *> *) sharedTracks;
@property BOOL shared; // is this playlist shared?
@property (readonly) BOOL smart; // is this a Smart Playlist?
@property (readonly) BOOL genius; // is this a Genius Playlist?
// a folder that contains other playlists
@interface MusicFolderPlaylist : MusicUserPlaylist
// a visual plug-in
@interface MusicVisual : MusicItem
// any window
@interface MusicWindow : MusicItem
@property NSRect bounds; // the boundary rectangle for the window
@property (readonly) BOOL closeable; // does the window have a close button?
@property (readonly) BOOL collapseable; // does the window have a collapse button?
@property BOOL collapsed; // is the window collapsed?
@property BOOL fullScreen; // is the window full screen?
@property NSPoint position; // the upper left position of the window
@property (readonly) BOOL resizable; // is the window resizable?
@property BOOL visible; // is the window visible?
@property (readonly) BOOL zoomable; // is the window zoomable?
@property BOOL zoomed; // is the window zoomed?
// the main window
@interface MusicBrowserWindow : MusicWindow
@property (copy, readonly) SBObject *selection; // the selected tracks
@property (copy) MusicPlaylist *view; // the playlist currently displayed in the window
// the equalizer window
@interface MusicEQWindow : MusicWindow
// the miniplayer window
@interface MusicMiniplayerWindow : MusicWindow
// a sub-window showing a single playlist
@interface MusicPlaylistWindow : MusicWindow
@property (copy, readonly) SBObject *selection; // the selected tracks
@property (copy, readonly) MusicPlaylist *view; // the playlist displayed in the window
// the video window
@interface MusicVideoWindow : MusicWindow
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